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  • Understand The Core Value Of Love Series

    Contributed by John Dunaway on Jul 13, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    How the love of Christ affects those in a relationship with him.

    “Understanding our Core Values: LOVE” John 15:9-13 (New Living Translation) 9 “I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love. 10 When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. 11 I have told you these more

  • Sleeping Church Members

    Contributed by David Radcliff on May 4, 2016

    Zion was, of course, in the southern kingdom of Judah; so both parts of the nation, Judah and Israel, are addressed here.

    SLEEPING CHURCH MEMBERS Amos 6:1 Zion was, of course, in the southern kingdom of Judah; so both parts of the nation, Judah and Israel, are addressed here. Zion was the center of religion—God's temple was there, and Samaria was the metropolis of a powerful kingdom. "Woe to them that are at more

  • Palm Sunday: 5 Ingredients To Real Revival

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 14, 2021

    You Get Excited You Are Obedient You Give Gladly You Praise Publically You Witness to Others

    Just as Jesus came into the ancient city of Jerusalem back then, He’s come again and again into our churches and our lives. He came physically then but He has the ability to come even more powerfully now. He is here in this room but His presence can become even more apparent. The atmosphere can more

  • Preach With Power

    Contributed by Darrell Jones on Jun 22, 2005
    based on 44 ratings

    A preacher friend of mine once told me, that he had a hard time finding something to preach about. We take a look at the theme of effective preaching.

    Abraham Licoln once said, "I like to watch a preacher who looks like he is fighting off a swarm of bee’s as he preaches." There are varying styles of preaching, some exciting, some very powerful. Yet, sad but true, many are boring. One guy described some preachers as being, "drier than cracker more

  • Is Revival Possible Today?

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jul 1, 2004
    based on 201 ratings

    A message encouraging church members to get prepared for revival.

    IS REVIVAL POSSIBLE TODAY? Acts 2:1-8, 37-47 INTRO: The year was 1726. It began with two men. Frelingheysen and Gilbert Tennant. Later joined by Jonathan Edwards, revival spread across the whole New England area, until 150 communities were involved. Later, John Wesley, had a similar experience in more

  • Paul's Sees The Light

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 11, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    Paul’s Conversion on the Road to Damascus

    “Paul Sees the Light" Acts 9:3-19; 26-31 When God calls, do you question? When God asks for a change in you, do you delay? Think of Jonah …. God had to have him swallowed by a fish to get his attention Some don’t believe this is possible because of the gastrointestinal liquids that would devour more

  • Sins Of The Saints And Its Remedies Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Dec 4, 2016

    This passage talks about misunderstanding developed by Joseph on Mary. Misunderstanding could have spoiled the plan of God. Many Godly people give place for Satan to use them and destroy the ministry. Real understanding of the Scripture brings joy to all

    First Advent Sunday Mathew 1:18-25 Introduction: After the period of 400 dark years, the Lord sent good news to Mary that he would be born in her womb. But Satan tried his level best to destroy the plan of God by bringing dis honor to this couple by separating them. However Joseph listen to the more

  • The Pandemic Crisis Could Be Our New Appointment To Rise Up

    Contributed by Patrick Usifo on Jul 18, 2020

    Even so, the plans of the Lord always carry with her the potential to move us to a new level of experience. According to His purpose, God can allow changes when it is ordained to take us to Mount Pisgah so we can see the Promised Land.

    Moreover, as humans, we are accustomed to believing that unplanned changes caused by a crisis are not our friends because they tend to threaten and upset the balance of our nature and livelihood. However, what looks like unplanned changes to us maybe God’s plan according to His purpose. But can God more

  • Are We There Yet?

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Jun 19, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus asks the disciples are they there yet, meaning is your faith go to the point of belief.

    Mark 4:35-41 “Are we there yet”? 1. Jesus seems to be out of whack, people love Him, People hate him, People don’t understand him • It is the end of a long day. Jesus is growing in success and popularity. • He is provoking strong reactions from nearly everyone with whom he comes into more

  • Unleashing Our Inner Strength SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    I am convinced that the devil's greatest fear is that the church will get a revelation of the power that we already have, and that we will start acting like who God says we are.

    I believe that the devil is most afraid of the church realizing the power we already possess and starting to act in accordance with who God says we are. Let's read Acts 2:1-4: "When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind more

  • Fasting Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Jul 31, 2014

    Motivation in Fasting

    Motivation in Fasting Matthew 6:16-18 We have taken a rest stop on fasting for a few weeks. From Luke 2 we saw two God centered old saints who were not satisfied with the status quote who hungered for more of God and for him to work on behalf of his people. Anna in particular gave herself to more

  • The Jailer Who Received Jesus

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Aug 3, 2003
    based on 91 ratings

    There was a certain course of events that led to the salvation of the Philippian jailer, and these have certain implications with reference to our witnessing today.

    The Jailer Who Received Jesus Text: Acts 16: 29-34 Intro: The portion of scripture we’ve just read is filled with suspense and excitement—the result of a midnight earthquake and an attempted suicide. Lest we view this account as merely a Bible story, let me be quick to remind us that these more

  • Great Jail Breaks - Part I

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Nov 7, 2000
    based on 55 ratings

    No time for sleeping.

    The year was approximately AD 47. Apart from the stoning of Stephen thirteen years before, the infant church had enjoyed almost a decade and a half of relative peace in which to grow. When many believers had scattered to their homelands following Stephen’s stoning, the gospel had gone with more

  • Oprah & Eckhart Tolle's: New Earth

    Contributed by John Hamby on Apr 8, 2008
    based on 74 ratings

    A Christian response to Oprah’s new on-line Class with Eckhart Tolle - every Monday night on The classes started March 3, 2008 and last week two million attended the class. Which is leaving scorces of confused people in it wake.

    “Oprah& Eckhart Tolle’s: New Earth” Acts 17:11 Open with 8 minute video clip [“Mega Church Of Oprah.” available at] Oprah Winfrey is a one-woman entertainment empire and her influence extends around the world. The more

  • Lessons From Jeremiah – Part 3 – Jeremiah Commissioned; Two Visions; And God Demands Action Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jan 26, 2024

    Jeremiah is commissioned by the Lord for the task ahead. Two visions speak of coming judgement upon Judah, and God demands the prophet acts urgently with the message God gave him of impending doom.

    LESSONS FROM JEREMIAH – PART 3 – JEREMIAH COMMISSIONED; TWO VISIONS; AND GOD DEMANDS ACTION PART 3 – Jeremiah 1:9-17 CHAPTER 1 {{Jeremiah 1:9-10 Then the LORD stretched out His hand AND TOUCHED MY MOUTH, and the LORD said to me, “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have appointed more

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