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  • 9 The Awakening Series

    Contributed by Michael Collins on Sep 5, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 9th of 31 Devotions on the book of Jonah. Today's devotion is about Jonah being awoken by the Captain, to call on God for mercy and deliverance.

    The Awakening Jonah 1:6 – “So the captain came to him, and said to him, “What do you mean, sleeper? Arise, call on your God; perhaps your God will consider us, so that we may not perish.” So the captain came to him, and said to him A Rude Awakening When the news of Jonah sleeping got to the more

  • The Grace Awakening Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Sep 21, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    No one is too sinful to be saved.

    I begin with an excerpt from a Breakpoint commentary aired this week called, “Self-constructed, Build-a-Bear, Buffet-Style Christianity is no Christianity at All.” It’s posted on Sermon Extras if you’d like to read it. In a pair of tweets that recently made rounds on social media, a young more

  • Awakening In The Storm

    Contributed by Rev. Duraimony Dickson on Sep 26, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Rise up and awaken your soul in need of the gospel. Let your spirit not fall asleep. Let the church be awake in the spirit, and let your friends and family be awake in the spirit.

    Awakening in the Storm Then I said, I have been cast out of your sight; yet I will look again toward your holy temple. - Jonah 2:4 Dear Brothers, & Christ, today let us meditate some lessons from the story of Jonah. He received a word from the Lord to go to the great city of Nineveh to warn more

  • Awakening To Ministry Series

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Apr 23, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    As Jesus stood in their midst and proclaimed peace, Jesus was also about to send them forth.

    Intro When Jesus appeared to His disciples after His resurrection did He really establish confession to a priest? Goal Let’s understand what Jesus said and how it was understood in early church history. Plan Let’s look at John 20:19-31 and Jesus’ appearance to the disciples. John 20:19 Peace more

  • Grace Awakening Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Apr 23, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The Apostle Paul gives four aspects, or realities, of God’s redemptive grace, in salvation from: 1) The Penalty (Titus 2:11), 2) The Power (Titus 2:12), 3) The Presence (Titus 2:13), and 4) The Possession (Titus 2:14) of sin.

    During an interview this past week on CNN, the family of the man named Robert Godwin Sr. who was murdered on a recently posted Facebook video, responded in a way people could never imagine. His daughter said: “My father taught us how to love God, how to fear God and how to forgive. Each one of us more

  • Awakening To The Bread Series

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Apr 25, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The journey to Emmaus is a mystery. Along the way we meet a stranger and He explains the Scriptures to us. Then He breaks bread and the mystery is revealed.

    Intro The journey to Emmaus is a mystery. Along the way we meet a stranger and He explains the Scriptures to us. Then He breaks bread and the mystery is revealed. Purpose Let’s introduce the stranger who accompanies us on life’s journey. Plan Let’s look at Luke 24:13-35 and the mystery on the more

  • Awakening To Baptism Series

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on May 3, 2017

    How does entering the sheepfold by the door picture baptism?

    Intro How do we become part of Christ’s flock and what does He do with His sheep? Goal Let’s realize that Jesus brings His sheep together. Plan Let’s look at John 10:1-10 and see how baptism makes us part of the faith community. John 10:1 The Sheepfold We can learn a lot about Christianity more

  • A Great Awakening Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Jul 29, 2020

    Sometimes we get second chances in life. This morning, we are going see that God in His mercy gave Jonah a mulligan on his mission to Nineveh and the results were spectacular!

    A Great Awakening! (Jonah 3) Pastor Jefferson M. Williams Chenoa Baptist Church 9-25-19 Mulligan I occasionally play golf. Not well, but I do play from time to time. I’ve learned there are different kinds of people who play golf. There are those who take it super seriously. I’ve played with more

  • Awaken To The Times

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Apr 25, 2024

    Though the world may persecute us, and evil may seem to prevail, we must still work for Christ. The Church must shine for Him. We must preach and demonstrate the gospel, for without us, how will the world know Christ?

    Opening illustration: All of us are slaves to time. We wear wristwatches or have timers on our smart phones to keep us on schedule. We have digital clocks in our car and alarm clocks on our nightstands. Lots of people keep a Day-Timer nearby so they can keep track of their appointments and more

  • The Causes Of Spiritual Awakening Series

    Contributed by Robert Robb on Feb 25, 2001
    based on 78 ratings

    How God changed spiritual apapathy into Spiritual awakening

    Limavady Reformed Presbyterian Church Studies in Haggai Study 4 Introduction Over the past three Sabbath Mornings in our studies in the Book of Haggai we have been considering the subject of Spiritual Apathy among the people of God and we have seen that such was the condition of God’s people in more

  • Wake Up PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 30, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Encourages spiritual awakening, active participation in God's kingdom, and the transformation that results from experiencing God's nearness and living out our faith.

    Welcome, dear brothers and sisters, to this sacred gathering, this blessed assembly of God's children. We are here, not by accident, but by divine appointment. Our lives, like streams flowing towards the ocean, have led us to this moment, to this place, where we can drink from the wellspring of more

  • The Evidences Of Spiritual Awakening Series

    Contributed by Robert Robb on Mar 14, 2001
    based on 75 ratings

    What were the evidences of a spiritual awakening taking place under Haggi’s ministry?

    Studies in The Book of Haggai Study 5 Introduction The Lord Jesus once told a parable about a farmer who went out to sow some seed in one of his fields. Although he sowed out the whole field there were places here and there where the soil quality differed and because of that some of the seed that more

  • Awaken Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Cameron Conway on Aug 30, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Will we stand up and become the plague of holiness that the world has been dreading for 2000 years.

    Awaken Pt3 For more messages and resources by Cameron Conway visit Who are we waiting for then? What are we afraid of, do we not remember 1 John 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even more

  • The Results Of Spiritual Awakening Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Nov 19, 2008

    From the life of Jonah, this message offers what happens when Spiritual Awakening comes.

    The Results of a Spiritual Awakening Jonah 3:6-9 * I begin with a question tonight, “What happens when revival comes?” Last Sunday I talked about the need for a spiritual revival and many today have never born witness to a moving of the manifest presence of God. Thus, these have little idea about more

  • Passionate Love Awaken Series

    Contributed by Bumble Ho on Apr 24, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a verse-by-verse exposition (1 of 4). Big idea: Of many practical guidelines in Dating and Courtship, the most important is this: Passionate Love is meant to lead to Permanent Love.

    Sacred Romance 1: Passionate Love Awaken {Intro: World’s Song and God’s Song} My favorite old movie is Casablanca. A classic film with Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, where Bogie owns Rick’s Café American bar in Casablanca, Morroco. It takes place during World War 2 in Casablanca, which was more

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