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  • Praying For God's Purpose Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Nov 15, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Praying for Spiritual Awakening is a prayer to ask God to help us move out of our comfort zones and use the strength and wealth He has given us to relieve the suffering of others.

    Pray For God’s Purpose Isaiah 5:1-7 Introduction The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. It’s far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. If you want to know why you more

  • Jesus Speaks Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 8, 2021

    It’s here on the Road to Emmaus that you and I learn powerful lessons on how to experience a personal awakening. My aim this morning is this: for you to experience a personal time of worship.

    Good morning to my friends at Cross Church. As you are finding the last chapter of Luke 24, I want to invite you to a powerful time of prayer two Sundays from today. I am calling our church to pray for spiritual awakening. Personal awakening… for our church to awaken, and for our nation to awaken. more

  • Will You Not Revive Us Again? Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Apr 13, 2024

    My basketball coaches would ask our high school team, “Who wants it?” Again, I want you to personally experience a revival. Here is a fork in the road kind of question: Do you want to experience an awakening?

    I want you to personally experience a revival. I want our church family to experience a spiritual awakening. And most importantly, God Himself wants you to experience Him in all His fulness. A revival is a time when God hits the fast-forward button for you. It’s a time when you experience a more

  • Tongues Pt. 3 Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Feb 19, 2013

    The spiritual gift of a private prayer language is the elephant in the room. Since the Pentecostal awakening at Azusa Street in Los Angeles, the rebirth of Pentecostalism in the church, and the return of tongues, people have reacted with heated arguments

    Prayer Language & Scripture A The spiritual gift of a private prayer language is the elephant in the room. 1 Since the Pentecostal awakening at Azusa Street in Los Angeles, the rebirth of Pentecostalism in the church, and the return of tongues, people have reacted with heated arguments and more

  • The Unsent "S.o.s."

    Contributed by Dwight Davis on Mar 13, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    In this sermon I try to awaken a sense of urgency, both for unbelievers and professed believers alike, to examine our spiritual lives and see our immediate need for an intimate, saving relationship with Jesus Christ.

    The Unsent S.O.S. You may remember a story that was all over the news back in October of last year. Two women were rescued by the US Coast Guard after being adrift at sea for nearly 5 months. They were on sailboat that sustained damage to the mast and lost the use of its motor. Jennifer Appel and more

  • A New Direction

    Contributed by Charles Wilkerson on Dec 21, 2021

    Michelangelo left four unfinished sculptures called “The Prisoners or Slaves”. Individually they are known as “The Awakening Slave”, “The Young Slave”, “The Bearded Slave”, and “The Atlas Bound” (Accademia).

    Michelangelo left four unfinished sculptures called “The Prisoners or Slaves”. Individually they are known as “The Awakening Slave”, “The Young Slave”, “The Bearded Slave”, and “The Atlas Bound” (Accademia). They are partway carved from their block of marble but, never finished, they are forever more

  • The Spirit Of The Age; Preparing For What Is Coming

    Contributed by James May on May 28, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    This speaks of Conditions in America, the Spiritual Awakening around the world and the Spirit of Antichrist that are manifesting in our world right now as we draw ever nearer to the end of the church age. 2 part message.

    The Spirit of the Age Preparing for what’s coming! Sunday, 5/21/23 & 5/28/23 Something that amazes me is that there are many in the church today who believe that prophets and prophecy are no longer relevant or active in this era of the New Testament, and that they ceased operating like they more

  • Revive Us Again!

    Contributed by Lane Hastie on Jul 29, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Our world is a mess...and human weapons don't work on supernatural problems. The problem is sin...and the answer is Jesus. We need revival.

    REVIVE US AGAIN! Talk for a moment about what "revival" isn't: A crowd doesn't mean a church is experiencing revival. Human charisma can attract a crowd. It's not something we can "schedule" or "produce" 1. We Need Revival Revival: restoration to more

  • Manifesting The Manifold Wisdom Of God

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on Apr 3, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    When people come to the realization that God's divine plan requires self-sacrifice and service to Christ they rebel, and the true Christian becomes a serious minority.

    Manifold Wisdom of God Illustration Statistics would have you believe that over 80% of Americans are Christians, and historians would have you believe that American colonial patriotic zeal was shared with over 80% of the colonist. Sometime what is shouted the loudest and the longest is assumed to more

  • Minors' Lessons That Have Major Impact I: Humility - Learned From Zephaniah Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Sep 16, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Christians need a revival of humility in a day when pride runs rampant in a godless society. Zephaniah shows why we need humility, how we get it, and what there is to be gained by it.

    MINORS’ LESSONS THAT HAVE MAJOR IMPACT I: HUMILITY - Learned from Zephaniah If you know baseball, you know that major league players are developed at the minor league level. The goal of every player in the minors is to make it to the majors. There’s a lot to be learned in more

  • Minors' Lessons That Have Major Impact Ii: Commitment - Learned From Haggai Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Sep 16, 2019

    Christians need a revival of commitment in a day when self-centeredness has taken center stage in a selfish society. Haggai proclaims the need to reflect on our selfish ways and to return to God's sacrificial way.

    MINORS’ LESSONS THAT HAVE MAJOR IMPACT II: COMMITMENT - Learned from Haggai We continue learning from the Minor Prophets some lessons that have a major impact on our lives; there are six essentials we must put into practice if we want to measure up to God’s more

  • Minors' Lessons That Have Major Impact Iii: Repentance - Learned From Zechariah Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Sep 16, 2019

    Christians need a revival of repentance in a day when arrogance flies in the face of Almighty God. Zechariah challenges us to remember God's warnings, repent, receive God's blessings.

    MINORS’ LESSONS THAT HAVE MAJOR IMPACT III: REPENTANCE – Learned from Zechariah Today we continue our study of lessons learned from the Minor Prophets. Question: What’s the good word from Zechariah? The good word from Zephaniah was Humility . . . The good word from more

  • Minors' Lessons That Have Major Impact Iv: Dependence - Learned From Zechariah Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Sep 16, 2019

    Christians need a renewal of dependence on the Holy Spirit of God for doing the Lord's work effectively until His purpose and plan are brought to completion.

    MINORS’ LESSONS THAT HAVE MAJOR IMPACT IV: DEPENDENCE – Learned from Zechariah From Zephaniah, we learned HUMILITY. We honor God when we humble ourselves before God lest we become comfortable and complacent. From Haggai, we learned COMMITMENT. We honor God when we do whatever more

  • Fanning The Flames Of The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Samuel Arimoro on Mar 6, 2025

    Just as a fire needs to be maintained to keep burning, we must fan the flames of the Holy Spirit in our lives to remain spiritually vibrant and effective.

    FANNING THE FLAMES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: Acts 2:3-4 "And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them more

  • Stirring Up The Gifts Of God Series

    Contributed by Samuel Arimoro on Mar 6, 2025

    God has deposited unique gifts in every believer, but these gifts must be stirred up and used for His glory. If we neglect them, we risk spiritual stagnation and missing out on divine opportunities.

    STIRRING UP THE GIFTS OF GOD By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: 2 Timothy 1:6 "Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands." Supporting Texts: Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Matthew 25:14-30, 1 Peter 4:10, more

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