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  • Never Surrender Your Authenticity

    Contributed by Fr. Rian Adams on Apr 6, 2020

    Jesus says let "yes" be yes and "no" be no. Righteousness must exceed the Pharisees. They surrendered their authenticity to appear more religious. This sermon is an encouragement to live in the opposite manner.

    Never Surrender Your Authenticity Counterfeiters make over a billion dollars a year, making fake designer clothes and handbags. That billion is from the United States, not the rest of the world. These are not cheap knock offs from street vendors; they are well-made fakes. There's an more

  • Do Miracles Authenticate A Preacher?

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Apr 29, 2024

    Make sure your signs are signed off by God and not a scammer.

    I started looking through my sermons in progress and came across this one I started in 2018. Little did I know that six years later that I would be speaking often against false prophets marking them as the Word commands. Indeed, I had other issues to deal with for a long time and just shook my more

  • An Authentic Church Shares Christ

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Nov 6, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Today we're going to use several familiar passages of Scripture to stress the importance of us sharing Christ with the world. Telling others about Jesus is what helps to make a church be an authentic church. Authentic, because we truly care about other's salvation.

    It is mind boggling to think about how much information is shared through social media. People record videos, they filter photos, and they post updates. It's common in today's world for people to share private moments and public thoughts about anything and everything--- almost. The more

  • Stained Glass Maquarde

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Feb 23, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    In the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector Jesus spells out how to get REAL with God.

    Stained Glass Masquerade Pastor Jeff Williams Luke 18:9-14 1-1-06 A Lying Lion Not many people know that Pastor Dick wanted to work for the zoo when he was younger. As a teenager, he bugged the manager nearly every day for a job. Each time the man would have to let him down easy. But one day, more

  • Help For The Hypocrite

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Jan 15, 2014

    As we better understand what a true Christian is, we’ll have a better understanding of what a hypocrite is. 3 distinctives of genuine Christians: Real Christians Are Forgiven Sinners, Are Not What They Used To Be, and Are Becoming What They Will Be.

    Help for the Hypocrite Matthew 23:23-28 Have you ever caught a salesperson in a lie? They tell you how much you need their car or product and how it will change your image, maybe even change your life! News channels often include investigative reporting on fraudulent, hypocritical business more

  • Lordship Series

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Aug 19, 2020

    Being a follower of Jesus means we follow Him in salvation, sanctification and service.

    LORDSHIP Years ago, I knew someone who said that they had just purchased a new Lamborghini and that they were bringing it around for me to see. In the back of my mind I was thinking, how in the world could this person ever afford an Italian sports car? I heard a car pull up and went out to see it. more

  • Repentance Series

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Aug 19, 2020

    Looking at the essence, essentials and evidence of repentance

    REPENTANCE Those of you who are older may remember an old television program back in the 70s called ‘The Wide World of Sports.’ It started with the intro showing the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. To show the agony of defeat, a clip of a ski jumper suffering a terrible fall was always more

  • Love Series

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Aug 19, 2020

    We are commanded to love, challenged to love, confirmed by our love and changed by His love

    LOVE In 1918, when Woodrow Wilson was President of the United States, he often traveled across the country by train. He would usually be in the last coach, and when the train came into a town he would come out onto the deck at the back and greet people. One day he was going through Billings, more

  • Giving Series

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Aug 19, 2020

    The test, treasure and truth of giving

    GIVING I heard the story of a young man who was hired as a switchman on the tracks. As part of his training a supervisor took him to the area of the track that he would be working. The supervisor asked him if he understood the switch and knew how it worked and he assured him that he did. Then more

  • Witness Series

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Aug 19, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The example, expectation and examination of witnessing

    WITNESS In 1965 lyricist Hal David and music composer Burt Bacharach teamed up to write a song which was recorded and released and quickly rose to #7 on the US charts. The title of that song was “What the world needs now is love.” The lyrics were very simple, “What the world needs now is love more

  • Obedience Series

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Aug 19, 2020

    Obedience is a sign of conversion, commitment and conviction

    OBEDIENCE Imagine if you will, that you work for a company whose president found it necessary to travel out of the country and spend an extended period of time abroad. So he says to you and the other trusted employees, “Look, I’m going to leave. And while I’m gone, I want you to pay close more

  • Religion, The Choice Of This Generation PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 12, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Highlight the consequences of rejecting God's authority, the benefits of remaining faithful to Him, and the importance of choosing authentic faith over a superficial, worldly version.

    Good morning, family. If you have your Bibles or Bible apps handy, please turn with me to 2 Chronicles 12:1-11. As we dive into His Word today, we're going to be exploring some big themes: the consequences of rejecting God's authority, the benefits of faithfulness to the Lord, and authentic and more

  • Looking The Part PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 29, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Encourages us to focus on the true meaning of Christmas, which is the birth of Jesus Christ, our hope and salvation.

    Greetings, beloved family of God, As we gather together today, we find ourselves on the cusp of another Christmas season, a season that is etched with joy, a season where we remember the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. This season is a beacon of hope, a reminder of God's unfathomable love, a more

  • Who Are You? PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 19, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores Moses' encounter with God, encouraging us to discover our divine purpose, embrace our spiritual identity, and live authentically in accordance with God's revelation.

    Good morning, beloved family. It is a blessing to once again gather together in this sacred space, a sanctuary of solace and strength, where we can seek the face of our Heavenly Father. We are here to celebrate His love, to praise His name, and to grow in our understanding of His word. Today, we more

  • 1 John: Be Real Series

    Contributed by Tony Thomas on Aug 31, 2017

    This message is an overview of the book of 1 John and part of a 2-year study of the Bible.

    1 John: Be Real by, Tony Thomas Sr. Minister, Woodland Heights Christian Church, Crawfordsville, IN No. 62 in a series called, Route 66, a Road Trip Through the Bible In the fall of 2011, ABC-TV premiered a fantasy drama titled, Once Upon a Time. The setting is the more

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