Sermon Series
  • 1. Unstoppable - When God Shows Up

    Contributed on Dec 10, 2018

    The second message in a series on the book of Acts

    Unstoppable – When God Shows Up 9/17/17 Acts 1:8, 2:11 – Missions Sunday The disciples traveled to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had directed them. When they saw Him, they worshiped, but some doubted. Then Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority has been given to Me in more

  • 2. Unstoppable - More Than A Gathering

    Contributed on Dec 10, 2018

    The third message in a series on the book of Acts

    Unstoppable – More Than a Gathering 10/1/17 Acts 2:42-47 Video Intro – If You Want to Change the World (6 min.) When I saw this video I couldn’t help but draw comparisons to our text for today. I couldn’t help but think of the many spiritual parallels that might apply. For according to Acts more

  • 3. Unstoppable - A Gospel Movement

    Contributed on Dec 10, 2018

    The first message in the book of Acts

    UNSTOPPABLE – The Gospel Movement 9/17/17 Acts 1:1-11; 2:1-41 Can you think of anything in life that’s unstoppable? I know it seems Hurricane Irma is unstoppable – but it’ll soon come to pass. By definition if something is unstoppable then it can’t be stopped (I know… Profound!). more

  • 4. Unstoppable - The Point Of Our Need

    Contributed on Dec 10, 2018

    The fourth message in a series on Acts - This message was a 15 minute devotional

    Unstoppable – The Point of Our Need 10/8/17 Acts 3-4 One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer – at three in the afternoon. Now a man who was lame from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those more

  • 5. Unstoppable - The Unseen War

    Contributed on Dec 10, 2018

    The fifth message in a series on the book of Acts

    Unstoppable – The Unseen War 10/15/17 Acts 4:32-5:12 If you’re just joining us, we’re in a series in Acts entitled – Unstoppable. From inception, God has intended that His church would be an unstoppable force to carry His good news of God’s love and Jesus sacrifice to the nations. Yet for more

  • 6. Unstoppable - Good News For Everyone

    Contributed on Dec 10, 2018

    The 8th message in a series onthe book of Acts

    Unstoppable – Good News for Everyone 11/5/17 Acts 10 In his book, "An Uncompromising Faith Lived Out w/ Grace," Michael Ramsden shares of an Iranian pastor who drove w/ his wife to buy water in an Iranian village. Before entering the store the pastor noticed an intimidating man more

  • 7. Unstoppable - True Authentic Worship

    Contributed on Dec 10, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The 10th message in a series on the book of Acts

    Unstoppable – Worship in the Spirit 11/19/17 Acts 16:16-34 Sunday AM There’s much confusion today about worship. Should we sing w/ the lights on or off? Do we sing w/ a choir/orchestra or w/ a band? Do we sing hymns or contemporary songs? But what if worship had nothing to do w/ more

  • 8. Unstoppable - Tomb Of The Unknown God

    Contributed on Dec 10, 2018

    The 11th message in a series on the book of Acts

    Unstoppable – Tomb of the Unknown God 11/26/17 Acts 17:16-34 Sunday AM This week I received a link to an interview on the Voice of the Martyr radio w/ a missionary to Iran who shared an amazing story of the power/presence of God. B/c this missionary has a target on his back; they more