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  • Advent Comfort

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Nov 16, 2017

    God has forgiven their sins and has reclaimed them as His own people. What good news that was for them and what good news for all those who seek to be God’s today.

    Advent2B A story came across my desk recently about a man who worked for the Post Office. This man’s job was to process all the mail that had illegible addresses that that computer scanning system could not decipher. One day, a letter came to his desk addressed in shaky handwriting to God. He more

  • United In Christ

    Contributed by Michael Bates on Sep 5, 2023

    To be most effective in spreading the Gospel of Christ, as Christians we need to be united together in fellowship with Christ.

    Did you know that in Christianity in the United States there are over 200 different church denominations and in the global Christian Church there are over 45,000 denominations. This doesn’t include the many thousands of inter-denominational and non-denominational churches with their own belief more

  • "12 Convincing Proofs Of The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ!" Series

    Contributed by Grady H Moore on Mar 14, 2022

    The proof of the resurrection of Jesus is overwhelming to any logical-thinking person. One only has to use common-sense and Biblical evidence to prove that His resurrection did occur. Carefully and logically examine the evidence in the 12 Bible facts listed in this message.

    The proof of the resurrection of Jesus is overwhelming to any logical-thinking person. Ask God to give you Holy Spirit insight into the evidences presented in this message. 1. The eyewitness accounts of the empty tomb. Mark 16:1-6, John 20:1-8, Luke 24:10-12. Peter, John, Mary more

  • Sorrow’s Song Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Mar 15, 2024


    Psalm 61:1-8 SORROW’S SONG I. SORROW’S REQUEST - 1-2 A. Lord Hear Me - 1 Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. The Reality of His Pain - Absalom is dead, David’s heart is breaking. The Response to His Pain - 1 Hear my cry, The Resort for His Pain - O God The Release more

  • The Cure- Treat People Right Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Apr 2, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    This is the 143rd sermon in the series "Action". This is the 23rd sermon from Romans.

    Series: Action [#143] THE CURE- TREAT PEOPLE RIGHT Romans 14:1-12 Introduction: Today, is the beginning of what I call “Fickle Sunday”. I know that you are thinking, “No, it is Palm Sunday”. I say this, because the people were shouting, “Hosanna”, (which means save) on Sunday; and shouting, more

  • The Power Of Life Giving Words Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on May 30, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In the Bible, we find numerous examples of the powerful impact of words on our physical and spiritual well-being.

    In the Bible, we find numerous examples of the powerful impact of words on our physical and spiritual well-being. God's Word can bring life, healing, and restoration to our bodies and minds. Let's explore some biblical verses that demonstrate the power of life-giving words in overcoming more

  • From The Temple To The Mountain

    Contributed by Paul George on Dec 30, 2003
    based on 8 ratings

    The worst temptation was reserved for the last.

    From the Temple to the Mountain Matthew 4: 8-11 The worst temptation was reserved for the last. Sometimes the saint’s last temptation is the hardest to overcome. Although we have been and are attacked by the tempter we must prepare for worse. We must be armed for all attacks, with the armor of more

  • I Have A Dream

    Contributed by Wes Richard on Mar 18, 2003
    based on 31 ratings

    Using the pattern of MLK’s famous speech, this message tries to set forth a congregational vision.

    I have a dream (With apologies to MLK, jr. 1962) In the Old Testament we are told that young men shall see visions and old men shall dream dreams (Joel 2:28). Some of you know that 3 or 4 times a year I am blessed with dreams about this congregation while I sleep. In most of these dreams I see more

  • Make Time For What's Important

    Contributed by Jesse Kipper on Feb 22, 2002
    based on 134 ratings

    This sermon concerns Mary and Martha and how we often get caught up in the details and forget about what is important.

    What lessons can we learn from the story of Martha and Mary? Before we begin to answer that question we should know who Martha and Mary were. We know from John chapter 11 verse 5 that Martha and Mary were the sisters of Lazarus and were loved by Jesus. Many scholars believe that although Martha, more

  • Why Does God Want His People To Be Holy?

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on May 30, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    We need holiness to cure the ills of our day.

    “The King’s Highway” Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was completed, but before it was opened to the public, the king decided to have a contest. He invited as many as desired to participate. Their challenge was to see who could travel the highway the more

  • This Is Not The Right Time

    Contributed by Paul George on Jul 3, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    The time has not come to build the house of the Lord.

    The Lord of hosts doesn’t call the exiles “His people” because they were ignoring His will. They say the time is not right to restore the temple. They are using an injunction issued by the Persian court against the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem as an excuse for not restoring the temple more

  • The Great Commission

    Contributed by Sol Madlambayan on Sep 24, 2003
    based on 29 ratings

    It’s about time, "Go Ye.."

    June 29, 2003 HOLY SPIRIT BLESS US Matthew 28: 18-20 (The Great Commission) And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy more

  • Broken Wings Of Faith

    Contributed by Steven Cook on Nov 23, 2000
    based on 154 ratings

    This message teaches of God's grace in helping us overcome setbacks in our faith.

    “Broken Wings of Faith” Mark 9:14-29 By Dr. Steven G. Cook I. Introduction A. Read Text - Mark 9:14-29 B. Jesus, with Peter, James, and John, had been on the Mount of Transfiguration where Jesus had allowed them the privilege of seeing a glimpse of His glory. C. Peter had wanted to build three more

  • Questions From The Reformers

    Contributed by Gary Liederbach on Oct 10, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    What is keeping me from recalling my baptism daily in my life? What is keeping me from loving the Lord my God with all my heart, my soul, my mind, and my strength?

    Questions from the reformers. I want to start my message today with a verse of scripture. Luke 10:37 And he ( Jesus) answered, " YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND; AND YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF." I more

  • A Look Back And A Look Forward

    Contributed by Michael Wiley on Nov 20, 2008

    As we look to a new year, we must reflect and learn from the past.

    A Look Back and a Look Forward Michael Wiley November 23, 2008 Mark 12:28b-33 Introduction: When I was a young child, maybe seven or eight, my family and I went to Beach Bend Amusement park in Bowling Green KY, not too far from our home. I love amusement parks. Especially then when mom and dad more

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