Empty Boats!
Contributed by Bala Samson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Our lives are cluttered with electronic gadgets, agendas, projects, seminars and entertainments that many have seldom quiet time with Him. No wonder we have lost the fizz in our life!
Empty boats!
Luke 5:2”Jesus saw two boats standing by the lake; but the fishermen had gone from them and were washing their nets.”
When Jesus looked at the empty boats and the fishermen who had gone away to wash their nets, He knew it was a hopeless situation! Boys had closed shop without business! Now that the boats were empty and the kitty is empty, God knew their hearts were ready to receive His Word. Are you listening? If the boats had been full, I’m sure they would have scurried off to make some fish fry, but the ‘empty’ boats humbled them to stop and take notice of Jesus. Only when we have emptied ourselves of the world, can we be filled with His Word, are you hearing me? People slog it out the whole week and snore on Sundays, evenings are reserved for weekend bashes. Our lives are cluttered with electronic gadgets, agendas, projects, seminars and entertainments that many have seldom quiet time with Him. No wonder we have lost the fizz in our life!
There are many who keep their mobiles in the vibration mode inside the church; how can one hear the voice of God in the preaching, when you are ready to attend an incoming call? Tell me. God cannot speak to such careless and reckless people who disrespect the Word of God. I clearly instruct my church members to switch off their mobiles inside the church because they are inside His Sanctuary and the time belongs to Him. Amen. Prepare yourself before you meet God! Remove every form of distractions: mobile, door bell, close shop at kitchen, computer etc. Jesus said:’…..when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father…..’ (Mathew 6:6)
When the multitude pressed about Him to hear the word of God, Jesus used one of the empty boats to speak to the people, among them were Peter and his team members James and John. An empty boat turned into a Pulpit! Though there may be a multitude hearing His Word, Jesus knew who listened to Him intently! The Bible says, ‘When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." Observe the words ‘when he had finished speaking!’ Jesus specifically calls out the name of Simon and instructs him to launch into the deep! Jesus knew that Simon had drank every Word preached, Jesus knew that the Word had sunk deep into his heart, Jesus knew Peter was ready to obey Him. Mere listening is not enough, it should be followed with obedience. Are you listening? Simple church attendance would do not good, we got to produce results, we got to produce fruits. “The seeds that fell on good ground yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.” (Mathew 13:8) Jesus is looking for a good crop!
Peter obeyed the Word of Jesus and saw a miracle! Their boats overflowed with large number of fishes! This was followed with something gorgeous - Peter was convicted of his sins and he repented. Wonderful! God is looking for sweeping changes in our life! In and out! I have talked for several years about being on guard of what you watch! It is not just the movies, but there’s a lot of muck in the internet, TV talk shows, reality shows, soaps and many other programs. Just be on guard! Click HERE to read a super testimony of a dear lady, who had made changes in every facet of her life after being touched by the devotions.