
Summary: The proof of the resurrection of Jesus is overwhelming to any logical-thinking person. One only has to use common-sense and Biblical evidence to prove that His resurrection did occur. Carefully and logically examine the evidence in the 12 Bible facts listed in this message.

The proof of the resurrection of Jesus is overwhelming to any logical-thinking person.

Ask God to give you Holy Spirit insight into the evidences presented in this message.

1. The eyewitness accounts of the empty tomb.

Mark 16:1-6, John 20:1-8, Luke 24:10-12. Peter, John, Mary Magdalene,

Mary, Salome and Joanna all witnessed the empty tomb that first day.

2. The large stone rolled away.

See Matthew 28:1-6. Mark 16:1-6 called it, "A very great stone.”)

The size of the stone as been estimated between 2000-4000 pounds.

I was sealed by authorities under penalty of death. An angel removed the stone.

3. The soldier guards. (Matthew 28:11-15)

Guarded 24 hours for 3 days. The tomb was found empty. Officials paid soldiers a bribe to lie.

The soldiers lied saying, "While we were asleep, they stole him." If asleep how would they know?

4. The Emmaus road experience. (Luke 24:13-32), Two men walking to Emmaus, joined by living Jesus said,

"Did not our hearts burn within us as He talked to us on the road, while He opened to us the Scriptures?”

5. The Disciples met, with Thomas absent. (John 20:19-24)

They met that first Sunday evening. The resurrected Christ joined them, Thomas being absent.

Thomas was later told that the resurrected Jesus had attended. Thomas did did not believer them.

6. The Disciples met again, with Thomas present. (John 20:26-29)

Disciples met again next week. Thomas present. Resurrected Christ came again.

Thomas saw the resurrected, living Jesus and he then believed Jesus' resurrection..

7. Disciples by Sea of Galilee. (John 21) Living Jesus came, fellowshipped with them, served them bread and fish.

8. The 500 men who saw Him all at same time. (I Corinthians 15:6)

These all saw the resurrected Jesus in person. Most of the witnesses were all “still alive” at time Paul wrote book.

9. Testimony of Paul at His conversion. (Acts 9:1-6)

The living Jesus stopped Paul, spoke to him about his persecution of the church.

Paul was gloriously converted on that occasion. Paul shared this event many times.

10. Stephen at his stoning. (Acts 7:54:60)

Stephen’s preaching angered mob. As the mob attacked Stephen,

Heaven opened and Stephen saw the living Jesus in Heaven.

11. The witness of James, Jesus' half-brother. (I Corinthians 15:7)

As His half-brother, James certainly knew what Jesus looked like.

He personally witnessed the living Jesus in His resurrected body.

12. Disciples at the giving of Great Commission & Jesus ascension back to Heaven.

In His resurrected body, Jesus met with His disciples and gave them the “Great Commission” instructions.

The disciples watched as Jesus ascended back to Heaven. (Matthew 28:16-20, Acts 1:3-4)

A word of encouragement to the reader...

If you have not yet received Jesus as your Savior, you can do it now.

Call on the Lord, confess your sins and repent of them. Put your trust in the finished work of Jesus on the cross. He shed His blood on that cross to pay for you sins. He wants to be your Savior. Call on Him now and trust Him as your Savior. He will forgive you. Go to a good Bible-preaching church, tell the pastor you've trusted Jesus as your Savior and that you want to be baptized. Tell your friends and love-ones you have accepted Jesus as you Savior. Read your Bible and pray regularly. Be faithful to attend church regularly.

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