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  • It Is Good For Us To Be Here!

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Mar 2, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    On the Mount of Transfiguration Peter said "It is good for us to be here". He misunderstood, but he was so right!

    It Is Good For Us To Be Here Matthew 17:1-8 Introduction Long ago David rejoiced to worship God. “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. (Psalm 122:1, KJV). Thom Rainer asked ministers in a poll what excuses they had heard from people who choose not to more

  • America's Greatest Tragedy Pt. 1 By Dr. Winson Butler

    Contributed by Winson Butler on Jun 22, 2004
    based on 10 ratings

    Since 911 we all have become sensitive to the tragedy our nation felt. This terrible series of events have made us all aware of an even greater tragedy and it’s being felt by the Church!

    Introduction It was as if it was yesterday. I walked into the Church buildging and our Senior Adult Ministry was meeting that morning and as I opened the door, the Church Adminstrative Secretary said, "Pastor, a plane has hit one of the Trade Center’s towers..." And you know the rest of the more

  • What Is Expected Of Members In God's Church?

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Oct 7, 2002
    based on 71 ratings

    The outline for a series on what is expected of members in the church?

    Mount Airy Church Membership Sermon Series 1. What is required to be a part of the Body of Christ? 1. Must be saved (Mark 16:16) and born again (John 3:3, 5) * Steps to be saved and born again a. Believe (John 3:18) b. Repent (2 Corinthians 7:10) c. Confess (Romans 10:9-10) d. Be more

  • "They Made Light Of It"

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Oct 3, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    urging men to come to Christ now

    They made light of it” Matthew 22:1-14 Man has not much changed since his creation. That which was recorded in history as having been done by man centuries ago, might be written again, for "there is nothing new under the sun." The same class of men is still found (although, perhaps, differently more

  • Three Vital Commitments

    Contributed by Louis Bartet on Jan 5, 2003
    based on 151 ratings

    This sermon calls hearers to make three vital commitments: 1) To A Person; 2) To A Purpose; 3) To A People.

    TITLE: Three Vital Commitments SUBTITLE: You Present You TOPIC: Commitment TEXT: Romans 12:1-2 [Adapted from a sermon by John Hamby, A Call To Commitment, which can be found on Sermon Central.] I want to introduce you to a hypothetical church member that we will call Kenny. § Kenny began his more

  • Approaching Mount Zion

    Contributed by Alan Smith on Aug 16, 2002
    based on 266 ratings

    We need to be reminded that we come into the presence of God every time we worship.

    Introduction: In a scene out of the book Tom Sawyer, Tom had gone to Sunday school and church at the demand of Aunt Polly. After Sunday school, Tom and his brother Sid went to the auditorium to sit under the watchful eye of Aunt Polly. Next we read Tom’s description of public worship. He says more

  • A New Fellowship Series

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Jul 4, 2021

    Because of Easter we have a new community. Jesus says that the church is important because of it's foundation, it's function, it's fruit and it's future.

    EASTER – A NEW FELLOWSHIP I heard the story of a pastor who was the supply preacher for church in a small town in Texas. He would drive to that town early Sunday morning, preach a sermon to the congregation, and then leave after lunch. Usually he would arrive before the service and go to a local more

  • "Always Abounding In The Work Of The Lord”

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 20, 2022

    I love to read and hear about commitment.

    Illus: For example, Dr. Robertson McQuilkan’s commitment in marriage was severely challenged when his wife, Muriel, contracted Alzheimers disease. Dr. McQuilkan was president of Columbia Bible college and seminary when he was faced with a big decision. He could not continue as president and take more

  • Discovering Our True Selves Through God’s Image Series

    Contributed by Duane Wente on Jul 19, 2024

    Using Genesis 1:26-27 and Genesis 2:7, we learn that humanity is uniquely created in God's image, giving us purpose, spirituality, and the capacity for relationships and love. Our true identity and fulfillment come from embracing our God-given purpose and recognizing God's love for us.

    Introduction Video Ill.: Perception vs. Reality — The Skit Guys Uncovering the Hidden Story of Gary Burghoff, the Beloved Actor Behind Radar Quotes All About Life July 4, 2024 Gary Burghoff’s iconic portrayal of Corporal Walter “Radar” O’Reilly in the hit more

  • Danger Of Disappearing Doctrine - 1 Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Mar 15, 2001
    based on 60 ratings

    The Cost of Lost Orthodoxy

    THE DANGER OF DISAPPEARING DOCTRINE - Rev. 2:18-29  Come this morning to a study in Rev 2:18-29 covering the fourth church of a list of 7 that Jesus sends messages to. Our third message in preparation for our Spring Revival(Smyrna receives no criticism as it has thrived under more

  • Practical Principals For A Prosperous Perspective

    Contributed by Eric Snyder on Mar 8, 2002
    based on 21 ratings


    Practical princpals for a prosperous perspective, Luke 5:1-11 Eric A. Snyder, Minister; Farwell Church of Christ November 25, 2001 A man was watching the news one night when it was reported that a car was going the wrong direction on the freeway. The man knew his wife was on that freeway and more

  • Fig Tree Cursed Series

    Contributed by John Walls on Sep 24, 2001
    based on 68 ratings

    Judgment nature of Christ should not be over looked and the sad shape of the church

    FIG TREE CURSED Matthew 21:18-20 Introduction: This parable stays alone in the midst of the thirty-seven miracles of Christ as recorded in the Bible. We know that John 21:25 tells us that if all that if all that Jesus had done would have been written down, the world could not contain all the more

  • Mission Worker Story

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Nov 18, 2003
    based on 8 ratings

    The story of a 8 year old who became a mission worker in over 125 countries taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Forward To My Wife Marge from Tony Abram: I am very happy to write this forward to say that my wife Marge has been a faithful fellow worker in the Vineyard of God with me for these past 40 years. They have not all been easy years as God has sent us into over 120 countries to preach and declare more

  • A Church To Die For Series

    Contributed by Tim Hbc on Oct 16, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The perspective that kept Paul from discouragement - a remarkable revelation of the gospel and a stunning picture of the church...

    Introduction A company Director tells the story about a day when he and his wife stopped off at a petrol station. It was a run down station, with only one pump. It was an old fashioned petrol station and he asked the attendant to fill the tank and check the oil. Meanwhile he went for a little walk more

  • Religion Or Relationship

    Contributed by Matthew Sickling on Apr 12, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    This sermon explains that Christianity is all about a Relationahip with Jesus Christ, not a "Religion."

    Introduction: The Apostle Paul was in the city of Athens, Greece, waiting for his co-workers Timothy and Silas to join him there. While he waited I’m sure he must have spent some time walking the ancient streets of Athens. Perhaps he even toured The Parthenon, which was a temple built and more

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