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  • Noah: God's Preacher In The Midst Of Perverse Times

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Jul 2, 2023

    Noah and the ark (Genesis 6-8) like everything else in Genesis, is authentic history with an authentic warning to get right with God before it is too late. It is a call from God for us to repent and be saved from the wrath to come.

    When we read about the events of Genesis, Chapters 6-8, we forget that this is not a children's story, but an actual historical event recorded by Moses dealing with the effects of sin upon the world and the fact of God's certain judgment. Noah's task was to not only build the ark more

  • What Is Revival?

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Dec 19, 2022

    What is revival? Revival is a restitution or a restoration to spiritual vigor. Revival is a reawakening of spiritual fervor. It is to revitalize the spiritual ardor of oneself, of a group of believers so as to reestablish the ability to win new members to Christ.

    What is revival? Revival is a restitution or a restoration to spiritual vigor. Revival is a reawakening of spiritual fervor. It is to revitalize the spiritual ardor of oneself, of a group of believers so as to reestablish the ability to win new members to Christ. As Spurgeon said, “Revival is to more

  • Am I A Whitewashed Christian?

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Oct 14, 2022

    A Christian is one who follows Christ and has taken on the instructions, directions, guidance, and characteristics that Christ gave to us. Secondly, what is whitewashed? It is the concealment or covering of flaws, failures, blemishes, or unpleasant facts.

    This is the story of two men who prayed. Undoubtedly many have read or at least heard of this story. So why did I title this sermon "Am I a Whitewashed Christian? Well first, let me ask this, what is a Christian? A Christian is one who follows Christ and has taken on the instructions, more

  • Short Answers To Common Questions 3 Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Apr 25, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Questions are good if we seek answers to them; sometimes objections or excuses pose as questions. Not all questions are asked sincerely. Today I will address three questions, questions usually asked sincerely.

    Short Answers to Common Questions 3 1. Teachers have some funny stories. Here are a few from Reader’s Digest. After a coworker had finished his English lecture and his class had filed out, a tenth grader stayed 
behind to confront him. “I don’t appreciate being singled more

  • Status Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Feb 25, 2019

    Our status as unique children of God – in contrast to unbelievers – carries with it a host of implications.

    Status (I John 2:28-3:3) 1. A not-so-bright woman noticed that her coworker has a thermos, so she asks her what it's for. She responds, "It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold." The not-so-bright woman immediately buys one for herself. The next day, she goes to work and proudly more

  • A Fervent Finale

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Apr 29, 2019

    John wants to leave us with certainty and clarity about what we believe and in Whose hands we rest.

    A Fervent Finale (I John 5:13-20) 1. A pastor was trying to teach a children’s class about how to be saved. 2.”If I sold everything I have and gave it to the church, would I go to heaven?” The children answered, “No.” The pastor said, “Very good. That’s right. And if I worked hard at keeping the more

  • Eastern Spirituality And Christian Prayer....compatible?

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Oct 23, 2017

    The objection that caution be exercised, that illusions are possible, may appear contrary to evidence.

    “Catholic doctrinal truth and sound spirituality are companions. They support and protect each other...” page 99 “In the more esoteric instances of pursuing experiences of God, the labyrinth of the soul’s interiority is the temple where the religious seeker must make pilgrimage. The passage is no more

  • Are Our Lives A Testimony Of What God Has Done For Us?

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Nov 30, 2023

    Our Christian lives are a declaration of how God has helped us, his continuing assistance from our adolescence to our advanced age.

    Or, we could title this... What Are the Five Arts of Grace? Our Christian lives are a declaration of how God has helped us, his continuing assistance from our adolescence to our advanced age. How are we showing the world what we are experiencing every day? The psalmist was elderly, and he more

  • The Beast From The Earth: The False Prophet And His Diabolical Work (Revelation 13:11-18)

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on May 24, 2024

    The False Prophet uses false "miracles and signs" to convince the world that the Antichrist is the leader for whom they have been waiting. He is a tool of Satan used to draw people away from the truth of the Gospel and towards the certainty of hell.

    The Antichrist, who was introduced in Revelation 13;1-10, will not rise to power alone. His success will result from a worldwide spiritual deception perpetuated by the man referred to in Revelation 13:11-18 as, "the beast from the earth", known as the False Prophet. He will be a more

  • Was Prayer For The People Really Needed?

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Oct 13, 2024

    What is penance? What is repentance? What is confession? Can we pay for our sins?

    What is penance? Penance is an act of self-abasement, mortification or devotion performed to show sorrow. What is repentance? Repentance is to turn from sin and dedicate oneself, to feel regret or contrition. What is confession? Confession is a disclosure of one’s sins in sacrament of more

  • Guidelines For Confessing Our Guilt Series

    Contributed by Stan Willet on May 3, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    A study of the Freedom from Guilt.

    “ HAVE MERCY UPON ME, OH GOD “ Series PSALM 51: 1 – 6 “ GUIDELINES FOR CONFESSING YOUR GUILT “ BACKGROUND - for Psalm 51, some are aware, then be reminded again It’s all recorded in 2 Samuel 11… DAVID - is guilty of (3) sins… 1 – failure to serve and be more

  • Sold Into Slavery Series

    Contributed by Hugh W. Davidson on Apr 5, 2009

    Joseph is sold by those he thought cared about him.

    Sold into slavery Genesis 37:12-36 I read an article the other day called 8 SIMPLE RULES FOR DATING MY DAUGHTER by Bruce Cameron and I’m thinking about going it to give all the guys Caitie brings around. Rule One: If you pull into my driveway and honk you’d better be delivering a more

  • "Greater Things" Series: By Dr. Winson Butler

    Contributed by Winson Butler on Jan 18, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Remember, in the eyes of average people, average is always considered outstanding. Jesus however said, Greater things we will do & that’s a vast difference from "average things.." Let’s examine His words together!

    Introduction "Greater Things." Sound a little suspicious? Just turn on the TV and it gives us enough to be suspicious about. Just today I listened to an Evangelist say, "Just name it and claim it.." I’m leary of that kind of preaching! However, it can’t be ignored that Jesus Himself said as He more

  • A Voiceless Life

    Contributed by Jamey Reynolds on Jan 18, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    In observance of the ’Sanctity of Life’ week, we will look into the account of creation to see what God’s word has to say regarding the value of life. Outside of God’s word all other opinions are what they are--opinionated.

    I. God Made Mankind to Represent Life (v26) God made man His image--an image is a reproduction or imitation of the form of a person or thing. God made man in His likeness--this represents His very character. He did not make the heavens in His likeness; nor the animals; nor even the angels--He more

  • You Can't Make It, Stop Trying! Series

    Contributed by Darrell Tomasek on Sep 10, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    This sermon explores our absolute dependance upon God for our salvation.

    You Can’t Make It, Stop Trying! Galatians 2: 11-21 1. It is impossible for you to live a life worthy of our Lord’s favor (15-17). A. It seems that we so often think that if we are just good enough God will love us. B. You cannot be justified by anything you do (obeying the law). C. The more

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