Status Series
Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Mar 25, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: Our status as unique children of God – in contrast to unbelievers – carries with it a host of implications.
(I John 2:28-3:3)
1. A not-so-bright woman noticed that her coworker has a thermos, so she asks her what it's for. She responds, "It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold."
The not-so-bright woman immediately buys one for herself. The next day, she goes to work and proudly displays it.
Her coworker asks, "What do you have in it?"
She replies, "Soup and ice cream."
2. I would think her social status in that situation would have dropped.
3. But social status is often determined – not by personal intelligence – but by things like social class, caste, or even religious views.
4. According to Wikipedia, “Social status is the level of respect, honor, assumed competence, and deference accorded to people, groups, and organizations in a society.”
5. Some people groups are more valued by society than others.
6. God’s children have an amazing social status in the Kingdom of God, but are sometimes held in contempt with the kingdoms of men.
Main Idea: Our status as unique children of God – in contrast to unbelievers – carries with it a host of implications.
I. Our Status Should Make Us Live in ANTICIPATION of Jesus’ Appearance (2:28-29).
Although not stated directly, John might have betrothal and marriage in mind.
A. We are part of the ROYAL family of the Great King who could arrive any day.
The Biblical picture is waiting for the king who is the groom and we are the bride.
Marylu and I have been married over 38 years. I remember proposing to her, being engaged, and living in anticipation and excitement, waiting for our wedding day. And my life has been so much richer ever since. Anticipation is a great state of mind.
B. Because He will return without notice, we want to be found in FELLOWSHIP with Him.
1. This is an important text when considering the timing of the rapture.
2. What does “fellowship” mean? We are living life together in harmony.
3. The idea of abiding is probably a midrash from John 15, about abiding in Him; He is the vine, we are the branches. Apart from Him, we can do nothing. So important. The foundation of our spiritual progress comes from abiding in Christ.
C. To “shrink back” means to be EMBARRASSED.
1. If we are not involved in furthering His kingdom (parable of the talents).
2. Some Christians have no concept of being kingdom workers, expending effort for spiritual purposes (sins of omission); to them, being a Christian means not harming others, donating a little to charity, and letting things go.
3. I told a friend my age, “you ought to be on a board instead of church hopping.”
4. If we are living sinfully (sins of commission)
5. Perhaps a midrash on the parable of the 10 virgins with their oil lamps
D. The phrase, “everyone who practices righteousness has been born of him” is limited by CONTEXT.
In verse 29, the word “righteous” is limited by the context. Context is king. For example, Jesus said no one is good except for God alone. Those professing believers who do right (in remaining faithful to essential Biblical beliefs and are not lawless) are genuine.
II. Our Status Is A Blessing, But Its BYPRODUCT Can Be Social Ostracism (3:1).
God’s love overflows to the believer. Jesus spoke of “no greater love.”
A. We are ALREADY God’s children.
1. The word behold might be paraphrased, “Look here!”
2. In one sense, everyone is the offspring of God by virtue of creation.
3. But we are part of God’s unique family, children of God.
4. We become God’s children at the point of regeneration, not just when we die.
5. Who is it that calls us the children of God? The Father; The Spirit, The Son
6. This is not just an honorary award or figure, but a transformation.
B. Mainstream society – the world (culture) cannot UNDERSTAND us.
1. To our groom, the Lord Jesus, we are beautiful; to the world, we are ugly. Some try and can grasp many aspects of who we are and what we are like. Many do not.
2. Many put us into a category and assume way too much, holding us responsible for things we have never done. Most believers are not gross hypocrite. Most sincere.
• During WWII, anyone with an oriental look was suspect and sent to special camps.
• High-tech companies may discriminate against people with Christian moral views.
3.. We sometimes make others ill at ease.
When I became a believer, my family started treating me differently; they still do; more guarded, a barrier that did not used to be there because I am now of a different kind.
C. An implication we must face: our message is DETESTABLE to the culture, except for those whom the Holy Spirit has prepared.