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  • Asaph's Wilderness

    Contributed by Dan Cale on Feb 12, 2005
    based on 29 ratings

    This message deals with wilderness experiences in life and how Asaph the praise leader of Israel dealt with them.

    Asaph¡¦s Wilderness Psalm 77 Tonight I want to talk to you about the wilderness. The wilderness is a place of Spiritual Dryness ¡V of emptiness that takes the soul. Asaph who wrote this psalm was in the wilderness. Asaph - was the worship leader for Israel. A famous and skilled musician King more

  • Asaph's Bad Day

    Contributed by Roddy Chestnut on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 97 ratings

    Thesis: God's people need to be reminded that tough times do not last.

    Thesis: God's people need to be reminded that tough times do not last. Intro.: 1. Everyone has a bad day. 2. Asaph, the writer of Psalm 73, had a bad day/attitude. Psalm 73 tells us how to "deal with it!" I. OPENING AFFIRMATION (v. 1): "God is good!" We agree with that, but find it hard to more

  • Seven Prayers Of David And Of Asaph

    Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on Dec 26, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    A journey through scriptures of law and the gospel to discover Jesus Saves and the importance of reflection from Christmas to New Year to improve your love connection to God.

    Seven Prayers Of David And Of Asaph by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (12/22/2013) “He shall judge thy people with righteousness, and thy poor with judgment” (Psalm 72, verse 2, King James Version [David prayed for Solomon]). Greetings in the Holy Name of more

  • Responding To Raw Deals

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Jul 19, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Envy can ruin our lives.

    Responding to Raw Deals January 6, 2008 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: Envy can ruin our lives. Focus Passage: Psalm 73 Introduction: I. Pour your heart out to God a. Asaph was brutally honest with God. He didn’t pretend everything was more

  • Plights And Ponderings Of Asaph. Psalm 74 Series

    Contributed by Nelson Thomas on Aug 28, 2020

    In spite of the obscurity in connection with the historical background… o The contents are very much relevant the time we are in …

    - There are 12 Psalms attributed to Asaph - Psalm 50 and 73 – 83. o We know Asaph was a Levite who led the choirs during the days of David. Cf. 1Ch 16:37 o We are not aware of the exact time when Aspah wrote this psalm. ? May be even some one wrote for Asaph, so that a choir in his name more

  • Psalm 73 - A Difference Of Perspective

    Contributed by Anitha Jabastion on Nov 11, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    A group of blind men heard that a strange animal, called an elephant, had been brought to the town, but none of them were aware of its shape and form. Out of curiosity, they said: "We must inspect and know it by touch, of which we are capable".

    All of us would have heard the parable of the blind men and the elephant: A group of blind men heard that a strange animal, called an elephant, had been brought to the town, but none of them were aware of its shape and form. Out of curiosity, they said: "We must inspect and know it by touch, more

  • Feet? I Feel So Sorry For My Self!

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jun 23, 2023

    Asaph's feet were slipping he was watching other people.When we lose our focus we are doomed for trouble.

    FEET? I FEEL SO SORRY FOR MYSELF? ARE WE SO EMPTY THAT WE CAN NOT UNDERSTAND? SO BLIND WE CANNOT SEE? SO DEAF WE CANNOT HEAR? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. (Two part lesson) As children we sang: Watch your feet, watch your feet where they go. For the Father up above is more

  • The Storm Of Doubt Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Jan 13, 2025

    Asaph is a mature and experienced ministry leader is asking, "What is the point of being faithful?" This storm changes when Asaph goes to the sanctuary.

    You can listen to this sermon at Psalm 73:1-28 “The Storm of Doubt” Have you ever had a time in your life when you have thought “What is the point of being a faithful Christian?” Maybe you have not asked the question exactly that way. But … Our family is always more

  • From Tired To Inspired

    Contributed by John Gaston on Dec 28, 2019

    Asaph was an anointed Levite worship leader who wrote 12 psalms and was appointed by David as a leader at the Temple. Yet this anointed man of God suffered a time of discouragement. But by remembering God's deeds and wonders he was restored to fresh power.

    FROM TIRED TO INSPIRED Ps. 77 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: NEW YEARS JOKES 1. A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other. 2. In 2020, may your neighbors respect you, troubles neglect you, angels protect you, and heaven accept you. 3. May all your troubles more

  • The Mirage

    Contributed by Paddick Van Zyl on Oct 6, 2014

    Things are always skewed when we do not look at them in perspective....

    Sermon by Pr. Paddick Van Zyl 6 Oct , 2014 Title: The Mirage (Psalm 73) Intro: - A beggar standing on a street corner commented to his friends, “If only I had a hundred dollars, I would never complain again.” A businessman walking by overheard his statement and interrupted the more

  • Prayer In Desperate Times

    Contributed by Timothy Wong on Sep 14, 2021

    Follow the example of Asaph who prayed during desperate times

    PSALMS 77 – PRAYER IN DESPERATE TIMES I cried out to God with my voice— To God with my voice; And He gave ear to me. 2 In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord; My hand was stretched out in the night without ceasing; My soul refused to be comforted. 3 I remembered God, and was troubled; I more

  • Graduates

    Contributed by Greg Nance on May 16, 2015

    Follow the educational journey of Asaph through Psalm 73 and discover the teaching that changes character and destiny.

    Last week we honored our mothers on Mother’s day and looked into God’s word to see how the blessing of motherhood was designed by God to reveal God’s image and ultimately to give birth the Savior of the world. Today, let’s focus on a word from God for our Graduating class more

  • God Is The Blessing

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Nov 17, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The bible talks about God’s promises and blessings and we eat that stuff up. We praise God for all he's given to us and rightly so. But are we focused on the blessings of God more than the blessing that God is? Do we see that God himself is the blessing?

    GOD IS THE BLESSING God is good, right? The bible talks about God’s promises and blessings and we eat that stuff up. We praise God for all he has given to us and rightly so. However, are we focused on the blessings of God more than the blessing that God is? Do we see that God himself is the more

  • It Just Ain’t Fair

    Contributed by Dr. Jwt Spies on Nov 11, 2023

    The text teaches us that Asaph is so disturbs and distress by the unrighteous, until it almost got the best of him.

    By Pastor J.W.T. Spies Psalm 73:2-5 2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped. 3 For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.   4 For there are no bands in their death: but their strength is more

  • Why Do Some People Promote Psalm 83 In Our Days As A War? Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Nov 20, 2023

    Because of the current war in Gaza caused by hateful Islamic terrorists, some people are writing on Psalm 83 saying it is a prophetic Psalm that means a war is coming. I am writing to refute that idea. Some people get agitated in pushing a war but Psalm 83 is not prophecy.

    WHY DO SOME PEOPLE PROMOTE PSALM 83 IN OUR DAYS AS A WAR? One of the most uncertain writings in the bible is Psalm 83. I never used to hear anything about this Psalm a few years ago, but now a few people are making reference to it. Some are going as far as to say this is a prophetic event that more