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  • Authentic Authority Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Apr 27, 2009
    based on 25 ratings

    Controversy tore the early church. Judaizers taught that Gentile Christians had to submit to Jewish ritual laws & traditions in addition to believing in Christ. Paul confronted this issue.

    GALATIONS 1: 1-5 AUTHENTIC AUTHORITY A family, carefully executing their escape plan, dashes for the border at midnight...a man standing outside prison walls, gulping fresh air, awash in the new sun...a young woman with every trace of the ravaging drug gone from her system...they are FREE! more

  • Apostolic Intolerance Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 18, 2021

    If pride and a sense of exclusiveness and spiritual privilege could lead the Apostles to go wrong, it is not only likely, but inevitable that the same will be true of all of us.

    It is not intolerant to expose an oppose error. If a newspaper prints an article naming you as a spokesman for the Ku Kulx Klan it would not be intolerant for you to write them and tell them of their error. Likewise, if a man preaches that God’s Word teaches a man can be saved by works, it is not more

  • The Apostolic Testimony

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Nov 25, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    The telling of the message: the imparting of a divine mystery.

    THE APOSTOLIC TESTIMONY. 2 Peter 1:16-18. Peter had a genuine pastoral concern for the purity of the church after his own death, literally his “exodus” (2 Peter 1:14-15). The Apostle wrote his second letter against a background of false teaching which denied the second coming of our Lord Jesus more

  • Apostolic Preaching

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Jun 2, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    How did the message of the Apostles differ from the message of the religions competing with the Christian Faith?

    “When [the Sanhedrin] had brought [all the Apostles], they set them before the council. And the high priest questioned them, saying, ‘We strictly charged you not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.’ But more

  • The Apostolic Church Series

    Contributed by Apostle Dr. Ruben L. Broadnax Jr. on Oct 24, 2024

    The Apostolic Church" focuses on being a church grounded in Jesus, Spirit-led, and mission-driven. This sermon calls believers to embrace their identity as a sent people, united in truth, and empowered to impact the world.

    The church is not a building; it’s a living, breathing community of believers united under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Throughout history, the term “apostolic” has often been linked to authority, leadership, or church structure. Yet, in its purest form, the term points back to the mission, more

  • The Authority Of Scripture Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on May 26, 2014
    based on 8 ratings

    The Apostolic witness, the testimony Holy Scriptures, & the Holy Spirit’s conformation in the heart & life are the basis for our Christian faith. These witnesses give powerful testimony to the veracity of God’s Witness to mankind.

    2 PETER 1: 16-21 [Our Precious Faith Series] THE AUTHORITY OF SCRIPTURE [Matthew 17:1-8] This paragraph is a strong statement on the inspiration of Scripture. Peter affirms that the Old Testament Prophets wrote God’s message to man. He then groups himself and the others apostles in the more

  • Apostolic Perspective

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 8, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    An apostolic perspective will make decisions based upon God’s purposes, plans and praise. In other words, all of our decisions will be determined by what will bring greater praise, fulfillment of God’s purpose - HIs glory known and given throughout the wh

    Apostolic Perspective And God has appointed in the church first apostles... (I Cor. 13:28) An apostle is one who is a sent forth messenger of truth. Paul identifies himself as Paul, an apostle (not sent from men, nor through the agency of man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father. (Gal. more

  • Apostolic Boldness

    Contributed by Bruce Howell on May 22, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Peter and John possessed a boldness in the face of hostility that inspires and motivates us to be faithful in our witness.

    Apostolic Boldness Acts 4:1-31 WHEN GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH was Vice President of the United States, he represented our nation at the funeral of former Soviet Communist leader, Leonid Brezhnev. He was deeply moved by the silent protest carried out by Brezhnev’s widow. She stood motionless more

  • The Apostolic Church

    Contributed by James Thornton on Sep 17, 2012
    based on 14 ratings

    The church is not an organization but an organism.

    Many people try to fit the church into a mold they think is best suited. In other words, they try to force the church in to a function they think will fit within the framework they have established. The one size fit all pattern does not work for the church. The church is not rules regulations and more

  • Apostolic Fulfillment

    Contributed by Jeff Van Wyk on Apr 5, 2013

    In these last days God is going to use the apostolic and the prophetic anointing to perfect the church through the revealed Word of God as well as the prophetic word, which contains God’s special instructions for this season. The apostolic and prophet

    APOSTOLIC FULFILLMENT Isaiah 26:3 - You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. The world today is looking for peace. But peace can only come through Jesus. God wants His children to live in peace in a troubled world. We do not have to partake of more

  • Apostolic Motherhood Series

    Contributed by Herman Abrahams on Oct 2, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    There is a side to God which is like that of a mother. Mothers feature in the lives of the Apostles. Deborah rose up in Israel as a mother to lead the nation. Timothy was trained in the Christian faith by his mother and grandmother. Spiritual mothers are

    Compiled by: Herman Abrahams (Senior Minister), Cornerstone Faith Ministries, P.O. Box 740, Westridge 7802, Rep. of South Africa. E-Mail: Note to the reader: If you have been blessed with this sermon compilation, I would be honoured to receive an e-mail from you simply more

  • Apostolic Revival

    Contributed by Scott Bradford on Jul 22, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon is about calling us to reclaim the Apostolic mission of the Church!

    If you hire a guide you can put your canoe/kayak in at the Devil’s River State natural area (Texas), and make your way down the Devil’s River. There won’t be any takeout points until you hit Lake Amistad (near Del Rio, TX) unless you have a professional outfitter who has access to more

  • An Apostolic Attitude Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 6, 2021

    Success never went to Paul’s head. He could have stood on his dignity as an Apostle, and from a pedestal of superiority thrown his weight around, but he never did. Here again we see Paul’s absolute sincerity, for he knew he only had the position he did by the grace of God.

    We have all heard it said that is doesn’t make any difference what you believe as long as you are sincere. This is true only if what you are talking about doesn’t make any difference. If you sincerely believe that white potatoes are better for you than red potatoes it will not make any great more

  • Apostolic Faith

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on May 2, 2020

    The kind of faith the disciple had is the type faith we need all in faith, day by day faith, Flowerer type faith, Living Care type faith.

    Apostolic Faith Acts 2:42-47 1. Living the Faith of the Apostles is “All IN Living” • What does it mean to be “all in,” or devoted? • In verse 42, we read: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. • All IN Means Totally more

  • By His Authority. Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 14, 2020

    Paul continues to answer his critics in Corinth, and we are faced with the same problem we had before; we are only hearing one side of the argument, Paul’s side, and we can only deduce what the criticisms were from Paul’s reply to them.

    December 10, 2014 Tom Lowe The Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians Lesson IV.A.2: By his Authority. (10:7-11). 2nd Corinthians 10:7-11 (NKJV) 7 Do you look at things according to the outward appearance? If anyone is convinced in himself that he is Christ's, let him again more