Apostolic Awakening
Contributed by Apostle Dr. Ruben L. Broadnax Jr. on Oct 24, 2024 (message contributor)
1. Reclaiming The Blueprint
Contributed on Oct 24, 2024
Many believers feel that something vital is missing from today's church, yearning for the vibrancy seen in the early church of Acts. God is calling us back to that original blueprint, to be a church devoted to Him, to each other, and to the mission of spreading His hope and redemption.
There is a growing sense among believers today that something essential is missing. We attend church services, participate in programs, and go through the motions of faith, yet we long for the vibrancy, the power, and the authentic community described in the book of Acts. It’s like we have ...read more
2. The Apostolic Church
Contributed on Oct 24, 2024
The Apostolic Church" focuses on being a church grounded in Jesus, Spirit-led, and mission-driven. This sermon calls believers to embrace their identity as a sent people, united in truth, and empowered to impact the world.
The church is not a building; it’s a living, breathing community of believers united under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Throughout history, the term “apostolic” has often been linked to authority, leadership, or church structure. Yet, in its purest form, the term points back to the mission, ...read more
3. Prophetic Alignment
Contributed on Oct 24, 2024
Prophetic Alignment" is a call to the church to tune into God's voice, align with His heart, and act on His direction. This sermon challenges believers to hear clearly, live obediently, and impact the world through prophetic action that reflects God’s will.
Throughout history, God has always spoken to His people. He has never left His church without direction, guidance, or His voice. The Bible is filled with stories of how God aligned His people with His purposes by speaking to and through His prophets. In these moments, prophetic alignment was not ...read more
4. Building With A Kingdom Mindset
Contributed on Oct 24, 2024
Building with a Kingdom Mindset" focuses on prioritizing God’s Kingdom above all else. This sermon emphasizes aligning our actions with His will, seeking eternal impact, and building on a solid foundation that lasts
We live in a world that constantly pushes us to chase after success, comfort, and security. Society tells us to build our own dreams, secure our own futures, and prioritize our desires. The allure of worldly achievements can be strong—promising status, wealth, and a sense of accomplishment. But in ...read more
5. From Local Impact To Global Reach
Contributed on Oct 24, 2024
From Local Impact to Global Reach" explores the church’s call to move beyond local influence and embrace a global mission. This sermon emphasizes the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to be witnesses, starting in our own communities and extending to the ends of the earth.
The church of Jesus Christ is called to be a movement, not a monument. We are not meant to be static or stagnant, but dynamic and expansive—always reaching out, always moving forward, always extending the influence of the Kingdom of God. In Acts 1:8, Jesus gives His disciples a clear and compelling ...read more
6. Heaven’s Strategy For Revival
Contributed on Oct 24, 2024
Heaven’s Strategy for Revival" reveals God’s blueprint for awakening and spiritual renewal. This sermon focuses on the church’s role in revival—humbling ourselves, seeking God’s face, and turning from sin—to ignite a move of God that transforms lives and communities.
Revival is not a human invention; it is a divine intervention. It’s a moment when heaven touches earth, when God moves in extraordinary ways, and when lives, churches, and communities are radically transformed by His presence. Throughout history, we have seen pockets of revival—moments when God’s ...read more
7. Reviving The Apostolic Fire
Contributed on Oct 24, 2024
"Reviving the Apostolic Fire" calls the church to reignite early church passion and power, uniting revival, mission, and empowerment, urging today’s church to rise as a transformative force impacting local communities and the world."
The story of the early church is one of passion, power, and relentless pursuit of the mission Jesus gave them. From the upper room in Jerusalem to the ends of the earth, the apostles carried a fire that could not be quenched—a fire that transformed lives, shook cities, and changed the course of ...read more