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  • We Are What We Eat Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Jul 30, 2018

    In this message we will talk about 9 reasons why we should study the bible and why we should lean in and care about the subject of Hermeneutics.

    We Are What We Eat OKAY… This morning we are jumping back into our messages series ‘Understanding The Bible…’ NOW – we jumped out of it 3 weeks ago… SO – I think it is important for us to do a quick review of where we have been so far in these conversations. FIRST – let me remind you of the 2 more

  • An Orphan Becomes Queen Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Aug 12, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    After deposing Queen Vashti, the king's attendants encourage him to find a new queen by having a contest between all the young women of the empire.

    For Such a Time as This: An Orphan Becomes a Queen Esther 2:1-18 Pastor Jefferson M. Williams Chenoa Baptist Church 8-09-2020 Two weeks ago, we said hello and goodbye to Queen Vashti. This week, we will meet two more of our main characters and witness a beauty contest that decide the new queen. more

  • Jesus The Jew Series

    Contributed by Edgar Mayer on Apr 2, 2010

    Jesus the Jew.

    Rev Dr Edgar Mayer; Living Grace Toowoomba Church; Message on Snapshots of Jesus 01; Date: 4 October 09 For more sermons and other writings check the following homepage: Jesus The Jew In 1973 a book was published with the title “Jesus The Jew” which more

  • Spiritual Awareness Of Luke 7:11-24

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Oct 23, 2024

    I could not come up with a better title. This narrative is a great example that we need to remember that Semitic people wrote the Bible. Therefore, we need to discover the spiritual lesson in the narrative. This narrative tells us to look to Jesus for help in all dark times.

    Spiritual Awareness of Luke 7:11-24 Luke 7:11-24 Rabbi Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz 11 Soon afterward Jesus went to a city called Nain; and His disciples were going along with Him, accompanied by a large crowd. 12 Now as He approached the gate of the city, a dead man was being carried out, the more

  • Harry Potter And The Living Stone

    Contributed by William Groover on Dec 12, 2001
    based on 100 ratings

    The Harry Potter story is used to draw paralles with the Gospel. PowerPoint slides available by e-mail. "Not Helpful" if you want Anti-Harry!

    Harry Potter and the Living Stone Or Don’t Be a Muggle! William A. Groover Jr., Ph.D. NOTE: E-mail me at and I will e-mail you the PowerPoint slides I prepared to go with this message. You may also download the Harry Potter fonts at and at more

  • God’s End Time Army

    Contributed by Jeff Van Wyk on Jun 15, 2013

    The end-times is not about the power of Satan or the anti-Christ, but about God and His power and authority. Only God knows how things will work out.

    God’s End Time Army Joel 2:11 - The LORD gives voice before His army, For His camp is very great; For strong is the One who executes His word. For the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; Who can endure it? The end-times is not about the power of Satan or the anti-Christ, but about more

  • Loving Our Enemies

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 13, 2021

    This means the Christian must love the non-Christian, and even the anti-Christian. He does not need to like them, but he does need to love them.

    Andrew Jackson was the 7th president of the United States and one of the most popular presidents ever. After two terms he left office with greater popularity than when he entered. He is one of the most interesting presidents to study, for the record would indicate that he had no business being more

  • You Are What You Eat

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Nov 5, 2004
    based on 26 ratings

    A message about the importance and power fo studying God’s word.(The Life - part 6)

    You Are What You Eat The Life – part 8 The Practice of Studying In the 5th chapter of Acts the apostles are in Jerusalem – they are preaching the gospel, healing the sick, driving out evil spirits – and they are really ticking off the religious leaders. The high priest and his cronies were more

  • Cosmic Combat Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Dec 19, 2009

    At the birth of Christ a great war was initiated. Few of us are aware of the conflict, but it will continue until He reigns on the earth.

    *Revelation 12:1-13:1* “A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth. And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great more

  • Find Joy In The Journey - Love - 1 John 2 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Feb 10, 2019

    The discovery of Love and the actions of love opens up our eyes to see Jesus, to hear Jesus and to touch Jesus, but the action of hate causes us to be blind to Jesus, deaf to Jesus and out of touch with Jesus. Love puts us in the light while hate traps us in darkness.

    Transition Video: Dennis Swanberg – Easter Sunday Series: Find Joy in the Journey in 2019 Thesis of series: Joy needs to be experienced in the journey of life! But Joy, like any other attitude, can come and go. It is not guaranteed simply because we are born again believers. We must put ourselves more

  • The Work In Philippi Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 9, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The remainder of chapter 16 concerns Paul’s work in Philippi. It falls into four separate scenes. Verses 11-15 relates the group’s (Paul, Silas, Mark, and Timothy) journey to Philippi and the conversation of a prominent woman named Lydia. Verses 16....

    January 28, 2015 By: Tom Lowe Title: The Work in Philippi (16:11-40) Part 1: Founding a Church with Lydia (16:11-15; KJV) 11 more

  • Demetrius And The Riot In Ephesus Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 15, 2017

    Luke had one more story to tell of Paul’s time spent in Ephesus, before he could begin the narrative of Paul’s third missionary journey. He could not leave Ephesus without relating the story of the silversmiths’ riot. The fact that it was a good story..

    September 27, 2015 Acts of the Apostles By: Tom Lowe Lesson: IV.D.3.h: Demetrius and the Riot in Ephesus (Acts 19:23-41) Acts 19:23-41 (KJV) 23 And the same time there arose no small stir about that more

  • Live In The Circle Of Ineffectiveness Series

    Contributed by Rob Short on Mar 18, 2001
    based on 109 ratings

    A sermon about self centredness. The first in a series of anti-sermons where they tell people to do the opposite of what they are suppose to. Kind of blatant reverse psychology.

    The Seven Habits of Highly Ineffective Christians 1 Live in the Circle of Ineffectiveness Cardiff Heights Baptist 2 January 2000 I trust everyone had an enjoyable New Years. You know what I found really incredible was that by the time the Sydney fireworks were finished, it was time for the more

  • The Purpose Of Second Coming Prophecy

    Contributed by Mark Stepherson on May 29, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Many misinterpret second coming prophecy because they do not know its purpose. It is not to inform us about events. It is not to identify the anti-Christ. It is to inspire us to obedience.

    The Purpose of Second Coming Prophesy 2 Thessalonians 3:4-13 Thomas Fuller was born in Africa about 1710. He was sold as a slave in Virginia in 1724. There is some disagreement about whether someone taught him to count to 100 or if he taught himself. He never had a day of formal education. He more

  • Spread The Word Despite The Odds Sermon X: Encouragement Epitomized By Barnabas Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jan 15, 2020

    In anti-Christian environments, mature Christians may be called on to help stabilize unsettling situations as was Barnabas whose encouraging words and acts of love changed fearfulness to thankfulness.

    BARNABAS EPITOMIZED ENCOURAGMENT (Acts 11:19-30) Barnabas was the New Testament witness we all have a chance to identify with. Whether we adopt the Barnabas approach to witnessing depends on our willingness to be encouragers rather than more

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