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  • If My People . . . (Part 1)

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Feb 3, 2017

    Call for Revival. A Recipe for Revival. a look at some of the the IF-THEN Statements in Scripture

    OPENING STORY: Wife goes with husband to doctor. Doctor examines the husband and diagnose that the husband is critically ill has but perhaps there might be a slim chance of a cure otherwise he has only one week to live. The doctor takes the man’s wife into the next room and reports his finding to more

  • Sermon For 4th Of July 2016

    Contributed by David Trexler on Jul 11, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Independent from England--Now dependent upon God

    Sermon for the 4th of July 2016 Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty we’re free at last! Tomorrow we celebrate the 4th of July—Independence Day—Freedom from the rule of England! Out of this freedom came our constitution and the bill of rights formed in 1789. I more

  • Good King Wenceslas In The Steps Of A King Series

    Contributed by Bruce Rzengota on Dec 23, 2011
    based on 1 rating


    Good King Wenceslas In The Steps of a King Philippians 2:1-11 December 4, 2011 INTRO It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year now has less to do with Advent than new traditions Advent -- A time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at more

  • The Question Of Evil Series

    Contributed by Bruce Rzengota on Jan 4, 2012
    based on 1 rating


    The Question of Evil April 17, 2011 INTRODUCTION May 11, 2011 -- GAFFNEY, SC -- A three year old child is dead after a tragic accident at a Gaffney church. Cherokee County Coroner Dennis Fowler says that Alyssa Jade Mayfield, of Gaffney, was airlifted to Spartanburg Regional Hospital Wednesday more

  • 'tis The Season

    Contributed by Stephen Evans on Dec 5, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    It's always important to be acting in "due season." This message speaks of the season we are in anticipating the return of Christ and how we need to live in light of the season.

    Title: ‘Tis the Season Text: 1 Chronicles 12:32 Date: December 2, 2012 Place: Washington A/G Introduction Seasonal Activity “‘Tis the Season” An often used expression this time of the year Used to explain many phenomena we see occurring in a certain time or season of the more

  • Lie Down In Green Pastures….

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Jan 12, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    The above scripture is so pleasurable and comforting, because it encourages you in the midst of pain, sorrow and loss!

    Lie down in green pastures…. 23:2”He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.” The above scripture is so pleasurable and comforting, because it encourages you in the midst of pain, sorrow and loss! I make my school kids memorize the above more

  • The Judgment Of The Saints

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Aug 27, 2014

    What will it be like when we as followers of Jesus Christ stand before the Judgment seat of Christ? What about the books that will be opened and the Lamb's Book of Life? Will the Lord be honored by what is in the books or will we be humbled?

    A few weeks ago we took a look at the do’s and don’ts of judging others on earth whether they are Christians or not. Two weeks ago we looked at the certainty of the judgment that is awaiting those whose faith and trust was not in Jesus at the time of their death. Today we’ll be more

  • Sanctity Of Human Life And The Gospel

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jan 23, 2012

    A sermon on the sanctity of human life and the gospel (Outline and thoughts taken from the book, Life in the Spirit: Spiritual Formation in Theological Perspective, chapter 12 by David P. Gushee)

    HoHum: Francis Schaeffer said that “cultures can be judged in many ways, but eventually every nation in every age must be judged by this test: How did it treat people? Our own is not exception. Those who regard individuals as expendable raw material do battle on many fronts with those who more

  • Instruction On Anger

    Contributed by Dan Santiago on Oct 17, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    This sermon says that Christians should know how to manage their anger.

    INSTRUCTION ON ANGER EPHESIANS 4:26-27 ILLUSTRATION Anyone can become angry. That is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose and in the right way—that is not easy.—Aristotle In line with these statements, let us find more

  • Stand Firm. Refuse Comprimise

    Contributed by Rev. Robert Strickland on Oct 19, 2018

    Daniel stood tall and refused to compromise..will you?

    Stand Firm. Refuse Compromise. Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; Some years ago in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania a graduation speech caused a storm of controversy. Shannon Wray is not a celebrity. She is simply a more

  • The Lord's Instruction Series

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Sep 25, 2013

    To show the importance of obeying the instructions of the LORD.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you follow the LORD's instructions? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show the importance of obeying the instructions of the LORD. IV. TEXT: Mark 11:2 (Amplified Bible) And instructed them, Go into the village in front of you, and as soon as you enter it, more

  • #7 Don't Be Deceived Series

    Contributed by Ronald Thorington on Mar 28, 2016

    Satan's primary strategy is deception. There is a battle for the minds of Americans. There are many lies of Satan that Americans believe

    Do Not Be Deceived 10/18/15 Introduction: For almost 230 years America has enjoyed freedom of religion. Because the early founders feared a state church, they enacted the Free Exercise Clause in the First Amendment. It was written to ensure that the new government could not coerce persons to more

  • I Love My Wife Series

    Contributed by Todd Sommer on Oct 14, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about how being married is parallel to being part of the Church (God's body) Full sermons notes below. Audio and Video recording of preached sermon at

    • TITLE- I Love My Wife. Eph 5:28 Today is pastor appreciation! Thank you for appreciating us. • Acts 20:26 Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent[e] of the blood of all men. 27 For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God. 28 Therefore take heed to yourselves more

  • Travesty To Majesty Part One - Before Dawn On Friday: "no Witnesses?" Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Aug 21, 2019

    And so it begins - the travesty of injustice due to hypocrisy wrought by jealousy . . . Jesus had gone about doing good for three years, but a fake system of justice allowed no witnesses to tell the truth.

    GOOD NEWS PRESENTED BY MARK Study of the Gospel According to Mark As you read Mark, be aware that you are reading the very first written account of the ministry of Jesus more

  • One Generation Away From Extinction

    Contributed by Darian Catron on Jul 5, 2019

    There's a saying, "Freedom's never free." We live in the freest country in the world, but what do we do with that freedom. As the Church, are we seeking to be a blessing so that through us God can truly bless the USA?

    INTRODUCTION: In Lee Greenwood’s signature ultra-patriotic song “God Bless the USA” he says these words: If tomorrow all my things were gone,I'd worked for all my life. And I had to start again,With just my children and my wife. I'd thank my lucky stars,To be livin' here more

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