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  • Becoming An Acts 1:8 Church

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Jul 20, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    The goal of the local church is to become an Acts 1:8 Church - a dynamic church alive with the power of God. The early church in Acts is our model.

    Becoming an Acts 1:8 Church -God’s Word Around the World- Acts 1:8 Acts 17:16-23 Our goal for the Willow Vale Church is to become an Acts 1:8 Church. The history of the church as recorded in the Book of Acts reveals a dynamic church. The church was alive with the power of God. The church in more

  • Playing The Fool Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Apr 1, 2001
    based on 48 ratings

    Words do hurt when they come from our unresolved anger. That anger is about our own issues, it requires accountability when it hurts others, it separates us from God when it is deliberate. Reconciliation is a priority.

    Words have power. The things we say to one another have power. Kids may deal with smart-mouths in the schoolyard by chanting, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” But that’s rubbish! Don’t you believe it. Names do hurt. Words hurt. The things we say to each more

  • Abram's Commitment To A Life Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Jan 13, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    Abraham sets the example for you and me today. He shows us how to live out our lives in absolute faith in and total commitment to the Lord.

    ABRAM’S COMMITMENT TO A LIFE OF FAITH Genesis 12:4-9 Intro: I remember as a young boy, that we moved around from place to place for awhile. I was born in Colorado, then we moved to the country Turkey, and then we moved to San Antonio.. In a sense, I was a pilgrim in my first four years of more

  • Playing The Fool

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Feb 5, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Sarcasm betrays anger at ourselves or at others, but we cannot let it fester. We need to come to the Cross, where there is reconciliation.

    Words have power. The things we say to one another have power. Kids may deal with smart-mouths in the schoolyard by chanting, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." But that’s rubbish! Don’t you believe it? Names do hurt. Words hurt. The things we say to each other do more

  • It's Everywhere Series

    Contributed by Mark Haines on Jan 20, 2010

    Telling someone "God loves you" seems trite and meaningless. Too many people act as though that's his job. But I have respect the agnostics you say it's presumptuous to believe a Supreme Being would care about us. They get it. The idea that God would

    Introduction: What do the following have in common? • A man & woman lighting one candle • A man & woman exchanging rings • "Dearly beloved we gathered here in the presence of these witnesses...." They're all part of a wedding ceremony. Middle eastern people in the Bible, from more

  • Pray Until Your Morning Comes

    Contributed by Tesh Njokanma on Aug 17, 2016
    based on 10 ratings

    There’s nothing permanent about what you are facing today. That problem will last for only a night, for only a season. But you must be ready to pray until you see your morning season

    One of the most encouraging passages in the Bible is Psalm 30:5. The verse reads: “For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favour lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for a night but joy comes in the morning”. No matter how long a problem may have gone on for, no matter how difficult more

  • Tending The Fire

    Contributed by Kerry O'neill on Dec 24, 2014

    It is ALL about a relationship with Jesus and it takes discipline to pursue Him. It is NOT meant as a guilt trip for those who do not have a daily quiet time, but practical helps on how to. *May be better preached as series. Lots of content, a bit rushed.

    The Fire on the Altar - Leviticus 6:8-13 The LORD said to Moses: 9 “Give Aaron and his sons this command: ‘These are the regulations for the burnt offering: The burnt offering is to remain on the altar hearth throughout the night, till morning, and the fire must be kept burning on the more

  • A Fresh Commitment To Christ

    Contributed by Jonathan Falwell on Jun 21, 2007
    based on 26 ratings

    If we are to experience revival, it must begin within our own hearts. And it begins in our hearts when we earnestly pray out to God for Him to move in our lives like never before.

    A Fresh Commitment to Christ This month, we have focused on the book of Joshua, and on how God has spoken through that book to our hearts. I know it has spoken to me. The promises found in that book have been so significant, so amazing, so comforting and so energizing. Yes, energizing because more

  • The Tragedy Of Unoffered Prayer Series

    Contributed by Bright Adeyeye on Oct 20, 2019
    based on 2 ratings

    The greatest tragedy of life is not unanswered prayers but unoffered prayer. It is those who travail in prayer that will prevail in life! God is calling us to pray. Get ready to be celebrated.

    THE TRAGEDY OF UNOFFERED PRAYER Genesis 25:21. "Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was barren. The Lord answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant." 1 Samuel 12: 23 (NKJV) “Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in more

  • Why Scars? Series

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Nov 11, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Have we ever considered WHY SCARS? Scars witness we have survived and we are still pressing on. The scars of Jesus were a testimony to Thomas.

    WHY SCARS and DARKNESS? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. REAL DAILY LIFE CAN GROW TO THE POINT THAT IT IS EASY TO SAY, I QUIT, LET US THROW THE CLAY AWAY. Text: Jeremiah 18:4 And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another more

  • What Kind Of Spirit Do You Have Part#2

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Feb 7, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    One of the greatest hindrances you will encounter in your Christian walk is that of the religious spirit. Religious spirits endeavor to interfere with the free flow of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

    What Kind of Spirit Do you Have? By Bishop Melvin Maughmer Part #2 OPENING: - Last night before I went to bed, I was watching the local news and this church here in Florida received a violation for violating covid restrictions. They didn’t have a permit to have the event that had several thousand more

  • "Our Savior And Scarecrows: How To Fight Your Fears” Series

    Contributed by Perry Fowler on May 11, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    God didn’t call Abraham to be the Father of Faith because He was a spiritual giant; quiet to contrary, He called Him because He was human, yet willing to be molded, melted, and changed. He wants to do the same for you.

    One of God’s staple, primary commands to His followers is simply: “Do not fear.” It is interesting but did you know that the phrase: “Do not fear or Fear not” occurs over 300 times in the Bible and in some translations it actually occurs 365 times—some say 1 for every day of the year. Here’s the more

  • No Graven Image: The Curse Of Idolatry Series

    Contributed by Jeff Taylor on Nov 22, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    God does not share His glory. He alone is to be worshipped, revered, and honored as King and God. The fall of the nation of Israel is a grim reminder of how deeply idolatry offends God. He both exposed and judged their sin.

    God does not share His glory. He alone is to be worshipped, revered, and honored as King and God. The fall of the nation of Israel is a grim reminder of how deeply idolatry offends God. He both exposed and judged their sin. In J.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings", a scene takes more

  • Get Back On Track. Jacob's Revival. Genesis 35

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Sep 16, 2024

    Off course? Go back to the path where you went astray and get back on path with GOD. Jacob was off-course, and it brought sorrows to his family. But GOD...called him back, and in obedience, Revival comes to Jacob.

    2024.09.15. Sermon Notes. Genesis 35. GET BACK ON TRACK. JACOB'S REVIVAL Jacobs return to Bethel, Rachel’s death at Benjamin’s birth. William Akehurst, HSWC Revival in Jacob’s Life BIG IDEA: Jacob is back in the land, but not where he is supposed to be. His misplacement has brought trouble more

  • "The Pathway Home, Restoration"

    Contributed by Jerry Depoy on Oct 8, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    There are many people who, when confronted with sin, seem to shrug their shoulders and sigh away their sin by simply saying, "Oh well, I am sorry." Then, 1 John 1:9 is quoted, and nothing seems to change...

    Title: "The Pathway Home, Restoration." Introduction: David said that his sin was "against the Lord." In Psalm 51, David said, "Against thee and thee only have I sinned." There are many people who, when confronted with sin, seem to shrug their shoulders and sigh away their sin by simply more

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