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  • Who Are Abraham’s Children? Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on Mar 25, 2012

    Several groups claim to be descendants of Abraham. The Bible gives us an answer to this important question. As a result of this study, we will see that the story of Abraham is really a story that focuses on JESUS. We will learn that God’s promises can

    Today’s passage brings us to a question that is at the heart of the Middle East conflict. It is also at the heart of one’s relationship with God. In Genesis 15, God repeats the covenant that he established with Abraham when he left Haran. Now God is emphasizing the fact that the promise given for more

  • In The Footsteps Of Abraham

    Contributed by Leo Launio on Oct 15, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    In terms of God’s promises to Abraham, we claim that we are indeed hair of Abraham. But the question is—are we heir in the spiritual heritage of Abraham? Are we heir in the call and journey of Abraham?

    December 7, 2002 I. Introduction: Within the Christian tradition, one of the truths that we share with our Jewish and Muslim brothers is the understanding that we are heir of Abraham. And we readily apply this understanding to the promise that God gave to Abraham. As God had indeed blessed more

  • Abram To Abraham.

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 3, 2015

    Abram to Abraham.

    Gen 17:1-14 Abram to Abraham. I. The Revelation. 1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. i. The Timing - when Abram was ninety years old and nine 99 ii. The Testing - the more

  • Abraham’s First Test: Faith Series

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Jan 3, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Will you stop and settle this year or will you be obedient and bless others?

    Video “Something New.” Are you ready for something new this year? My life has begun a new journey. After 34 years of waking up 5 days, a week and delivering bread there is no need to now. After 34 years of job security, I find myself more dependent on God than ever. A new journey has begun and more

  • Abraham’s Second Test: Famine Series

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Jan 11, 2013

    How do we respond when a famine comes into our lives?

    Show the video “Distraction” Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you have followed God’s instruction only to have a situation arise that makes you question whether God spoke to you or you were following some elusive dream? I know I have. I have followed what I believed was God’s more

  • Father Abraham

    Contributed by Jamie Wright on Jun 28, 2004
    based on 11 ratings

    FAther Abraham is the father of many nations. Even we, who have been grafted into the vine are now Abraham’s heirs. Because of that all the precious promises God made to Abraham are ours today. REach out and take one.

    Father Abraham Pastor Jamie Wright * Maranatha Fellowship Church * 06-20-04 Father’s Day Genesis 12:1-5 1 Now the Lord had said to Abram: "Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. 2 I will make you a great nation; I will bless you more

  • The Call Of Abraham Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Jan 11, 2023

    We are Abraham’s children only if we obey God in faith like he did.

    THE CALL OF ABRAHAM Text: Acts 7:1-8 Introduction 1. How many of us remember the old Sunday school song “Father Abraham?” The song goes like this “Father Abraham had many sons, and many sons had Father Abraham. I am one of them and so are you. So, let’s just praise the Lord!” 2. Abraham is known more

  • In The Bosom Of Abraham

    Contributed by Rick Kallstrom on Jun 9, 2003
    based on 25 ratings

    This morning I am going to speak to you about one of those things we all believe in but none of us likes to talk about – not my preaching, but the reality of hell.

    A few years ago I preached a message on hell. After the service I walked to the back of the church to shake hands with members of the congregation as they left the church. One lady said to me, “Reverend, I never knew what hell was really like until I heard you preach!” I wonder what she really more

  • A Test For Abraham

    Contributed by Jeff Simms on May 23, 2004
    based on 19 ratings

    To examine why God allowed Abraham to be tested and the results of that test

    A Test for Abraham Genesis 22:1-18 Primary Purpose: To look at why God would test Abraham and the results of that test I have said that faith is the way in which we appropriate the work of God into our lives. We see this event throughout the Bible. Abraham was first tested with his wife more

  • Abraham's Separation

    Contributed by Ivan Casteel on Feb 16, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    Abraham was called upon to make a great decision in separating himself from all and everything he counted dear.

    ABRAHAM’S SEPARATION Genesis 12:1-3 Genesis 12:1-3. (KJV) 1Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee: 2And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; more

  • Call Of Abraham

    Contributed by Victor Nazareth on Apr 14, 2002
    based on 66 ratings

    God’s call to Abraham and his response are important as it is alluded to in Scripture over and over again. It is an emblem for all subsequent calls. The Bible calls Abraham the father or all those who believe (Rom 4:11).

    Introduction: God’s call to Abraham and his response are important as it is alluded to in Scripture over and over again. It is an emblem for all subsequent calls. The Bible calls Abraham the father or all those who believe (Rom 4:11). As we study his call we can examine our own call to more

  • Abraham: The Call

    Contributed by Tammy Garrison on Jul 11, 2001
    based on 156 ratings

    The call of Abraham is addressed in three elements contained in the following statement: ’God calls ordinary people.’

    There’s a children’s Bible song called “Father Abraham.” The words speak of Abraham having many children, and also speaks of you and I being Abraham’s children. It reminds me of a couple back home. They adopted two children because they believed they couldn’t have any biologically, but then they more

  • Abraham Understands

    Contributed by John Beehler on Jun 26, 2002
    based on 66 ratings

    Child abuse or Faith and Obedience?

    Abraham Understands Many of you might remember, B.C., before cable, when TV stations would have a “Test of the emergency broadcast system”. Or how about on the first Saturday of each month when the siren down by the Satellite Inn is tested? When we first hear it our more

  • Abraham Lincoln

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jul 9, 2002
    based on 48 ratings

    The faith of Abraham Lincoln is best expressed in the phrase he coined, “One Nation Under God!”

    Abraham Lincoln Thesis: The faith of Abraham Lincoln is best expressed in the phrase he coined, “One Nation Under God!” Scripture Texts: On the phrase “One Nation Under God” Genesis 18:18 – “Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all the nations on earth will be blessed more

  • Regarding Abraham

    Contributed by Duke Jeffries on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 10 ratings

    A. INTRODUCTION The fourth chapter of Romans consists primarily of a lengthy illustration of the powerful truth proclaimed by the apostle Paul in the third chapter.

    A. INTRODUCTION The fourth chapter of Romans consists primarily of a lengthy illustration of the powerful truth proclaimed by the apostle Paul in the third chapter. That truth is summarized by Paul in 3:28: Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law. [ more

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