Call Of Abraham
Contributed by Victor Nazareth on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: God’s call to Abraham and his response are important as it is alluded to in Scripture over and over again. It is an emblem for all subsequent calls. The Bible calls Abraham the father or all those who believe (Rom 4:11).
God’s call to Abraham and his response are important as it is alluded to in Scripture over and over again. It is an emblem for all subsequent calls. The Bible calls Abraham the father or all those who believe (Rom 4:11). As we study his call we can examine our own call to separation, call to live by faith, call to increase and call to be a blessing.
I Call to Separation
i) Leave your household: This was probably quite difficult in Abraham’s day as they lived together in clans and tribes for protection and strength. His father Terah went along with Abraham until Haran and died there. Abraham could only enter Canaan after that.
ii) Lot also went with him: Lot was the son of Abraham’s dead brother. Perhaps Abraham not having children of his own doted over this nephew. It was perhaps hard for Abraham to let him go but he had to eventually.
iii) Lot means veil or covered: Lot did not have the same vision as Abraham. When Lot parted, the veil was removed and God spoke to Abraham and showed him his inheritance, Gen 13:14.
iv) God’s call involves separation: Like in a marriage, to cleave we have to leave. To follow Jesus involves separation from some things. A prophet is not accepted in his own hometown. Are there some things or relationships that are keeping you from following Jesus?
II Call to Live by Faith
i) Go to the place I will show you: God was going to give progressive revelation. As he moved he would receive more direction.
ii) Faith was based on God’s promise: Like Peter walking on the water, God’s Word to us is sufficient to walk on, e.g. our call to Delhi. Faith promise offering.
iii) We must live by faith: Heb 11:6, without faith it is impossible to please God.
III Call to Increase
i) A great nation: God’s purpose was for Abraham to increase. This is the ultimate vision.
ii) God’s friend (Jam 2:23): Gen 18:19, Abraham chosen to direct his children and household. In doing this God would fulfill his promises to him, c.f., Joh 15:14. Even when childless, he had 318 trained men in his household (Gen 14:14)
iii) Our purpose: Make disciples of all nations, spiritual children, c.f. 2Ti 2:2. Jesus model: made 12 disciples. Act 4:13 people took note that they had been with Jesus. Billy Graham.
III Call to Blessing
i) Sevenfold Blessing: Abraham’s call involved a blessing. Great Commission blessing is Jesus promise to be with us to the end of the age.
ii) Obedience eventually gets blessed: Perhaps not at first since there was a cost to leave and follow but eventually blessings overtake us, c.f., Mar 10:29-30.
Like our father of faith Abraham, each of us is called to 1) Separation, 2) Live by faith, 3) Increase and 4) Blessing.