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  • Captivity Series

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Mar 22, 2009
    based on 41 ratings

    Amazing similarities exist between Israel and America - from their founding to civil war to sinful rejection of the 70 year captivity! Link inc. to formatted text, audio/video, PowerPoint.

    Captivity I Kings 12 v. 16-17 “Rehoboam reigned over them” – here’s a major division in the OT. Israel is now split. The Hebrew nation has much in common w/ the US in its history... Both were founded on the Word of God. [Revisionists try to more

  • The 70 Year Limit Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Jan 1, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    We might think that the 70 years Judah spent in exile is a long time for the people to be under the anger of God. However the post exile events and interactions between God and His people demonstrates that God graciously limited His punishment to only 70 years. God is a forgiving God.

    Jexit: Judah Comes Home The 70 Year Limit A sermon on Ezra 6:13-18 The last time we looked at what was happening to the returned Exiles it was the 7th December 518BC. And Zechariah was talking with the Jews about the fact that the Lord was giving them the opportunity to move forward. The past, more

  • 70 Weeks Of Daniel Series

    Contributed by Ed Taylor on Oct 13, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    History in advance; a panoramic picture of God’s dealings with Israel, the Antichrist, the coming Messiah, and the end of the age.

    1. Have you ever been reading a book, OR a novel and you come to a place where you think, “WOW, this is great! I don’t think it’s going to get any better than this?” • You just hit a place where the plot thickens, the characters expand, the story gets intense… and you’re absorbed with more

  • Captive Or Captivated

    Contributed by Delray Lentz on Jan 18, 2023

    The purpose of todays’ word is that we consider, only when we are captivated with God, are we no longer captive to sin.

    Did you learn something new in Gods Word this week? Did you read a familiar scripture that had new meaning for you? We are going to look @ three verses today (@ least 3): 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 Psalm 27:4 Isaiah 43:13 Are you captive or captivated? Let’s briefly look at two captives from the more

  • Are You Going To Relent?

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on Mar 9, 2021

    Many times we face unexpected disappointments, especially when we have been praying and it seems like our prayers are not being answered. What should be our response now?

    Tonight, we’re going to look at a familiar passage of scripture – Jeremiah 29. And the message tonight has three parts. The first part will be encouragement. The second part is going to be a reminder. And the third part is going to be a challenge. In Jeremiah 29 we know the background for this more

  • 70 Apostled

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jul 3, 2016

    Let’s examine Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 and what we can learn from 70 or 72 who were “apostled” by Jesus and what their mission was.

    The term Apostle can refer to the twelve disciples of Christ. However, in Greek it was used more broadly. Let’s look at what God has sent us to do. Let’s examine Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 and what we can learn from 70 or 72 who were “apostled” by Jesus and what their mission more

  • "Captivity Led Captive" Series

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on May 23, 2003
    based on 21 ratings

    Sin made us captives to Satan. Grace made us captives to Christ. (#13 in the Unfathomable Love of Christ series)

    “Therefore it says ‘When He ascended on high, He led captive a host of captives, and He gave gifts to men’. (Now this expression, ‘He ascended,” what does it mean except that He also had descended into the lower parts of the earth? He who descended is Himself also He who ascended far above all the more

  • Daniel's 70-7's

    Contributed by Val Black on Nov 22, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    The Book of Daniel is like no other Book of the Bible. Chapter 9:3-27 is a revelation of end-time events. The fulfillment of these events proves the accuracy of the Bible.

    Daniel’s 70-7’s At one time during His ministry, the disciples asked Jesus what signs to watch for in His Second Coming. The Holy Spirit considered the answer so important that it’s recorded in three different Books, Mark, chapters 13-14 ; Luke, chapters 21-22. And in Matt. 24. Let’s turn to more

  • Captivating Series

    Contributed by Greg Lindsey on Mar 8, 2020

    Jesus Came To Rescue You. He cares about more than what you have done. He cares about what has been done to, said to, and said about you. Not just forgiveness but healing, redemption and restoration is available too.

    ILLUST> In the movie Shall We Dance, John Clark is middle aged Chicago estate lawyer who loves his family and his wife Beverly but their combined hectic lives and schedules have left him feeling unfulfilled and empty. Like we talked about last week he is a man who has lost heart. So he decides more

  • 70 Weeks Of Daniel Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Sep 19, 2020

    This message is part of our Wednesday's word on End Times Doctrine. In this message we look at the 70 weeks of Daniel 9:24-27

    End Times Doctrine “70 Weeks” *** Watch: Today’s study is going to center upon the prophecy given by the prophet Daniel. It is found in Daniel 9:24-27. Some refer to this prophecy as the “God’s Prophetic Clock.” Literally, it is God’s time clock upon the nation of more

  • Sex-Wise: Captivated Or Captive?

    Contributed by John Beukema on May 1, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Dealing with our sexual lives is an issue at any age and life-stage. God made us as sexual beings, and how we behave sexually is a spiritual issue.

    The last time I did a series on sex was over 5 years ago. If you are married, and can count the number of times you’ve had sex since then, there might be a problem. If you aren’t married and can’t count the number of times you’ve had sex since then, there might be a problem. more

  • Thoughts For The New Year

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Apr 23, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    This message deals with the danger of negative thinking and how to retrain our minds towards more a more faith filled mindset. 2 Cor. 10:3-5 is the text.

    Title: Thoughts for the New Year Text: 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 CHCC: December 30, 2012 INTRODUCTION: This is the last time we’ll be together in 2012. It’s the time when we think: "out with the old and in with the new". There’s a scripture that talks about that: more

  • Punishment Of A Nation Series

    Contributed by Phillip Smith on Jan 30, 2023

    Every nation has need of discipline. God will punish an evil nation for disobedience by unrighteous leadership. Look at the nation of Judah and God's punishment of them. Yet, God will protect and comfort the righteous in captivity.

    As Americans, we have not seen a complete overthrow of our nation’s leadership. We have witnessed many attempts to assassinate our presidents, with a few successes. Our form of government seems to be stable. The democracy in which we live has been built upon Godly principles and appears to be a more

  • Captivity Of A Nation Series

    Contributed by Phillip Smith on Jan 30, 2023

    If punishment and discipline of a nation is ineffective, God will cause a nation to enter into captivity. Look at the nation of Judah and their captivity.

    In our previous study, we ended with Jehoiakim being King of Judah and Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem. 2 Kings 24:1. 24 In his days Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up, and Jehoiakim became his servant three years: then he turned and rebelled against him. Secular history calls this king more

  • 70 X 7

    Contributed by Pablo Catala on Jun 12, 2019


    The most crucial part in our Christian walk is dealing with the aspect of sin, the temptation of it, the conception of it and the actual act, these things are always trying to eat at our salvation and at our walk with God trying to strip us of what was given to us as a gift and that is the promise more

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