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  • A "Fast" Message - Fasting - Prayer

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Feb 25, 2005
    based on 95 ratings

    "God’s 9 Main Purposes for Fasting" from Is. 58 make for a great outline and eye-opening sermon for your committed crowd. Also, Biblical admonitions on the Benefits and Dangers to consider when fasting. Free Powerpoint at website.

    A Fast Message From God Is. 58:6-8 PowerPoint at: I. Definition of Fasting Fasting=a voluntary withdrawing from food and/or drink, or other fleshly appetite, for a specified period of time. 3 most basic types of fasting mentioned in the more

  • A "Fast" Message - Fasting And Prayer

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Jan 6, 2004
    based on 485 ratings

    3 TYPES OF FASTING AND God’s 9 main purposes for fasting. Link included to Powerpoint and formatted text version.

    A “Fast” Message Is. 58:6-8 Powerpoint for this and hundreds more free sermons at our website: I. Definition Fasting=a voluntary withdrawing from food and/or drink, or other fleshly appetite, for a specified period of time. 3 most basic types of fasting more

  • Don't Faint

    Contributed by Maurice Mccarthy on Oct 11, 2012
    based on 66 ratings

    A sermon on unanswered prayer, and a great visual illustration involving a cement block that goes along with the message

    Don't Faint (Props needed for illustration: 8x8x16 cement block, hammer) Lu 18:1 And he spake a parable unto them [to this end], that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; (KJV) Today I want to talk to you about fainting. I have an illustration that I am going to use in a few moments that more

  • The Hero Unveiled Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Dec 12, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    In a world held captive by an evil enemy, Jesus Christ comes rushing in like a super hero to do battle with evil and rescue us from the tyrant of sin. In this introduction to the gospel of Mark we learn who is behind the stories and some amazing things ab

    How significant are our teen years? Can events that take place between 13 and 19 impact us for our entire lives? Surely. Take John Mark, for instance. As a young man he witnessed the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. The Last Supper may have taken place at his home. Some speculate that he more

  • Waiting With The Old Testament Church: Waiting With Comfort

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Dec 6, 2015

    Adapted from a Timothy Quill Advent series.

    I began a sermon series last week by saying that no one likes waiting—especially not at the emergency room of a hospital. But another place we don’t like having to wait is at the airport. If you’re travelling alone and your flight has been delayed, it’s no fun having to wait more

  • Desolation For The Judgemental

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Aug 14, 2017

    To show that our detractors or enemies are being destroyed by GOD to show His love for us.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you have detractors in life? Yes. Even JESUS has. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers/unbelievers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that our detractors or enemies are being destroyed by GOD to show His love for us. Exodus 23:22 But if you will indeed listen to and obey His voice and all more

  • Hope Series

    Contributed by Russ Barksdale on Nov 28, 2018

    Our hope is in His comfort. Our hope is in His preparation. Our hope is in His presence.

    Advent: HOPE Isaiah 40:1-5 Advent ( Latin adventus, Greek parousia) : appearing, arrival or official visit. Romans 15:13 Psalm 33:20-22 Isaiah 40:31 Our hope is in His comfort vv.1-2 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 If God’s comfort is not enough for you, then no one else’s will be either. Our more

  • Bitter Brothers; Workplace Weasels; And Hope Hurters Series

    Contributed by Maurice Mccarthy on Jul 28, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Joseph is said to have been bitterly wounded by archers in Gen 49. There is no record in scripture of real arrows. Words and actions can be like arrows. In this message we talk about 3 types of archers: Bitter Brothers, Workplace Weasels, Hope Hurters.

    Wounded by the Archers PPT 1 Series Title Summary of previous message God makes arrows out of the most unlikely sources of wood. It is not the type of wood you are that really matters but how good an arrow maker God is. PPT 2 Today's Title Wounded by Archers PPT 3 Text Ge 49:22 "Joseph is a more

  • Dreams Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Nov 29, 2021

    Joseph interprets two court officials dreams and is forgotten in prison

    No Ordinary Joe: Dreams! Genesis 40 Chenoa Baptist Church Pastor Jefferson M. Williams 11-07-2021 I Believe I Can Fly When I was in college, I took a psychology class from my favorite professor. We spent time studying Sigmund Freud’s classic, “The Interpretation of Dreams.” Dr. Vidulich asked more

  • A Fresh Encounter With God

    Contributed by Gerald Steffy on Aug 29, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A fresh encounter with God is a renewal of one’s personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

    A FRESH ENCOUNTER WITH GOD Job 40:1-5, 42:1-6 Proposition: A fresh encounter with God is a renewal of one’s personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Objective: My purpose is to challenge people to a fresh encounter with God in their personal relationship with our Lord Jesus more

  • They That Wait Upon The Lord: The Rewards For Waiting

    Contributed by Jeremiah Menyongai on Mar 10, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Waiting Is A Problem For Most Of Us. The world has a problem with waiting but the Christian should be different. In this very fast-paced world, things are set up for maximum speed and efficiency, but we must wait on God & His Timing. Why? Because God always has a due season...

    THEY THAT WAIT UPON THE LORD: THE REWARDS FOR WAITING Isaiah 40:25-31: 25 “To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?” says the Holy One. 26 Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. more

  • Spiritual Rest

    Contributed by Michael Worker on May 3, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    Looking at the meaning of Hebrews 4 as an application of Numbers 13 & 14

    The Sabbath is irrelevant. The Sabbath has been changed. The Sabbath of the Jews is now fulfilled in the Spiritual Rest we have in Jesus. This morning I would like to talk to you about the 4th chapter of Hebrews. As I have met with people of many different faiths and talked to them about the more

  • The Danger Of Hardness Of Heart Series

    Contributed by Frank Lay on Sep 10, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Are you in danger of hardening your heart to the precious truths of the gospel of Christ?

    THE DANGER OF HARDNESS OF HEART Hebrews 3:7-19 How is your heart? I am not asking about the physical condition of your heart, but the spiritual condition. Sometimes we describe the experience of becoming a Christian as inviting Jesus to come into the heart. The Bible speaks of a troubled more

  • Where Is God When Life Tumbles In?

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Sep 16, 2004
    based on 9 ratings

    This message is given to give people hope in times of hardships.

    Where is God when Life Tumbles In? As Christians how do we cope with tragedy and Crisis? What do we do when life tumbles in? We can face crisis in a number of ways: Unreal Optimism: We can become numb to pain and say, "All is okay." If anything good is going to happen it will happen to me. more

  • Unwrapping God's Good News

    Contributed by Dave Kinney on Oct 26, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Missions! This sermon was preached as we dedicated our Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes - Samaritain’s Purse Ministry. A powerful Powerpoint presentation available upon request!

    Notice 3 things about these children: a. Jesus received the children around Him. Which says that He places an importance and value on them. b. Jesus rebuked those around Him. Societies over the ages have at times put little value on children. I wonder about America at times! c. Jesus blessed the more

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