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  • Who's Your Daddy?

    Contributed by Mike Hays on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 64 ratings

    God has adopted us into His family. He is a Father who will never fail us.

    Who's Your Daddy? 1 John 3:4-10 The last rain soaked, numbed-out fan sloshed out of Max Yasgur's muddy pasture more than 30 years ago. That was the day the Woodstock Music and Art Festival came to a close. What was billed as "three days of peace and music" turned into something altogether more

  • The Imitation Of Love

    Contributed by Mike Hays on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 58 ratings

    God has shown His love for us in His Son Jesus who has given His life so that we might know true love as well as salvation.

    The Imitation of Love 1 John 3:11-24 "Pray that my love will be without limits." --Saint Maximilian Kolbe in his last letter to his mother. Father Maximilian Kolbe was forty-five years old in the early autumn of 1939 when the Nazis invaded his homeland. He was a Polish monk who founded the more

  • Our Lifestyle Reveals Our Family Identity

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 34 ratings

    All Men Will Live in One of Two Lifestyles a.

    All Men Will Live in One of Two Lifestyles a. A Lifestyle of Righteousness b. A Lifestyle of Lawlessness 2. Our Lifestyle Reveals the Source of our Spiritual Being a. The Source of the Devil b. The Source of God more

  • How Great Is The Love Of God! Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 23 ratings

    God’s love is so great that with it he has made us children of Him and with that comes all the royal inheritances if we live the way we are suppose too.

    I John 3 – “How great is the Love of God?” Thesis: God’s love is so great that with it he has made us children of Him and with that comes all the royal inheritances if we live the way we are suppose too. Scripture Text: 1 John 3: 1-24 1How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we more

  • Like Father, Like Son

    Contributed by Quintin Marrow on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 25 ratings

    TEXT SUMMARY: The children of God, who have been adopted by grace (Gal.

    TEXT SUMMARY: The children of God, who have been adopted by grace (Gal. 4:4-7), have been given incredible privileges; as a result of their new birth (John 3:3), God's children purify themselves from wickedness and strive to conform their lives to that of Christ's. OUTLINE OF THE PASSAGE: I. The more

  • Jesus Antivirus

    Contributed by Tran Xuan on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 34 ratings

    Prayer: Almighty God, we thank you for sending Your Son, Jesus, as our Redeemer, Antidote for the deadly virus of sin.

    Prayer: Almighty God, we thank you for sending Your Son, Jesus, as our Redeemer, Antidote for the deadly virus of sin. Help us to live without fear knowing that You are our hope and our victory. Amen. Jesus Anti-virus Introduction: PH. D. Joshua Lederberg says, The single biggest threat to man more

  • What Is Sin

    Contributed by Lindeal Greer on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 24 ratings

    Sin is the transgression of God's law.

    Sin is the transgression of God's law. To break what God has told you to do or not to do is sin. " 1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. " God's law has not always been the same. There was a law in the garden. There was a law called more

  • 1 John Chapter 3

    Contributed by Bo Sullivan on Jan 18, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    Verse by verse discourse on 1 John chapter 3.

    1 John 3 NKJV by Bo Sullivan 1 John 3:1 Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! We hardly understand the "manner of love" of our heavenly Father. We, as fathers and mothers, invest our time, money and resources raising our children. more

  • Walking With Others Series

    Contributed by Timothy Peck on Feb 1, 2001
    based on 105 ratings

    Three ways our relationships with other Christians demonstrates our faith in Jesus

    When I was in high school my friends always told me that I was born twenty years too late. You see, in high school I idealized the countercultural movement of the 1960s, when the youth culture was demonstrating against everything from the Viet Nam War to Civil Rights. But I was in high school in more

  • How Could God Love Us?

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Feb 2, 2001
    based on 96 ratings

    If we are so sinful, how could God love us? What kind of love would allow him to love us?

    Morning Message Central Church of Christ February 4, 2000 John Dobbs HOW COULD GOD LOVE US? Introduction: Today we begin a series on love from the book of 1 John. John had a fiery and destructive temperament! He wanted to call down fire from heaven on some of Jesus’ enemies! Jesus called him a more

  • Lifestyle, Or Stylife?

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Nov 7, 2000
    based on 65 ratings

    "Laying down in a pig pen doesn't make you a pig; but you'll sure get up smelling like one" -Unknown

    Looking back as we begin, at chapter 2 verse 28 of this letter, we see that John is exhorting his readers to “...abide in Him (Jesus); so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame at His coming”. I think it is very appropriate to begin a sermon about more

  • Am I My Brother's Keeper?

    Contributed by Tom Lovorn on Nov 11, 2000
    based on 164 ratings

    We still ask the third question in the Bible, "Am I my brother's keeper?" to excuse our responsibility for our fellowman.

    Am I My Brother's Keeper? Genesis 4:9; 1 John 3:11-24 Introduction This past week I installed a new ISP on my computer. I had to set up the DNS and the TCP/IP. Then I had to configure the SMTP and the POP. If you don't know what I'm talking about, maybe you'd better read the FAQ. By the way, more

  • First John Chapter Three Part 1

    Contributed by Robert Kerr on Dec 21, 2000
    based on 60 ratings

    Bible Study

    "WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A CHILD OF GOD?" Chapter 3: 1-3 Introduction: One of the greatest events in the life of any parent is the birth of a child, it is a very blessed, memorable, and emotional experience. It is also a very significant day to the child. Of course, this baby has no concept of more

  • First John Chapter Three Part 2

    Contributed by Robert Kerr on Dec 21, 2000
    based on 45 ratings

    Bible Study

    PRACTICING LOVE - I John 3:10-24 Introduction: The Gospel of John was written to persuade the readers that Jesus was the Messiah and to persuade them to believe upon Him and be saved - John 20:31 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that more

  • Some Things I Know

    Contributed by James Hayden on Jan 6, 2007
    based on 18 ratings

    In my Christian life there are some things I have come to know.

    Some Things I Know It’s hard to believe that another year has come and gone. It seems like just yesterday we were ringing in the year 2006, and now in a few hours the ball will drop and it will be 2007. You hear a lot of talk about what will the new year bring, what does the future hold? more

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