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Sermons on Zechariah 9:2-3:

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  • Our Nation Is In Peril, What Can We Do?

    Contributed by Doug Koehler on Jul 5, 2002
    based on 168 ratings

    Our Lord shows us that he often waits for us to pray our burdens to Him, before he acts. This is what our Lord wants us to do now!

    Title: Our Nation in peril, what is our recourse? Text: Zechariah 9:1-12 Date: July 7. 2002 We all know what happened to the people of Israel when they abandoned God. God removed the hedge of protection around His people and thus allowed Israel’s neighbors to attack and persecute them. more

  • God's Judgment - Part 3

    Contributed by Paul George on Sep 15, 2003
    based on 7 ratings

    At this chapter begins another sermon, which is continued to the end of ch. 11. It is called, "The burden of the word of the Lord,"

    At this chapter begins another sermon, which is continued to the end of ch. 11. It is called, "The burden of the word of the Lord," for every word of God has weight in it to those who regard it, and will be a heavy weight upon those who do not, a dead weight. Verses one to six contain a prophecy more

  • God At War

    Contributed by T. Michael Crews on Nov 30, 2006
    based on 13 ratings

    Exposition of Zech. 9

    God at War Zech. 9 Of all the descriptions of God found in the Bible, one of the most shocking is found in a song sung by Moses and the people of Israel after their rescue from the Egyptians at the Red Sea. Exodus 15:3 The LORD is a man of war; The LORD is His name. “A man of war”- a warrior, a more

  • The Righteous King Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on May 28, 2010

    A study of chapter 9 verses 1 through 17

    Zechariah 9: 1 – 17 The Righteous King 1 The burden of the word of the LORD against the land of Hadrach, and Damascus its resting place (For the eyes of men and all the tribes of Israel are on the LORD); 2 Also against Hamath, which borders on it, and against Tyre and Sidon, though they are very more

  • A World Conqueror & The Prince Of Peace Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Nov 18, 2010
    based on 16 ratings

    A prophetic description of Alexander the Great's progress south conquering the traditional enemies of Israel by divine providence & the deliverance of Jerusalem. But the total prophecy does not point to this conquer's success but to another Hero's success

    ZECHARIAH 9: 1- 9 A WORLD CONQUEROR AND THE PRINCE OF PEACE [Ezra 6:13-22 / Ezekiel 26:12-14] Zechariah does not record for us that the Temple was completed but Ezra (6:13-22) does. However, the completion of the Temple was not the end of the story. With the temple finished Zechariah relays more

  • The King On A Donkey.

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 21, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Prophecy concerning Jesus. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Zechariah chapter 9 verses 1-17. Background: (1). The writer. • Zechariah is a very common name in the Bible, • At least twenty-seven Bible characters had it. We know little of the prophet’s biography, apart from a few scant references: • Chapter 1 verse 1 more

  • A New King - Zechariah 9 Series

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Jul 30, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    Zechariah 9-14 is mostly Hebrew Poetry. One commentator has called these "perhaps the most problematic 6 chapters in the bible"

    A New King Zech 9 October 5, 2008 Intro: This morning we are going to continue our study of Zechariah by looking at chapter 9, and we might need to work hard with it so before we dive in, let me begin with these: The Sunday School teacher was describing how Lot’s wife looked back and turned more

  • God's Kingdom Coming

    Contributed by Gary Graff on Jul 11, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    God's kingdom comes in its own special way.

    More than likely, most of you parents have taken your children to see the headwaters of he Mississippi located in Itasca stare park not far from here. You have walked the little walking bridge across those waters, and even encouraged your young children to take off their shoes and walk across the more

  • Why Us? Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Sep 5, 2021

    The proof of God’s love and His faithfulness to His Covenant is People is the fact that they are still around despite every effort that’s been made over the centuries and millennia to not only eliminate them from “the River to the Sea” but off the face of the earth.

    “Why me?” Have you ever sung that song? The refrain goes something like this: “Why do bad things always happen to me?” I was singing that song one day when a man came up to me and said, “Why not you? Are you special?” Yep. I am special. And so are you … which is why bad things happen to more

  • The Part Of The Bible About Alexander The Great – No, Seriously Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Oct 18, 2019

    This passage includes prophecy that was fulfilled in Alexander the Great's conquests, as well as a much better known prediction concerning a donkey.

    - Context note: this begins a part of Zechariah that is probably written four or five decades after the previous sections. Israel has completed the Temple, but is still vulnerable to foreign powers. TWO AMAZING PROPHECIES IN CHAPTER NINE: 1. Alexander the Great destroys everyone except more

  • Messianic Prophecies

    Contributed by Douglas Turner on Jan 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    i. There are two prophecies regarding the King of Kings in just two verses. In verse 9 we have a prediction of the First Appearance of Jesus Christ, and beginning in verse 10 we have a prophecy regarding the Return of Jesus Christ.

    1. A Prophecy Regarding the Coming of an Earthly King a. The Destruction of Phoenicia, Syria, and Philistia i. Our text begins today with an “oracle” or a “burden” describing the Lord’s judgment on Syria, Phoenicia, and Philistia, the traditional enemies of Israel. ii. Most evangelical scholars more

  • Preparations For Messiah Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Aug 1, 2022

    Exposition of Zechariah 9:1-8 examines campaign of Alexander the Great predicted by the prophet. Through two supernatural dreams, God turned potential disaster to favor for His people.

    Intro We have completed the first half of Zechariah. Our text today opens the second half. Chapters 1-8 constitute the first half, and chapters 9-14 the second. The style, structure, and tone of the two halves are very different. We have been impressed with the specific dates and context given in more

  • The Coming Of The King

    Contributed by Jm Raja Lawrence on Mar 23, 2024

    In this sermon, we delve into the significance of Jesus Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, exploring its rich symbolism and prophecy, and understanding Jesus as a King unlike any other.

    The Coming of the King Matthew 21:4–5; Zechariah 9:9 Introduction Welcome, brothers and sisters, as we gather here on this blessed Palm Sunday. Today, we commemorate a pivotal moment in history - the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. This event, rich in symbolism and prophecy, marked more