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Sermons on Titus 2:1-14:

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  • Good Looking Christianity Series

    Contributed by Mark Hensley on May 3, 2001
    based on 147 ratings

    Many people would rather sleep in on Sundays, thinking that Church has little if anything to offer them. What does God, and His church have to say to them?

    West Greeley Baptist Church April 29th 2001 “Good looking Christianity” Titus 2: 7-10 By Pastor Mark Hensley “7In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness 8and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may more

  • What Is The Role Of A Mother Today?

    Contributed by Evie Megginson on May 7, 2001
    based on 354 ratings


    WHAT IS THE ROLE OF A MOTHER TODAY? TITUS 2:1-5 In Tyler, Texas, there is a tombstone which says, “Mahalita, the wife of R. Adkins, she was the sunshine of our home.” 1. Mothers, isn’t that the way you want to be remembered? You were the sunshine of your home. Billy Graham’s mother said more

  • God's Amazing Grace

    Contributed by Mike Richardson on May 16, 2001
    based on 118 ratings

    i can’t get over God’s amazing grace and how it has changed my life and is changing my life. i just can’t get over it, and I don’t want to.

    INTRO: ***Amazing grace, how sweet the sound…..what a beautiful song that demonstrates how Jesus showed mercy toward ME…and brought me salvation. The good news about grace……it provides mercy!!! Grace is when we get what we don’t deserve; Mercy is when we don’t get what we do deserve! I. I more

  • God's Glorious Grace

    Contributed by Greg Thompson on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 30 ratings

    I.The Conviction of Grace- v.

    I.The Conviction of Grace- v.11- John 6:44 John 12:32 II. The Continuance of Grace-v.12- Acts 13:43 III. The Courage of Grace-v.12- Romans 12:1,2 Proverbs 28:1 IV.The Consummation of Grace v.13- 1 Thess.4:16,17 Hebrews 9:28 V. The Cost of Grace-v.14- Col.1:14 1 Peter 1:18,19 VI. The Cleansing more

  • How The Holy Spirit Helps Us Practice Wise Discretion

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 40 ratings

    The Holy Spirit helps us act circumspectly in our speech, action and relationships by reminding us to be more like Jesus Christ. Paul wrote to Timothy, "Remember, Jesus Christ and constantly keep Him in mind as risen from the dead." (2 Tim. 2:8 - Amplifie

    How the Holy Spirit Helps Us Practice Wise Discretion Illustration:Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of faith is to see what we believe. Augustine. 1. The Holy Spirit helps us act circumspectly in our speech, action and relationships by reminding us to be more like Jesus more

  • It's Gotta Look Good

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Oct 31, 2000
    based on 13 ratings

    A look at how we need to make the Gospel attractive in our lives if we are to reach people.

    Ugly bunch don’t you think? This week’s edition of people magazine included pictures of the world’s 50 most beautiful people, as selected by their readers. The group you saw were the photos that were posted online at People’s homepage. All fairly attractive people and yet it was interesting to more

  • Getting Ready For Christmas

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Dec 21, 2000
    based on 106 ratings

    How do we handle the fact that it is His birthday, & so few are paying any attention to Him at all?

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER CENTRAL CHRISTIAN, BROWNSVILLE, TX A. You have probably heard the old saying that there are 3 types of people: people who make things happen, people who watch things happen, & people who have no earthly idea what is happening. There are many who more

  • If We Really Love Our Children

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Jan 7, 2001
    based on 184 ratings

    How would we show our love if we really loved our children the way the Bible teaches us to love them?

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER CENTRAL CHRISTIAN, BROWNSVILLE, TX ILL. There was an article in the Reader’s Digest a few years ago entitled "What Motherhood Really Means," & subtitled, "It Will Change Your Life, But Not the Way You Think." The writer is telling of a conversation more

  • Responses To God's Grace Series

    Contributed by Doug Warren on Jan 14, 2001
    based on 219 ratings

    God’s Grace (unmerited favor) toward us demands that we respond. What should be our responses to His Grace?

    Intro: Grace has been defined in many ways, (unmerited favor, God’s Riches at Christ’s Expense, full and underserved pardon and forgiveness) but whatever the definition, the Grace God extends to us demands that we respond. What should be our responses to God’s Grace? I. RECEIVE HIS GRACE (V. more

  • The First True Survivors In The World.

    Contributed by Robert Laymance on Jan 22, 2001
    based on 74 ratings

    Back to the Beginning.We today can be a survivor if we follow Adams’ example in responding to the voice and call of God.

    The Concepts of Salvation in the beginning are the same Today. God has not changed and His Word then is His Word now! Man left to Himself WILL go astray.-Psalms.10:4 The subtility of that old Serpent,has not decreased. Satan is in force today using whatever means He has to detour us in the more

  • Temperate Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Feb 12, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    Fifth in a series on shepherding/mentoring in the church.

    Sermon for 2/11/2001 Temperate Titus 2:2; 1 Timothy 3:2 Introduction: A. Once the devil was walking along with one of his demons. They saw a man ahead of them pick up something shiny. “What did he find?” asked the demon. “A piece of the truth,” the devil replied. “Doesn’t it bother you that he more

  • A Family You Can't Wait To Come Home To - Part 2 - Wives Series

    Contributed by Doug Johnston on Mar 7, 2001
    based on 93 ratings

    God encourages wives to trust Him and love their husbands, even if their husbands haven’t learned how best to love God or them yet.

    A Family You Can’t Wait to Come Home To (Part 2—Wives) The aged women likewise... teachers of good things; That they may teach the young love their husbands... From Titus 2:3-4 Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without more

  • What Grace Teaches Series

    Contributed by Kevin O'connor on Jun 8, 2002
    based on 9 ratings

    The age of Grace is it coming to an end? What must we learn before the next age arrives?

    “Strengthen By Grace” #2 “What Grace Teaches” Hebrews13: 9, Titus 2: 11-13, Colossians 1: 6 Jesus brought us into a age of Grace so it is about time to learn what the Word of God reveals about this age of grace and how Grace can transform our lives. Could it be? God will close this age when the more

  • Striving For Church Health - Healthy Senior Men Series

    Contributed by Joey Nelson on Jun 24, 2002
    based on 58 ratings

    A healthy church is one that grows warmer in fellowship, deeper through discipleship, broader through ministry, and larger through evangelism.

    INTRODUCTION Opening Statement: I made a decision several years ago about the kind of church that I wanted to pastor. I did not ask for a small church. I did not ask for a large church. I asked God for a healthy church. A healthy church is one that grows warmer in fellowship, deeper through more

  • Striving For Church Health - Healthy Senior Women Series

    Contributed by Joey Nelson on Jul 8, 2002
    based on 57 ratings

    God desires that you and I come into our older age with grace and dignity while at the same time being useful in the local church. In His Word, God gives us instruction as to how senior adult women are to be useful in the local church.

    INTRODUCTION Opening Statement: There’s a new age coming – a new age wave. It is going to hit the 21st century church like a Pacific tsunami. There are now more people over age 65 than under 18. We would be wise to look at the fact that Apostle Paul recognized the value and usefulness of senior more