Kevin O'connor
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
A Change Of Heart About Finances
Contributed on Jun 17, 2002
How Jesus changes every aspect of who you are even the area of our finances
A special thanks to Mike slaughter web site for the sermon Idea and insight to these powerful scriptures The first 2/3 of life we exchange life for dollars The last 1/3 of life we exchange dollars for life. Hebrews 13: 5-6 We are rewired to be content and confident in Jesus! The ...read more
What Grace Teaches
Contributed on Jun 8, 2002
The age of Grace is it coming to an end? What must we learn before the next age arrives?
“Strengthen By Grace” #2 “What Grace Teaches” Hebrews13: 9, Titus 2: 11-13, Colossians 1: 6 Jesus brought us into a age of Grace so it is about time to learn what the Word of God reveals about this age of grace and how Grace can transform our lives. Could it be? God will close this age ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Strengthen By Grace
Contributed on Jun 8, 2002