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Sermons on Lamentations 3:1-18:

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  • Hope In Times Of Despair

    Contributed by Russell Rhodes on Sep 7, 2005
    based on 44 ratings

    This sermon is a good one for times of national or local tragady it teaches that even in times of trouble there is still hope in the Lord.

    Hope In Times of Despair Lamentations 3:1-24 Jeremiah was a prophet just before and during the first part of Israel’s captivity by Babylon. Jeremiah was known as the Weeping Prophet. He was doing and saying all that God told him to do and to say and no one was listening. They turned to the false more

  • Break Out Of The Box

    Contributed by Jamie Wright on Jul 3, 2004
    based on 72 ratings

    We are trapped inside the four walls of the church house. It is time for us to get out of the box. As long as you are in the box you can not walk with God properly, witness effectively nor worship freely.

    Break Out of the Box Pastor Jamie Wright * Maranatha Fellowship Church Lamentations 3:7 (AMP) “He walled me in so that I could not get out…” There are things in our lives that Satan will try to use to box us in. Perhaps all of us feel that way at times. Boxed in. Trapped. Inadequate. more

  • We Do Not Deserve To Be Here

    Contributed by Thomas Baird on Aug 21, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    Sermon used at a prison dealing with the fact that No one deserved to be in that prison that night... we all deserved to be in Hell.

    We do not deserve to be here today! Read Lamentations 3:1-24 Introduction… Not a single person in this room should be in here today! Not a single person in this room DESERVES to be in here today… I mean, we are all human beings are we not… we all have more

  • His Compassions Fail Not

    Contributed by Steaven Snow on Feb 9, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    A Sermon on the Unfailing Mercy and Compassion of God

    His Compassions Fail Not Text: Lamentations 3:1-24 1 I am the man that hath seen affliction by the rod of his wrath. 2 He hath led me, and brought me into darkness, but not into light. 3 Surely against me is he turned; he turneth his hand against me all the day. 4 My flesh and my skin hath he more

  • The Problem Of Suffering

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Jan 28, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    Why do we suffer? What is the cause of suffering?

    The Problem of Suffering By Kenny McKinley Text: Lamentations 3:1-24, Romans 8:18, 2nd Cor. 4:17 (Read Lamentations Text) Have you ever looked around at your life, or just life in general and asked, “WHY?” Have trials and hardships ever come into your life for seemingly no reason? Of course more

  • Losing Hope Series

    Contributed by Gregory Neill on Jan 17, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Part 4 in a series on Lamentations. Jeremiah brings out five causes of lost hope.

    Losing Hope Lamentations 3:1-18 I. Introduction A. The Value of Hope 1. An Interesting Experiment a) Two sets of laboratory rats were placed in separate tubs of water. b) One set of the rats was left in the water unattended and within one hour they all drowned. c) The second set of rats were taken more

  • Precious Counsel For Those Who Are In One Of Life's Valleys

    Contributed by Todd Riley on Nov 11, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Counsel from God’s word for those who are hurting

    Precious counsel for those who are in one of life’s valleys Lamentations 3 Scripture reading: Psalm 38 Here in North America we are not used to public displays of sorrow and grief. The old British way is to keep a “stiff upper lip”. This contrasts sharply with the images of grief that we often more

  • Gaining Victory Over Depression Series

    Contributed by Matthew Stoll on May 29, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Using Neil Anderson’s book "Overcoming Depression" to help gain victory over the spiritual and emotional battle of depression.

    We are concluding our series “Victory in Jesus” this week, I am actually cutting the series short because Mother’s Day is next week. I didn’t think we would want to be studying depression on Mother’s Day. Our series has focused on God’s promise that through Jesus we have victory over sin and the more

  • God Is Faithful

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Mar 1, 2008

    Renewing our faith in God, because He is so faithful to us.

    God is Faithful Lamentations 3:17-33 Introduction Turn with me in your bibles to Lamentations Chapter 3. This morning, I come before you humbly – in an attempt to bring a message from the Lord that I believe is needed. I have struggled for five days over this message, and it was not until last more

  • Hope Remembers Series

    Contributed by Jeremy Houck on Jan 29, 2005
    based on 174 ratings

    Our hope grows in times of distress

    Now I have not seen to many millenniums’ come and go, as a matter of fact I can only think of one but to be totally honest I don’t know how successful we have been so far. It all started with that Y2K bug and all of end times talk. But there were no nationwide blackouts, no financial freezes, no more

  • Restauración En El Valle

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Sep 11, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    El valle es una parte de nuestra jornada. No es todo. Que no pierde el enfoque de otra montaña que quiere subir.

    El Valle nos hace acordar de la Esperanza Puntos Negativos Un valle es una area de tierra entre montañas. Es un lugar mas abierto a los ataques del enemigo. Sería muy rara hallar un refugio en el valle. Es un lugar para batallas. Muchas de las veces es un lugar oscura. Puntos Positivos En el more

  • Great Is Thy Faitfulness

    Contributed by Tony Earl on Nov 23, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon came after I had resigned from my church. It was helpful for the congregation and myself to realized that God is faithful and would bless all as we went our separate ways as long as those ways were HIS!

    GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS Lam. 3 Intro: Of course this book of 5 laments takes place just after the Fall of Jerusalem [587] and the destruction of the temple. Surely there was something to cry about. More so than anything else was not just what had happened rather why it happened. These more

  • Lessons From Lamentations Series

    Contributed by Wes Richard on Jul 21, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Through calamities and suffering we can learn about God’s judgement, about our own sin, and about God’s renewing power.

    Lessons from Lamentations Lamentations 3:1-3; 19-24; 40-42 For the past couple of weeks, we have been inundated with reports of the floods in the Midwest. The reports about Iowa are of special interest to Sue & me, since we come from there, so we perked up our ears when we heard names of more

  • Our Hopelessness Vs. God's Faithfulness

    Contributed by Michael Karpf on Feb 27, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Because of God's mercy and loyal steadfast love, we have hope, no matter how hopeless our situation.

    OUR ENDING FAITHFULNESS VS. GOD’S UNENDING FAITHFULNESS Lamentations 3:1-40 It is great to be back at AIT. I remember attending our 42nd anniversary. To think we would flooded out soon never crossed my mind. I know many of you have lost much and I have been praying for you continually. more

  • Trouble Dont Last Always

    Contributed by Kelvin Parks on Jul 19, 2010
    based on 57 ratings

    I’m a firm believer that we make our situation worst ... the moment we start complaining, and most of the time when we are complaining ... we don’t even realize what we are saying, we haven’t a clue!

    TROUBLE DON’T LAST ALWAYS LAMENTATIONS 3:18-23 Intended for Reading on the Lord’s Day February 21, 2010 Delivered By Rev. Kelvin L. Parks At Shiloh Baptist Church of Waukegan. Waukegan, Illinois • I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. • My soul shall more