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Sermons on Hebrews 12:7-10:

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  • Jesus The Better Way: He Establishes A Better Family Series

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Jan 24, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    We are part of God’s family and the character of God is being fashioned within us; his intent is for us to bear the “family resemblance.

    JESUS THE BETTER WAY: JESUS ESTABLISHES A BETTER FAMILY HEBREWS 12:3-13 Big Idea: We are part of God’s family and the character of God is being fashioned within us; his intent is for us to bear the “family resemblance.” Supporting Scripture: • Reading from the Old Testament: Job 5:17-26 • Reading more

  • 4. The Process Series

    Contributed by Jordan Satterfield on Jan 27, 2013

    The Master Craftsman continues His "Good Work" in you with the intent of making you like Christ, In this sermon we discuss the processes God uses to make purity & maturity possible.

    FROM START TO FINISH PHILIPPIANS 1:6 4. THE PROCESS Introduction: Philippians 1:6 (NIV) Being confident of this, that HE who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. God is the Master Craftsman. He who created the worlds by the word of His power now more

  • Going Through The Big D Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Nov 5, 2012

    Exposition of Hebrews 12:3-11

    Text: Hebrews 12:3-11, Title: Going through the Big D, Date/Place: NRBC, 11.4.12, AM A. Opening illustration: B. Background to passage: C. Main thought: A. Encouragements for discipline (v. 3-5a) 1. The writer gives three encouraging pieces of insight in order for them to think about their more

  • We Win Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 12, 2012

    Winning the race of the Christian life

    Hebrews 12 - 10/28/12 PRAY - Turn with me this morning to the book of Hebrews, chapter 12. We have been going through this book that talks about the “better” system we have in Jesus Christ. The book is written to Jewish Christians who were tempted to go back to the OT sacrificial more

  • Unconditional Love Series

    Contributed by Danny Davis on Jan 30, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    When God brings us into His kingdom through faith in Christ we become His son or daughter. Because He loves us so much and wants the best for our lives He sometimes brings discipline to us. The fact that we are corrected by our Father is proof

    (ME) Good morning Odessa First – IT’S A GREAT DAY TO SERVE OUR RISEN KING: JESUS CHRIST! If you are with us for the first time this morning let me introduce myself. I am Danny Davis and I am the Senior Pastor here at this great assembly. Here at Odessa First we believe in the Bible more

  • Do You Let God Love You? Then You’ll Love His Chastenings

    Contributed by David Leach on May 28, 2014

    It is very easy to grieve the Spirit of God; we do it by despising the chastening of the Lord, or by becoming discouraged when He rebukes us.

    Do you let God love you? Then you’ll love His chastenings Heb 12:5-10 And have you quite forgotten the encouraging words God spoke to you, His child? "My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD, nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; For whom the LORD loves He more

  • Thanks For The Discipline, Dad? Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jun 20, 2011

    A sermon for Father's Day on the Lord's Discipline from Hebrews 12:4-11

    HoHum: When we look for Father’s Day cards we see two general types. There is the classic card variety with some general thanks to dad and an inspiration poem. Then, there are the humorous types that usually poke fun at a father’s lack of abilities or some humorous quality. The one more

  • Gold In The Furnace

    Contributed by Michael Buckingham on Jun 20, 2011
    based on 7 ratings

    Are you going through trials and tribulations? God is putting you through hard times to purify you!

    Gold in the Furnace The hymn is beautiful: Gold in the Furnace Tried Ne’er loses aught but dross, So is the Christian purified, And bettered by the cross. My past few days have been about testing and trials. Yesterday, I had an examination for a course I am doing for my career in more

  • No Pain, No Gain !!!

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Feb 6, 2012

    To exhort that our image of our Creator, Redeemer and Guide ought to go beyond that of a Pampering Papa to one of a concerned parent who is bothered enough to give a timely spanking in order our lives are always sparkling for our own good and His glory. (

    NO PAIN, NO GAIN!!! First things first. More than worshipping God for the blessings, which He pours into our lives, we need to learn to worship Him, JUST FOR WHAT HE IS! Worshipping Him, awed by His unique attributes is more

  • God's Purpose In Discipline

    Contributed by David Wilson on Oct 31, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    God's purpose in discipline is MORE than just to instill righteousness-- it is for our good, and to demonstrate His great love for us.

    Hebrews 13:4-11 The author calls the quotation regarding the Lord’s discipline- “encouragement” TWO KEY POINTS: 1)Don’t Take God’s discipline lightly. 2) Don’t let God’s discipline discourage you! WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT GOD's DISCIPLINE! a) more

  • The Tortoise And The Hare- Trip Wires To Beware!

    Contributed by David Wilson on Nov 7, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    In running the race set before us- we must be aware of dangerous trip wires that will keep us from moving forward in our quest for godliness.

    The Tortoise and the Hare While the real text that we’re going to deal with begins in Hebrews 12:12—it is so important to see the context of this chapter. It extends back a few chapters. Hebrews has a double-edged theme. On one hand the author is proclaiming that Christ is so much more

  • Rotas Son Las Cadenas

    Contributed by Craig Benner on May 24, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Hay una gran variedad de cadenas que nos tienen atados hoy en día. En Cristo, todo pueden ser rotas.

    ROMPE LAS CADENAS Texto central: Hebreos 12:1-11 Ilustración del elefante del circo: A un lado de la carpa principal, se encuentra un elefante enorme atado de un pie con cadenas conectadas a una estaca sencilla. Pero no escapa. Desde su infancia se ha adaptada a la cadena. Cuando era more

  • Secrets Of A World Class Runner

    Contributed by John Gaston on Oct 25, 2012
    based on 6 ratings

    Milton Berle, David Letterman, & Chuck Norris on running. A World Class Runner gives us the secrets of running our Christian race at peak performance to a photo-flash finish befitting the accolades of heaven!

    THE SECRETS OF A WORLD CLASS RUNNER Heb. 12:1-7 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. Comedian MILTON BERLE said, “My doctor recently told me that jogging could add years to my life. I tried it. He’s right! I feel ten years older already.” 2. David Letterman said, "I pulled a hamstring during the New York more

  • Enduring With Jesus Series

    Contributed by E. True Neilson on Dec 16, 2014

    The book of Hebrews is all about Jesus!

    SIMPLY JESUS ENDURING WITH JESUS HEBREWS 12:1-13 INTRODUCTION -Have you ever had that life changing moment when you decided to get in shape? -Some of you are thinking, “I’ve never been in shape…but I’ve heard about that from a friend.” -If getting in shape is the more

  • Don't Lose Heart Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Dec 26, 2014

    The author has just finished leading us through God’s Hall of Fame (From Able to “the others”), he gives us the greatest example/champion of faith. When our Lord was here on earth, He lived by faith.

    Hebrews Series Hebrews 12.1-17 Don’t Lose Heart #22 September 14, 2014 Introduction: A The author has just finished leading us through God’s Hall of Fame (From Able to “the others”), he gives us the greatest example/champion of faith. 1 When our Lord was here on earth, more