Sermon Series
  • 1. Apple Of Love

    Contributed on Nov 21, 2001
    based on 83 ratings

    What is "physical fruit"? "An outward evidence of the inward nature of the tree." (We know an apple tree is an apple tree because is produces apples). Likewise, if we are walking in the Spirit, we will evidence His inward presence.

    THE APPLE OF LOVE In John 15:8, Jesus declared, "In this is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit, so shall you be My disciples." We glorify the Father and prove that we are followers of Jesus, when we produce the Fruit of the Spirit. The Fruit of the Spirit is more

  • 2. Banana Of Joy

    Contributed on Nov 21, 2001
    based on 101 ratings

    Joy can be defined as: "Inner happiness, which is not dependent on outward circumstances." The O.T. word "simchah" means "gladness of heart," the NT word, "chara" means "inner delight."

    THE BANANA OF JOY I). WHAT is Joy? 2). HOW is Joy Expressed? 3). HOW is Joy Developed? I. WHAT IS JOY? Joy can be defined as: "Inner happiness, which is not dependent on outward circumstances." The O.T. word "simchah" means "gladness of heart," the NT word, "chara" more

  • 3. Peach Of Peace

    Contributed on Nov 21, 2001
    based on 94 ratings

    To most people peace is simply "the absence of strife." If there are no wars, we say the world is at peace; or if we aren’t fighting with our neighbors, we have neighborhood peace. But peace in the scriptures is far more than that.

    THE PEACH OF PEACE I WHAT IS PEACE? To most people peace is simply "the absence of strife." If there are no wars, we say the world is at peace; or if we aren’t fighting with our neighbors, we have neighborhood peace. But peace in the scriptures is far more than that. In the more

  • 4. Plum Of Patience

    Contributed on Nov 21, 2001
    based on 107 ratings

    It is our natural inclination to be impatient with people - to get angry at them for the things they do which displease us, to fly off the handle when they say or do something against us, to express great displeasure when they do things the wrong way.

    THE PLUM OF PATIENCE This morning we begin the OUTWARD FRUIT, those qualities we will exhibit in our relationships with other people: patience, kindness and goodness. Let’s look at the plum of patience: I’ve chosen a plum because patience is a plum of a virtue - it is one more

  • 5. Kiwi Of Kindness

    Contributed on Nov 27, 2001
    based on 245 ratings

    Kiwi is an under-rated fruit: fuzzy on the outside, sweet and tangy on the inside. Kindness is one of the most under-rated fruit of the Spirit.

    THE KIWI OF KINDNESS Kiwi is an under-rated fruit - fuzzy on the outside, sweet and tangy on the inside. Kindness is one of the most under-rated fruit of the Spirit - everyone talks about "being kind to one another, being kind to your neighbor, being kind to animals, etc." But more

  • 6. Strawberry Of Self-Control

    Contributed on Feb 5, 2002
    based on 128 ratings

    I’ve chosen the strawberry to represent self-control, because it is one fruit that I find very difficult to control myself in eating.

    THE STRAWBERRY OF SELF-CONTROL Review: The ORANGE OF FAITHFULNESS - "The Christ-like quality of dependability: stability in our relationship with God, reliability in our relationship with others." The MANGO OF MEEKNESS - "The Christ-like quality of servanthood: humility in our more

  • 7. Pear Of Goodness

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2002
    based on 97 ratings

    I’ve chosen a pear to represent goodness, because kindness and goodness are a "pair." Kindness and goodness go "hand-in-hand."

    THE PEAR OF GOODNESS We are studying the FRUIT of the Spirit - The "Christ-like character" which the Holy Spirit produces in us - when we abide in Christ - when we maintain a close personal relationship with Him. -We’ve been seeking to develop the "INNER FRUIT" first - love, more

  • 8. Mango Of Meekness

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2002
    based on 154 ratings

    This is what Biblical meekness is all about: "Strength under control," "being unoccupied with self and genuinely concerned for God and others." It is the exact opposite of "self-assertiveness" and "self-interest."

    THE MANGO OF MEEKNESS Intro: A mango is a tropical fruit which hasn’t really "caught on" like the orange, the pineapple or the banana. For those who have acquired a taste for it, it’s sweet and delicious. But for those who haven’t, it’s "different" enough to taste "funny." more

  • 9. Grape Expectations (2)

    Contributed on Apr 17, 2002
    based on 104 ratings

    In order to have a maximum yield, grape vines need lots of sunlight, just the right amount of rain, and pruning at the right time....Since chastening and pruning are both painful, how can we distinguish between them?

    GRAPE EXPECTATIONS part 2 Last week we started learning about the "cultivation of grapes." In order to have a maximum yield, grape vines need lots of sunlight, just the right amount of rain, and pruning at the right time. If a branch is bearing no fruit, the vinedresser more

  • 10. Grape Expectations Part 1

    Contributed on Apr 17, 2002
    based on 174 ratings

    The Holy Spirit is not interested in producing a bunch of grapes with one big, fat grape and eight little, tiny grapes; but He wants us to grow in all nine characteristics simultaneously.

    We noticed when we first started this study that these qualities are called the FRUIT of the Spirit, not the FRUITS of the Spirit. So, "Conformity to Christ" is not symbolized by a "fruit salad," but by one multifaceted fruit. What do you think that fruit would be? A Bunch of GRAPES. more