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Sermons on Ephesians 2:11-12:

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  • The Great Peace Mission Series

    Contributed by Michael Stover on Apr 17, 2001
    based on 51 ratings

    We were alienated from God, but He undertook the Great Peace Mission.

    I. Remember Your Past Relationship. (vs. 11-12) A. Christless "without Christ." B. Stateless "from the commonwealth of Israel" (outside the community of God’s people according to the covenant rights). C. Friendless "from the covenant of promise." D. Hopeless "enjoying no hope.” E. Godless more

  • Fighting For Peace Series

    Contributed by Doug Johnston on May 13, 2001
    based on 31 ratings

    God’s work for us in Christ can give us the tools to fight against despair that may set in from dealing with people, circumstance, or our own selves.

    Our feelings make us go crazy! We need to compensate for things that can drive us nuts! Complex challenges can limit any of us Our views affect the ways we view life; safe with God or building lives without God. We must depend on God’s love for us. 1. God chooses to love us as He finds us more

  • Reconciliation Replaces Alienation With Peace & Unity

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 66 ratings


    RECONCILIATION ACCOMPLISHED BY JESUS CHRIST REPLACES ALIENATION WITH PEACE AND UNITY 1. Remember Your Former Position of Alienation (:11-12) a. Identification -- setting forth the two camps b. Exclusion from Spiritual Privileges 2. Understand the Reconciliation Accomplished by Jesus Christ more

  • A House United

    Contributed by John Stevenson on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 200 ratings

    A number of years ago, I received a package from Germany.

    A number of years ago, I received a package from Germany. Getting packages from Germany is no novelty, as my older brother was a missionary pastor there for many years and this particular package indicated that it had been sent by him. When I opened it up, it was to find a bit of odd-colored more

  • No Longer Aliens But Citizens

    Contributed by Owen Bourgaize on Nov 1, 2000
    based on 73 ratings

    The apostle Paul portrays mankind without Christ as Alienated from God, but through Christ can be reconciled to God and grantet citizenship of his kingdom.

    NO LONGER ALIENS BUT CITIZENS Most people like to belong to something secure - to a family, their community or their country. To belong gives security. And yet the society in which we live results in many that are alienated from it. "Alienated" is a word that is found in St Paul’s letter to the more

  • The Barrier Between God And Mankind

    Contributed by Frank Gallagher on Nov 30, 2000
    based on 108 ratings

    There is a barrier between God and the human race that is removed by Jesus Christ’s work on the cross, which reconciled us to God.

    THE BARRIER BETWEEN GOD AND MAN (Eph. 2:12-16) [HTTP formatted version of this sermon is located at] Because of Adam’s original sin, there is a barrier between God and every person at the moment we are born. This barrier consists of a number of more

  • Scriptural Truth In Salvation>

    Contributed by Robert Laymance on Jan 2, 2001
    based on 115 ratings

    Bible Facts Concerning Salvation

    There are many False Teachings today regarding the Salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us remember to Preach the Word as it is to men as they are. Preach the Word,as it is in the Word of God. 1. The Present Condition of the Unsaved Person. vs.1 a. they are Dead...a dead person is more

  • We Must Break Down The Walls

    Contributed by Riley Turner on Jan 26, 2001
    based on 85 ratings

    If the Body of Christ is ever to be the true example of reconciliation that God wants us to be, we must break down the walls of racial, ethnic, and cultural segregation that currently exist within the church.

    (This sermon was preached at a Unity Workshop at the Sterling Blvd. Church of Christ in Sheffield, AL, held in September of 2000. The Sterling church is predominately African American; however, they have been moving toward becoming a more racially mixed church. Following this sermon, the more

  • The Power Of The Cross Series

    Contributed by Wayne Burnett on Mar 8, 2001
    based on 215 ratings


    THE POWER OF THE CROSS 1 COR 1:17-24 I. THE CONDITION OF THE RELIGIOUS WORLD A. All religions are not the same, they are not different ways to the same God -ill of the Christian fish with the Buddha in the center -the one thing that sets us apart from all others is the cross B. The world is more

  • Enjoying Your Position In Christ Series

    Contributed by Bob Hostetler on Jun 6, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Second in a series on Ephesians

    Who Wants to be a Millionaire?: Enjoying Your Position in Christ Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:1-22   Michael Dell. Sanford Weill. Gerald Levin. John Chambers. Henry Silverman. Ever heard of those people? Do any of those names ring a bell? They’re all millionaires. And they are more

  • We're All Just Dirt

    Contributed by Kent Lenard on Jun 26, 2002
    based on 38 ratings

    Unity in the Body

    I. Paul starts the next section that he writes with the word" therefore" that means that he is referring to what he has already written. A. He’s going back to the first verses in a chapter two, where he says that we were dead in transgressions and sins, and he says that all of us once lived in a more

  • "Another Wall Has Come Down"

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Jul 11, 2002
    based on 398 ratings

    In Communion we celebrate the removal of the "wall of separation"

    Communion Message: “Another Wall Has Come Down”, Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts When I was a child growing up in Germany, my parents took me to Berlin. We drove through all sectors of the city. But then a year later, there was troubling news in the more

  • A Hopeless Life Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Mar 18, 2002
    based on 100 ratings

    Remember being Lost

    A Life Without Hope Ephesians 2:11-22 · Ephesians is filled with mighty truths, fantastic statements which remind us of what if means to be a Christian. IF we ever grasp these truths we will never be envious of a lost world, never wish to be like them in any way, and never be drawn back to those more

  • "But Jesus...: Faith In The Face Of Reason"

    Contributed by Keith Manry on Mar 21, 2002
    based on 64 ratings

    In the struggles and hard times of our lives, we are called to look beyond our own understanding, beyond our reasoning and recognize that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. In your life if you have not already experienced them, times wil

    “‘But Jesus…’: Faith in the Face of Reason” Mark 6:30-44 For many people, the events of this fall have resulted in changed lives. In the beginning of September we traveled on airlines without fear and seldom gave thought to things like anthrax and small pox. Before September 11th, few people knew more

  • An End To Hostilities

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Jan 15, 2002
    based on 17 ratings

    This sermon talks about what it will take to bring an end to the hostility between an individual and God. God has already done His part.

    Dec. 19, 1999 Ephesians 2:11-19 An end to hostilities INTRODUCTION 19 days ago, the Fox Family channel began to annoy me. On Dec. 1, they started their “25 days of Christmas” promotion. That means that every night at 8:00 and several times during the day, they have been showing some more