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  • 3 John

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Aug 31, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    How to Take Care of Pastors

    Series: One Chapter Books in the New Testament Dr. Elmer Towns Lesson: 3 John June 24, 2012 A. INTRODUCTION 1. This letter centers around four men: John: the writer and protector of God’s work Gaius: looked after more

  • 3 John Lesson 3 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Feb 15, 2019

    How to treat good preachers, and correct those who mistreat others.

    A. INTRODUCTION 1. This letter centers around four men: John: the writer and protector of God’s work Gaius: looked after traveling preachers Diotrephes: an egotistical leader who mistreated traveling preachers Demetrius: a leader of good reputation 2. They represent more

  • Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Feb 7, 2016

    Some people will change when they see the light. Others change only when they feel the heat. Change is an odd thing - everyone wants to change, but few actually do.

    “Ch.Ch.Ch.Ch.Changes” 3 John After watching sales falling off for three straight months at Kentucky Fried Chicken, the Colonel called the Pope and asked a favor. ''I need you to change the daily prayer from, 'Give us this day our daily bread' to 'Give us this day our daily more

  • 25 Words Are The Gospel. 09-25-2015

    Contributed by Ronnie Miller on Sep 30, 2015

    The Gospel in short is found in John 3:16

    25 words are the Gospel. God’s Word is sharper than any two edged sword the Bible says. To me that means when God’s Word goes into someone it pierces the very soul and cuts the sinful heart and causes repentance all at the same time. I have thought about a verse of Scripture this week more

  • 1-3 John (Nasb)

    Contributed by Steven W. Satterfield on Mar 17, 2022


    1 JOHN - Introduction, The Incarnate Word WRITTEN ABOUT 90 AD IN EPHESUS BY THE APOSTLE 1 What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the Word of Life— (JESUS) 2 and the life was manifested, and we more

  • Jet Tour Through 3 John Series

    Contributed by Travis Moore on Oct 31, 2000
    based on 110 ratings

    Introduction to 3 John

    3rd John - Hospitality INTRODUCTION: 3rd John, like 2nd John, was probably written as a note to a friend attached to the circulatory Letter of 1st John. Where 2nd John warned against receiving false teachers, 3rd John warns against refusing to show proper hospitality and respect to true servants more

  • How Sad Is A Person With No Mission? Series

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Nov 22, 2014

    Do you know your mission? There are many types of missions, grow and develop... Gaius, Diotreshes, Demetrius... Be a missionary...

    HOW SAD IS A PERSON WITHOUT A MISSION? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I. WHAT IS OUR MISSION ? ... DEFINE: MISSION: TO BE ENTRUSTED PURPOSE, PLAN, ASSIGNMENT, CHARGE, The act of sending or being sent, to carry FAITH or humanitarian work to others, to find direction, to change or more

  • 3 John: Church Politics 101 Series

    Contributed by Roger Thomas on Jul 20, 2006
    based on 18 ratings

    3 John is a reality check for the church. It is about church politics, problem people, and the problems they cause.

    Through the New Testament 06 Church Politics 101 3 John Dr. Roger W. Thomas, Preaching Minister First Christian Church, Vandalia, MO 3 John is a reality check for the church. It is about church politics, problem people, and the problems they cause. A lot of us would like to think that church more

  • Provoking Thoughts From (3 John)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 10, 2022

    Again, I want to bring to your attention the fact that second and third John are very small books,

    but to say they were insignificant would be like saying a person who is short is not significant. We know that size does not have anything to do with significance. However, there is a contrast between second and third John. For example, Remember, we mentioned in the previous message that some more

  • The Apostle John Series

    Contributed by Ricky Nelms on Jul 29, 2010

    This is the 13th message in the series on Bible characters. The outlines is 1-John's Person, 2-John's Principles, 3-John's Passion.

    CLOSE ENCOUNTERS SERIES 13 – THE APOSTLE JOHN This morning, we are continuing with our sermon series entitled, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS And we’ve been talking about the fact that… --now, more than ever --no matter who you are, what you’ve done You can have CLOSE ENCOUNTERS And more

  • 3 John - What's Your Reputation? Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Nov 27, 2023

    John highlights three men's reputations in this little letter and we asked what legacy do you want to leave?

    Postcards: 3 John Pastor Jefferson M. Williams Chenoa Baptist Church 11-26-2023 Reputation Each of us walked in here with something extremely valuable. You can’t see it but it’s real and follows us wherever we go. It can take years to build it and only moments to destroy it. Taylor Swift more

  • Tweets From God (Part 4: 3 John) Series

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Aug 29, 2021

    If God had a Twitter account, what would he tweet? The Bible contains five short, one-chapter books. In the fourth, 3 John, we are introduced to three types of people you might meet at church: a joy, a jerk, and a jewel.

    Tweets from God: 3 John Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 6/5/2016 A few weeks ago I began a series I’m calling Tweets from God. What we’re doing is going through the five shortest books of the Bible. Each of these books is a single chapter and can be read in less than three more

  • ' John 3:16

    Contributed by Dr. Mike Frazier on Jul 27, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    A brief but usefull sermon to help people understand the importance of trusting Christ as their only payment for sin.

    John 3:16 shows us that Jesus gives us a salvation that is: I. Without Cause: a. God so loved - not because of our good works. b. Not becuase of being sinless. c. Not because we deserve salvation. d. Loved us because of who HE is - not who we are. II. Without Flaws: a. His is a perfect love b. more

  • John 3:16

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Jan 27, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    This is just a quick four point outline on John 3:16

    Intro: John 3:16 reveals the whole compass of God’s Grace. I. The Motive for Grace: "For God so loved the world..." II. The Method for Grace: "...that he gave his one and only son..." III. The Means for Grace: "...the whoever believes in him..." IV. The Mission of Grace: "...shall not perish, more

  • John 3:16

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on Oct 3, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    The reason that We have all gathered here today is because of faith The only way that we are saved is by faith in Christ And through that faith we receive the Grace of God

    Today I would like you to turn with me • To the 16th verse in the 3rd chapter in the book of John. • (Elab) on 1st time you heard it Now this is the Gospel in a nutshell. It’s a miniature bible. • Everything that we need to know about redemption and salvation is in this one verse. • It contains more

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