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Sermons in Series: 29
Scripture: Mark 8:34-38, Matthew 28:19-20, Galatians 3:26-28, John 13:34-35, 1 Peter 1:13-23, Mark 8:34-38, Matthew 28:19-20, Matthew 28:19-20, 2 Timothy 3:14-17, Acts 2:1-4, Matthew 3:16-17, John 17:1-26, Acts 16:1-34, Psalms 121:1-8, Psalms 107:1-43, Ephesians 6:10-18, Luke 4:1-13, Romans 10:8-15, Luke 15:4-7, Romans 12:1-18, Psalms 105:1-8, Luke 11:1-4 (view more) (view less)
Tags: Trinity, Travelers, Total Commitment, True Discipleship, Way Of The Cross, Wholeness, Word Of God, Spiritual Armor, Spiritual Warfare, Temptation, The Word Of God, The Trinity, Mission, Mystery Of God, Motivation, Persons In Godhead, Prayer, Praise, Overcome Temptation, Share Your Faith, Serving Christ, Sacrificial Love, Sacrificial Life, Saved, Saviour, Second Coming Christ, Servant, Servant Heart, Real Commitment, Reading The Bible, Remembrance, Remembering God, Remembrance Day, Choose, Biblical Teaching, Call To Discipleship, Call To Repent, Armor Of God, Armour Of God, Abba Father, Alternative, Commitment, Commitment To Prayer, Confession, Confession Of Sin, Confidence In Prayer, Commitment To God, Day Of Pentecost, Cost Of Discipleship, Count The Cost, Costly Discipleship, Evangelism, Evangelism Urgency, Effective Witness, Effective Evangelism, Devotional Life, Disciple Making, Disciple Of Jesus, Disciple, Disciples, Disciples Of Jesus, Disciples Sent, Discipleship, Disciples Of Christ, Jesus Prays, Jesus Prays For Us, Love Each Other, Learner, Holy Spirit Power, Holy Spirit, Holiness, Following Christ, Follower Of Jesus, Gifts Of The Spirit, Faith, Faith Lifestyle, Faith In Jesus, Father God, Family Service, God Is Trustworthy, Gospel Message, Great Commission, Healed, Healing (view more) (view less)
Denomination: Pentecostal
Sermons in Series: 33
Scripture: John 4:43-54, John 4:21-42, John 1:1-18, John 1:19-34, John 1:35-51, John 2:1-11, John 4:1-25, John 14:15-31, John 15:20-27, John 15:1-15, John 12:37-50, John 13:21-30, John 16:1-16, John 12:12-36, John 17:1-32, John 20:1-9, John 21:1-14, John 5:1-15, John 5:16-30, John 6:12-22, John 6:1-15, John 6:15-51, John 7:1-24, John 7:25-52, John 8:34-59, John 8:31-36, John 9:1-34, John 10:1-20, John 10:22-39, John 21:15-25, John 14:15-31 (view more) (view less)
Tags: True Repentance, Trust And Obey, Truth, Triumphal Entry, Water Into Wine, Woman At Well, Witnessing, Spiritual Blindness, Spiritual Thirst, Story, The Cross, Thirsty For God, Test Of Faith, Royal Official's Son, Samaritan Woman, Sins Forgiven, Secure In Christ, Authority, Adulterous Woman, Bread Of Life, Bread Of Heaven, Cana Wedding, Call Of The Disciples, Betrayal Of Christ, Belief Vs. Unbelief, Belief, Beginning, Bearing Fruit, Christ's Obedience, Christlike Love, Communion, Connection, Cleansing Of Temple, Faithful Obedience, Following Jesus, Feeding 5000, Fear Not, Freedom In Christ, Decision, Death And Life, Easter Resurrection, Empty Tomb, Evangelism, Love And Obedience, Man Born Blind, Miracles Of Jesus, Obedience, No Condemnation, Nicodemus, Never Leave You, Palm Sunday, Overcomer, On Track, Religion, Protection From Evil, Pool Of Bethesda, Power To Give Life, Pastoral Leadership, Peter's Denial, Peter's Restoration, Perseverance, Persecution, Good Shepherd, Gospel Of John, Holy Spirit In Believers, Holy Spirit Works, High Priestly Prayer, Holy Spirit, Hardened Hearts, Healing, Jesus Christ, Jesus Calms Storm, Jesus Door Of Sheep, Jesus The Son, Jesus The Truth, Jesus The Vine, Jesus Walks On Water, Jesus' Authority, Jesus Lamb Of God, I Am, Hypocrisy, Judging Others, Know The Truth, Jesus' Prayer, Lamb Of God, Living Water, Light And Dark (view more) (view less)
Denomination: Evangelical/Non-Denominational
Sermons in Series: 35
Scripture: John 1:9-13, John 2:13-17, John 2:18-25, John 4:27-38, John 4:27-54, John 4:39-45, John 5:25-32, John 5:33-38, John 5:39-47, John 4:5, John 6:1-15, John 6:25-40, John 6:41-51, John 6:51-59, John 6:59-71, John 6:63, John 7:1-13, John 7:19-24, John 7:14-18, John 7:24-36, John 7:37-39, John 37:7-39, John 8:1-11, Revelation 22:1-7, John 8:12-20, John 8:11-24, John 8:37-47, John 8:48-59, John 10:22-30, John 10:30-42, John 11:1-10, John 12:12-19, John 13:1-11, John 13:6-11, John 14:1-6, John 14:15-20, John 14:21-24, John 14:21, John 14:25-31, John 15:7-11, John 15:18-25, John 19:28-30, John 20:1-10, John 20:30-31, John 20:20-31 (view more) (view less)
Tags: Sovereignty, Submission, Tabernacle, Salvation, Sanctification, Satan, Scripture, Security, Seeing, Selflessness, Sickness, Signs, Silence, Sharing Your Faith, Sheep, Remember, Receiving Jesus, Purpose, Purity, Proven Love, Providence, Proof Of Love, Promises Of God, Prominent Nt Women, Promise, Precepts, Vital Signs, Unbelief, Unconditional Love, Upper Room, Witness, Wisdom, Woman, Words, What Is Evangelism?, Teaching, Thirsty, Truth, Truth Of Christ, Trust, Troubles, Judgment, Keeping God's Word, Mary Magdalene, Materialism, Manna, Love Of The Disciples, Love For God, Lord's Supper, Love, Ministry, Miracles Of Jesus, Misconceptions, Obedience, One, Need, Perceive, Place, Paid In Full, Peace, Growth In Christ, Grumbling, God's Love, God's Sovereign Will, God's Provision, God Brings Hope, Fruit, Fruitfulness, Jesus Works, Jerusalem, Jesus Christ, Innate Knowledge, Indwelling, Hunger, Hatred, Hear Jesus, Guilty, Holy Spirit In Believers, Humility, Child Of God, Communion, Commitment To Christ, Affliction, Assistance, Apologetics Jesus, Apologetics The Bible, Believe, Bread, Blessing, Bible Study, Bible Truth, Bible Influence, Demand, Delay, Debt, Crowd, Cross, Draw, Doing God's Will, Donkey, Divisions, Elude, Empty Tomb, Easter Resurrection, Easter Palm Sunday, Discipleship, Divinity, Divinity Of Christ, Examples Of Faith, Evangelism How To, Evangelism, Faith In Christ (view more) (view less)
Denomination: Baptist
Sermons in Series: 74
Scripture: John 7:1-13, John 7:37-39, John 7:40-52, John 8:12-20, John 6:35-40, John 6:22-36, John 8:21-30, John 6:15-21, John 8:31-36, John 6:1-14, John 6:15-21, John 5:30-47, John 5:16-29, John 5:1-18, John 4:43-54, John 4:19-26, John 4:27-42, John 4:16-26, John 8:37-47, John 4:1-15, John 3:22-36, John 3:16-21, John 3:1-15, John 2:13-25, John 2:1-12, John 1:35-51, John 1:19-34, John 1:1-18, John 6:60-71, John 9:1-7, John 8:48-59, John 9:1-41, John 9:1-41, John 10:1-21, John 7:14-24, John 7:25-36, John 10:22-42, John 11:1-44, John 11:45-57, John 12:1-11, John 12:12-26, John 12:27-50, John 13:1-11, John 13:12-17, John 13:31-35, John 13:18-38, John 14:25-31, John 15:1-2, John 14:1-11, John 14:11-14, John 14:15-24, John 14:15-31, John 15:3-6, John 15:7-8, John 15:9-11, John 15:12-17, John 16:4-15, John 16:16-33, John 17:1-5, John 17:6-16, John 17:17-19, John 17:20-21, John 17:22-26, John 18:1-11, John 18:12-32, John 20:1-18, John 18:33-38, John 19:17-42, John 20:19-31, John 21:1-14, John 21:15-19, John 21:20-25 (view more) (view less)
Tags: Faith General, Faith, Evangelism How To, Endurance, Faithful, Faith Vs. Works, Fear And Worry, Fear, Easter Resurrection, Cross, Counselor, Conviction, Death, Death Nearness, Dead To Sin, Branch, Becoming A Christian, Basics Of Christianity, Authority, Apologetics God, Anxiety, Abide, Community, Control, Comforter, Call Of The Disciples, Christian Liberty, Christian Love, Humility, Hope, Holy Spirit In Believers, Holy Spirit, Hatred, Helper, Helpful, Heaven, Jesus Christ, Jesus, Jesus Teachings, Jesus Life, Jesus-Centered, Fulfill, Fruit, Fulfillment, God Brings Hope, God Brings Purpose, Glory, God's Provision, God's Sovereign Will, God's Will, Godly, Gospel, God's Love, God's Promises, Gospel Of Peace, Gospel Promises, Gossip, Grace, Peace, Passion Of Christ, Passion, People In Acts, Persecution, Perseverance, Oneness, Obedience, Miracles Of Jesus, Love, Lordship Of Christ, Lord's Prayer, Love For God, Kingdom, Justification, Joy, Leadership General, Trials And Difficulties, Trust, Truth, Tincture, The Word, Teaching, Temptation Pride, What Is Evangelism?, Work, Witness, Useful, Unity, Unbelief, Unfaithful, Vine, Worship Definition, Preaching, Prayer Answered, Prayer, Promises Of God, Proof, Provision, Purpose, Righteousness, Rewards, Resurrection, Signs, Scripture, Savior, Sanctification, Salvation, Submission, Suffering, Suffering Joy In, Strength, Sovereignty, Sorrow, Spirit (view more) (view less)
Denomination: Presbyterian/Reformed
Sermons in Series: 4
Scripture: Mark 1:40-45, Mark 1:4-45, Matthew 5:43-48, John 13:34-35, John 13:31-34, Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:11-35, John 3:1-21 (view more) (view less)
Tags: Untouchable, Vbs, Victim, Venom, Vow, Tract, Tuberculosis, True Disciple, Teach, Sweat, Stress, Stumble, Thomas, Thirsty, Touch, Witnessing, Water, Waitress, Work, World, Wrath, Satan, Sanitarium, Rewards, Royal Law, Shepherd, Sheepfold, Sheep, Seattle, Spur, Stadium, Special Olympics, Spirit, Sinned, Slave, Skin, Snake, Snake Bite, Snapshot, Pagan, Pharisees, Pity, Photograph, Play God, Playing God, Picture, Nicodemus, Nazi, New Born, Muslim, Nails, Nursing Home, Orphanage, Restaurant, Rage, Poison, Porcupine, Proselyte, Cvs, Depression, Devoted, Devour, Destroyer, Discord, Disease, Compassion, Compassionate, Complaining, Condemn, Convince, Corrie Ten Boom, Crucifixion, Crucify, Criticize, Encourage, Emmaus, Enemy, Edersheim, Down Syndrome, Divorce, Doctor, Feel, Audience, Aspirin, Baptism, Bathroom, Back Biting, Bandage, Bad Behavior, Betray, Argue, Applause, Accuser, Aaron Burgess, Abhor, Calm, Carry, Born Again, Born Anew, Burden, Bronze Snake, Comfort, Haiti, Grudge, Good Deeds, Godlike, Hatred, Hastings, Hate, Healing, Hug, Human Contact, Hope, Glove, Galatia, Galatians, Fred Craddock, Fruit, Forgive, Flesh, Fingerprint, Love, Love Vs. Hate, Lucado, Leper, Lift, Morality, Moaning, Max Lucado, Medicine, Martyr, Latex, Kempis, Judgmental, Judgment, Hurt, Injustice, Jesus Heals Leper, Interest, Jealousy (view more) (view less)
Denomination: Christian/Church Of Christ
Sermons in Series: 24
Scripture: Genesis 5:21-24, Genesis 6:1-10, Genesis 12:10-17, Genesis 22:1-17, 1 Samuel 13:14, 1 Samuel 17:37-48, 2 Samuel 9:3-13, 2 Samuel 11:2-27, 1 Kings 3:9-14 (view more) (view less)
Tags: Threshing Floor, Temple Rebuilt, Testing, Take Responsibility, Vows, True Seekers, Treachery, Traditions Of Men, Tree Of Knowledge, Zerubbabel, Witnessing, Wisdom Of Solomon, Wisdom, Walk With God, Right Attitude, Righteousness, Root Of Bitterness, Scarlet Cord, Selfishness, Sin Revealed, Spiritual Poverty, Restoration, Rebuilding Of Temple, Rahab, Promised Land, Promise To Abram, Perez, Original Sin, Noah's Example, Noah's Ark, Obey God's Counsel, Obligations, Obedience To God, Name Change, Motivation, Noah, Joseph's Brothers, Judah, Judah And Tamar, Kinsman Redeemer, Hypocrisy, Jacob, Isaac And Rebekah, Jacob's Dream, Jacob Wrestles Angel, Jacob And Esau, Jealousy, Loyalty, Meeting Needs, Model Prayer, Genesis, Garden Of Eden, Finding God's Plan, Foreigner, God's Promises, God's Plan, God's Covenant, Gossip, Godly Wisdom, Heed Warnings, Heart For God, Boaz And Ruth, Caleb, Choices, Abrahamic Covenant, Abraham's Sacrifice, Abraham, Abraham And Isaac, Abraham And Lot, Abram & Melchizedek, Abram To Abraham, Abram, Ability, A Walk In Faith, Adam, Bad Choices, Barrenness, Assurance, Assurance Of Salvation, Attitude General, Attitude, Blameless Walk, Bitterness, Faith In God, Famine, Faithful Obedience, Fear And Worry, Favor Of God, Eliezer, Effectual Prayer, Egypt, Enoch's Walk, Deceitfulness, David Chosen As King, David & Mephibosheth, David And Goliath, David And Bathsheba, Disobedience, Complacency, Contempt (view more) (view less)
Denomination: Foursquare
Sermons in Series: 87
Scripture: Acts 1:6-8, Acts 1:9-11, Romans 13:12-14, Acts 1:12-14, Acts 1:15-20, Acts 1:21-22, Acts 2:1-4, Acts 2:4-11, Acts 2:12-13, Acts 2:14-21, Acts 2:22-36, Acts 2:37-40, Acts 2:41, Acts 2:42-47, Acts 3:1-11, Acts 3:12-26, Acts 4:1-22, Acts 5:1-11, Acts 5:17-42, Acts 6:1, Acts 6:8-15, Acts 7:1-14, Acts 8:1-3, Acts 8:4-25, Acts 8:26-39, Acts 9:1-9, Acts 9:10-19, Acts 9:19-30, Acts 9:31, Acts 9:32-35, Acts 9:36-43, Acts 10:1-8, Acts 10:17-22, Acts 11:1-18, Acts 11:19-21, Acts 11:22-24, Acts 11:25-26, Acts 11:27-30, Acts 12:1-2, Acts 12:3-17, Acts 12:18-21, Acts 12:22-23, Acts 12:24-25, Acts 13:4-12, Acts 13:14-52, Acts 13:42-52, Acts 14:8-20, Acts 14:20-28, Acts 15:1-35, Acts 15:36-41, Acts 16:1-5, Acts 16:6-10, Acts 17:10-14, Acts 17:15-34, Acts 18:1-6, Acts 18:7-11, Acts 18:12-17, Acts 18:18-22, Acts 18:23, Acts 18:24-28, Acts 19:1-7, Acts 16:11-40, Acts 19:8-10, Acts 19:11-12, Acts 19:13-17, Acts 19:18-19, Acts 19:20, Acts 19:21-22, Acts 19:23-41, Acts 20:1-5, Acts 20:6-12, Acts 20:13-38, Acts 21:1-14, Acts 21:15-26, Acts 21:27-40, Acts 22:1-21, Acts 22:22-29, Acts 23:1-10, Acts 23:11-22, Acts 23:23-35, Acts 24:1-21, Acts 24:22-27, Acts 25:1-27, Acts 26:1-32, Acts 27:1-44, Acts 28:1-15, Acts 28:16-31 (view more) (view less)
Tags: Miracles, Miracles General, Mnason Of Cyprus, Mount Called Olivet, Naked And Bleeding, Nazarite, New Wine, Not Go To Jerusalam, Ordain, One Accord, Pentecost, Paul And Barnabas, Persecution, People Scattered, Plotted To Kill Him, Peter And John, Peter Delivered, Peter's Sermon, Peters Sermon, Peter, Pharisee, Pharisees, Philip And Eunuch, Philip In Samaria, Philippi, Philippian Jailer, Phillip, Paul Shipwrecked, Paul The Prisoner, Paul's Conversion, Paul And Silas, Paul Before Felix, Paul In Athens, Paul In Galatia, Paul In Phrygia, Paul, Paid Homage, Palsy, Man Of Macedonia, Macedonia, Kill Paul, Killed James, King Agrippa, Justus, Kings Of The Earth, Kingdom Of God, Judgment Seat, Julius, Judgement, Judas, Judas And Silas, John Mark, Jesus' Teaching, Jesus' Trial, Johns Baptism, Light From Heaven, Letters To Damascus, Laying On Of Hands, Lame Man, Lame Man Healed, Law, Law And Prophets, Law Of Moses, Great Persecution, Grecians, Grace Of God, Gospel, Gods Word Prevailed, Glory Of God, Go To The Gentiles, Fourfooted Beasts, Free Born, Gentiles, Gentiles Grafted In, Gate Of The Temple, Gaius Of Derbe, Gamaliel, Galatians, Herod, Hand Of The Lord, Hands Of Paul, Holy Spirit General, Herod The King, High Priest, High Priest Ananias, Holy Spirit, Holy One Of Israel, Holy Place, Holy Spirit, Holy Angels, Holy Ghost, Jesus' Return, Isle Of Paphos, Jealousy, Jerusalem, Jerusalem Uproar, I Am With Thee, Iconium, Hour Of Prayer, House Of Judas, Hope Of Israel, Insurrection, Baptisim, Baptism, Baptism Of Eunuch, Bear Witness Of Me, Be Baptized, Barbarous People, Baptism Of John, Barnabas, Barnabas And Saul, Berea, Beating Of Paul, Believe And Confess, Believe, Brother Of John, Brother Saul, Breaking Of Bread, Bowels Burst Out, Bondage, Book Of Acts, Blastus, Blasphemous Words, Alexander, After Easter, Agabus, Ananias And Paul, Ananias And Sapphira, Acts, 2 Men, 3000 Souls, 7 Sons Of Sceva, A Vision, A Warning To Israel, Athens, Apostles' Feet, Aquila & Priscilla, Aquila And Priscilla, Aristarchus, Areopagus, Apostles, Apostles Doctrine, Apollos, Angel Of The Lord, Antioch, Antioch Church, Antioch In Pisidia, Antipatris, Annas The High Priest, Anointed One, Circumcision, Comfort In Christ, Cloven Tongues, Circumcise, Circumcised, Claudius Caesar, Claudius Lysias, Coming Of The Holy Spirit, Come In Like Manner, Christ's Power, Chief Captain, Chief Priests, Christ Jesus, Caesar, Caesarea, Caiaphas, Called Christians, Cenchrea, Centurion, Centurions, Captain Lysias, Dream Dreams, Dorcas, Eaten By Worms, Elymas The Sorcerer, Elders Of The Church, Disciples, Devout Men, Disputing Daily, Derbe And Lystra, Decrees, Demetrius, Demon Possession, Deliver To Prison, Day Of Pentecost, Damascus, Convenient Season, Confirming Churches, Cornelius, Crispus, Creeping Things, Fallen To Sleep, False Witness, False Witnesses, Father Abraham, Filled With Holy Ghost, Finish My Course, Fellowship, Field Of Blood, Festus, Felix The Governor, Felix Trembled, Fair Havens, Evil Spirits, Ethiopian Eunuch, Eunuch, Euroclydon, Ephesus, Epicureans, Prayed With Fasting, Prayers, Preach The Gospel, Prince Of Life, Prevailed, Pricked In Their Heart, Profaned The Temple, Priscilla And Aquila, Prophets, Rushing Mighty Wind, Rome, Sabbath Day's Journey, Sail By Ephesus, Sail Into Italy, Sadducees, Saluted The Church, Repent, Receive His Sight, Receive Power, Received His Word, Rejected, Stephen, Stephens Sermon, Sosthenes, Sopater Of Berea, Soldiers, Tarsus, Synagogue, Tabitha, Taken By The Jews, Taken Up, Teaching Of Jesus, Stone Them, Silversmith, Simon A Tanner, Signs And Wonders, Silas And Timothy, Simons House, Sergius Paulus, Seeing No Man, Scattered, Saul Of Tarsus, Scourging, Scribes, Unleavened Bread, Unity In Christ, Under A Curse, Unclean Spirits, Tyrannus, Troas, Tribulation, Tongue Is A Fire, Tongues, Timotheus, Timothy, Timothy And Erastus, Threw Dust, Times Or The Seasons, The Problem, The Promise, Tentmaker, Tertullus, Zealous Of The Law, Word Of God, Word Of God Grew, Works Of God, Widows And Orphans, Widows Neglected, Voice Of God, Violent Hands, Viper, Upper Chamber, Upper Room (view more) (view less)
Sermons in Series: 27
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 1:3-7, Colossians 2:7, 2 Corinthians 1:8-11, 2 Corinthians 1:17-22, 2 Corinthians 2:12-17, 2 Corinthians 3:1-6, 2 Corinthians 3:7-11, 2 Corinthians 3:12-18, 2 Corinthians 4:1-6, 2 Corinthians 5:1-5, 2 Corinthians 5:10-16, 2 Corinthians 6:1-2, 2 Corinthians 6:3-10, 2 Corinthians 7:8-13, 2 Corinthians 7:12-16, 2 Corinthians 8:9-15, 2 Corinthians 9:6-7, 2 Corinthians 9:8, 2 Corinthians 9:8-15, 2 Corinthians 10:1-6, 2 Corinthians 10:7-11, 2 Corinthians 11:1-6, 2 Corinthians 11:10-15, 2 Corinthians 11:21-27, 2 Corinthians 11:28-33, 2 Corinthians 12:1-6 (view more) (view less)
Tags: Eternal Body, Eternal Clothing, Disguise, Evangelism, Despair, Devil, Difficulty, Death, Deception, Defending Ministry, Danger, Cost Of Discipleship, Conscience, Confidence, Compassion, Concern, Commendation, Christian Equality, Christian Service, Cheerful Giver, Call To Salvation, Book Of Revelation, Bountifully, Church Conflict, Astray, Authenticity, Betrothed, Boasting, Blind, Apostle Paul, Aroma, Angel Of Light, Affliction, Amen, Adequacy, Abundance, Acceptable Time, Abounding, Glory, Giving, Gives Life, Gift Jesus, God's Grace, God's Dwelling Place, God's Comfort, Generosity, Fruit Of Repentance, Hardships, Harmony, Harvest, Heaven, Heavenly Bodies, Godly Sorrow, Grace, Increase, Image Of Jesus, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Home, Hope, Letter Of Law, Living Letters, Law Of Moses, Integrity, Jesus Christ, Jesus Died For Us, Overflow, Outward Appearances, Opposition To Paul, Open Heart, Obstacles, Obedience, Obedience To God, New Covenant, Ministry, Meekness, Manifest, Love, Lose Heart, Rich, Righteousness, Rooted In Christ, Refresh Spirits, Refreshing, Reaping, Repentance, Sanctification, Satan's Strategy, Seal, Seed To Sow, Self-Supporting, Serpent, Persuade, Paul & Corinthians, Partnership, Paradise, Unbelief, Unequally Yoked, Unimpressive, True Repentance, Triumph, Trials And Difficulties, Weight, Visions, Veiled Gospel, Virgin, Yes, Witnessing, Tongue, Transformation, Transform, Sufficiency, Suffering For Gospel, Thanksgiving, Terrify, Suffering, Success In Ministry, Stronghold, Strongholds, Stress, Stone, Sowing, Sowing And Reaping, Spiritual Warfare, Spiritual Weapons, Spiritual Leadership, Spiritual Blindness, Solemn Oath, Sleeplessness (view more) (view less)
Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-13, Hebrews 4:1-16, John 17:11-19, John 17:1-19, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Jeremiah 36:9-32 (view more) (view less)
Tags: Ignorant, House Of Representatives, Inerrancy, Independence, Interfere, Island, Isaac Newton, Holy Ghost, Heresy, Higher, Higher Power, John Stott, Khaki, Knife, Jesus, Jeremiah, Jehoiakim, Jesus Seminar, John Adams, Good News, Gold, Gospel, Goshen, God's Word, Gutenberg Bible, H.m.s. Bounty, Heart Condition, Heart, God Breathed, Fort Knox, Lawless, Lay Bare, Liberal, Living, Manmade, Mangalwadi, Magna Carta, Mathematics, Mocker, Missionary, Netherlands, New Testament, Mutiny, Ocular Surgeon, Plastic Surgery, Philippines, Physics, Pagan, Protect, Debate, Declaration, Cynic, Deacons, Crown Jewels, Confidence, Conservation, Constitution, Cover, Destroy, Dictate, Discipline, Error, Egypt, Ecosystem, Expose, Eyes, Excuses, Evaporation, First Amendment, Buddha, Caribbean, Campolo, Car, Catholic, Carried, Combination, Church And State, Book, Bill Maher, Bill Of Rights, Bligh, Believe, Bible, Bad News, Augustine, Astronomy, Atheist, Beads, Active, Aclu, Agnostic, Adultery, Antoine Lavoisier, Answer, Sanctification, Sanctify, Scalpel, Scholar, Scoffer, Scorn, Scribe, Seatbelt, Science, Scientific, Scripture, Set Apart, Robert Boyle, Resources, Ridicule, Red Letter, Trust, Thomas Jefferson, Theologian, Transformation, Transform, Treasury, Unstable, Vehicle, Uss Topaz, Uncover, Solar System, Six-Pack, Skeptic, Soldier Shield, Stainless Steel, Steel, Sword, Teacher, Surgery, Witnessing, Word Of God, Wood (view more) (view less)
Scripture: Acts 1:1-11, Acts 3:11-26, Acts 4:1-22, Acts 4:23-37, Acts 6:1-15, Acts 7:1-60, Acts 8:1-25, Acts 8:26-40, Acts 9:1-19, Acts 9:19-31, Acts 10:1-23, Acts 10:23-48, Acts 10:19-30, Acts 12:1-19, Acts 13:13-52, Acts 14:8-19, Acts 16:16-24, Acts 16:25-40, Acts 17:1-15, Acts 18:1-28, Acts 19:1-20, Acts 19:23-41, Acts 20:22-31, Acts 21:17-26, Acts 26:1-32, Acts 26:1-32 (view more) (view less)
Tags: Church General, Church Culture, Circumstance, Continue, Conscience, Christian Values, Church, Character, Antioch, Apostles Peter, Aquila, Aretas, Apostle, Attitude General, Authoritative, Authority, Ascension, Affliction, Afterlife, Africa, African, Ananias, Agrippa, Caesarea, Call, Bible Truth, Body, Berea, Berean, Background, Barnabas, Basics Of Christianity, Discouragement, Diversity, Endure, Endurance, Eternal Life, Ephesus, Employment, Easter Resurrection, Death, Damascus, Cults, Curse, Culture, Demons, Discernment, Disappointment, Discern, Difficult Times, Food, Fool, Focus On Jesus, Fear And Worry, Gamaliel, Faith General, Falasha, Faith, Failure, Evil, Evil Spirit, Experience, Fairness, Eunuch, Ethiopia, Examples Of Faith, Intellect, Jesus Alone, Jesus Christ, Idol, Idolatry, Judge, Job, Judgment, Little, Life And Death, Lifestyle, Lies, Life, Hope, Holy Spirit General, Holy Spirit, History, Heaven, Healing, Greek, Ministry, Lystra, Paranormal, Pagan, Pain, Occult, Overcome, Obedience, Nazirite, Nabataean, Rabbi, Race, Religion, Prayer Hardship, Pride, Priscilla, Prepare, Petra, Peter, Philip, Pisidia, Plan, People In Acts, Persecution, Paul, Prayer, Power, Position, Prayer General, Success, Tarsus, Spiritual Power, Stephen, Time, Temple, Truth Of Christ, Trial, Wicca, What Is Evangelism?, Whitewash, Witness, Witchcraft, Wait, Share, Septuagint, Selfish, Scripture, Sovereignty, Spirit, Spiritual, Situation, Small, Simon, Silas, Repentance, Repent, Resurrection, Sceva, Saul, Sanhedrin, Salvation, Word Of God, Work, Workplace, Worldview, World Religions, Worship (view more) (view less)
Sermons in Series: 32
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:6-13, Luke 3:1-6, Luke 16:1-9, Luke 10:23-37, Matthew 9:1-8, John 18:33-37, Matthew 5:3-12, Matthew 24:15-35, Ephesians 5:1-12, John 6:1-29, Matthew 5:20-25, Luke 18:9-14, Luke 7:1-14, Matthew 22:1-14, Luke 1:26-38, Matthew 24:15-35, John 1:19-28, Ephesians 5:1-14, John 10:11-16, John 3:16-18, Romans 6:19-23, Luke 14:1-11, John 18:33-37, Revelation 7:2-14, Matthew 1:18-21, John 2:1-11 (view more) (view less)
Tags: Rosary, Run To Win, Saint, Sainthood, Righteousness, Repentance, Priestly Vocations, Promise, Prayer Of Praise, Prayer Of Thanks, Reformation, Poor In Spirit, Pornography, Poor, Persecution, Peace With God, Noise, One And Three, Ok To Be Angry, Optimism, Peace, Patience, Parable Great Banquet, Spiritual Gifts, Slavery To Christ, Slavery To Sin, Slavery, Silence, Self-Discipline, Septuagesima, Service, Sharing Faith, Sexual Sin, Screwtape Letters, Thanks, Swallows, Widow, Virtue, Virgin Mary, Water Jug, War, United States, Works Of Mercy, Wrath Of God, Beatitudes, Bearing Witness, Azariah, Christmas, Clean Heart, Catholic Schools, Butterfly Effect, Bullying, Compassion, Communion, Darkness, Defend Faith, Defend The Faith, Doom And Gloom, Disordered Passions, Distance, Divine And Human, Doing Good, Enlightenment, Encounter, Evangelism, Face Of Christ, Exorcism, Faithfulness, Humility And Pride, Intention Of God, Impurity, Jesus Christ, King Christ, Kingship, Law Of Love, Lent, Lepanto, Judgment, John The Baptist, Moses, Mourning Over Sin, Mission, Moral Development, Mary Interceding, Meek, Mercy, Lose Your Life, License Plate, Light, Love And Mercy, Mary, Make A Difference, Marital, Hitler, Growth Hormone, Holiness, God's Wrath, Good Shepherd, Gospel, God's Promises, Gospel Response, Forbearance, Follow Christ, Forgiveness, Father, Family, Fertility, Feeling Compassion, Fear Of God, God Is Good, Gift Of Spirit (view more) (view less)
Denomination: Catholic
Sermons in Series: 34
Scripture: Matthew 24:8-13, Revelation 6:14, Ecclesiastes 3:20, Matthew 7:7, Romans 12:10-12, Romans 12:10, Philippians 4:8, Isaiah 2:4, Matthew 24:6, Romans 15:54, Revelation 16:16, Revelation 16:13-16, Colossians 1:16-17, Psalms 33:13-14, John 3:16, Jeremiah 32:27, Romans 7:24, Ezekiel 33:11, Hebrews 11:1, Genesis 1:1, Mark 13:7, John 14:1-3, John 14:15-18, Luke 11:9-13, 2 Timothy 4:1-5, Luke 16:19-31 (view more) (view less)
Tags: Trinity, Truth, Ufo, Unbiblical, Unexplainable, Unfallable, Unforgivable, Unintentional, Uninvited, Verse, Weather, Weather Patterns, Wars, War, Word, Were Is The Dead, When I Come Again, The Last Days, The Devil Is A Liar, The End, The End Of The Age, The End Time Signals, The End Times, The Time Of The End, The Truth, The Will Of God, Temple, Soul Immortal, Son, Spirit, Stars, Steps To Christ, Hope, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Heed Warnings, Hell, Heavens Courtroom, Heavenly City, Heaven, Jesus Christ, Jesus, It Is Finished, In Me, In God, Immorality, Immortal, Immortality, Love, Life After Death, Life After Life, Last Chance, Last Days, Last Day, Joy, Judge, Judgement, Fervent Prayer, Final Judgment, Final War, Finale, Final, Faith And Repentance, Faith Vs Science, Faith Overcomes Fear, False Docrine, Faith, Forever, Forgiveness, Friend, Gallup News, Ghost, God's Warning, Godhead, Gog And Magog, God Head, God, Grace, Grand Finale, He Lives In You, Healthy Choices, Healthy Living, Born Again, Books Are Open, Books Of Judgment, Book Of Revelation, Bible Science, Bible, Christ Like Love, Christ, Baby Steps, Being Victorious, Be Kind To Unkind, Astrology, Apologetics Creation, Are The Dead Alive, Armageddon, After Life, Afterlife, Aggressive Prayer, Amazing Grace, All Judged, Angels, Answered Prayers, Apocalypse, Accepted, Access To Grace, Acceptance, Adam And Eve, A Lamp To Our Feet, A Light, Abide, Comforter, Clone, Cloning, City Of God, Condemned, Confessing Sin, Confession, Connection, Death Preparation, Death, Covenant, Creation & Evolution, Courtroom, Eternal Life, Eternal Destination, Error, Election, End Times, End Time Church, End, End Of The World, End Times Prophecy, Doomsday, Doctrine, Demands For Proof, Prayer, Predict, Power, Our Advocate, Overcome, Overcoming, Paradise, Peace, Paying Forward, Pentecost, Middle East, Middle East Conflict, Midnight, Mediator, Mercy, Major On The Minors, Love Fulfills Law, Love Those Who Hate, Mortal, Mortality, No Condemnation, New Jerusalem, New Earth, New Heaven, Sin Against, Signs, Signs Of The Times, Signs Of The End, Sign, Saved, Sanctification, Salvation, Science, Scripture, Second Coming, Rapture, Redeemer, Redemption, Rejected, Reincarnation, Reformation, Prophecy, Prophet, Revelation Of Hope, Revelation, Resurrection Morning, Reward, Resurection, Relationship, Renewing Our Steps (view more) (view less)
Sermons in Series: 81
Scripture: Acts 1:1-5, Acts 1:6-11, Acts 1:8, Acts 1:12-26, Acts 2:1-13, Acts 2:4, Acts 2:14-36, Acts 2:37-41, Acts 2:42-43, Acts 2:44-47, Acts 3:1-10, Acts 3:11-16, Acts 3:17-26, Acts 4:1-22, Acts 4:23-31, Acts 5:1-16, Acts 4:32-37, Acts 5:17-33, Acts 5:33-42, Acts 6:1-7, Acts 6:1-7, Acts 6:8-15, Acts 7:1-53, Acts 8:5-25, Acts 8:26-40, Acts 8:26-40, Acts 9:1-19, Acts 9:20-31, Acts 9:32-43, Acts 10:1-48, Acts 11:1-18, Acts 11:19-30, Acts 12:1-17, Acts 12:18-25, Acts 13:1-3, Acts 13:4-12, Acts 14:8-20, Acts 14:21-28, Acts 15:1-5, Acts 15:6-21, Acts 15:22-35, Acts 15:36-41, Acts 16:1-12, Acts 16:13-15, Acts 16:16-24, Acts 16:25-40, Acts 17:1-15, Acts 17:16-23, Acts 17:24-25, Acts 17:26-28, Acts 17:29-34, Acts 18:1-17, Acts 18:1-17, Acts 19:8-20, Acts 19:21-41, Acts 20:1-16, Acts 20:17-24, Acts 20:25-28, Acts 20:28-31, Acts 20:32-38, Acts 21:1-15, Acts 21:16-26, Acts 23:1-11, Acts 23:12-35, Acts 24:1-21, Acts 24:22-27, Acts 25:1-12, Acts 27:1-22, Acts 27:23-44, Acts 28:1-6, Acts 28:7-10, Acts 28:11-16, Acts 28:17-29, Philippians 1:12-14 (view more) (view less)
Tags: Unity, Unbelief, Trust, Treasure, Theology, Warfare, Value, Witness, Will Of God, Sharing My Testimony, Sharing Your Faith, Shepherd, Sin General, Snake, Service, Servanthood, Status, Strategies, Soteriology, Sovereignty, Testimonies About Jesus, Testimony, Supremacy, Suffering, Repentance, Resurrection, Revile, Sacrifice, Salvation, Protection, Providence, Priorities, Promises Of God, Racism, Religion, Rejection, Relationships, Preaching, Prayer How To, Pattern, Pastor, Pastoral Care, Pastors, Paul, Perseverance, Persecution, People In The Gospel, Wycliffe, Growth In Christ, Greed, God's Provision, God's Sovereign Will, Gospel, Holy Spirit Baptism, Holy Spirit Attributes, Hospitality, Hardship Of Life, Healing, Fulfillment, Friendship General, Gifts Healing, God The Father, God's Holiness, God's Forgiveness, God's Judgment, God's Love, God's Omnipotence, Lordship, Martyrdom, Love Of The Disciples, Love Others, Miracles General, Missions, Misconceptions, Mistakes, Ministry, Mercy, Men's Day, Leadership General, Leader, Liberty, Kingdom Of God, Knowing God's Will, Leadership, Justice, Judgment, Jesus Christ, Infinite Worth, Influence, Intentional, Becoming A Christian, Authority, Bible Truth, Apologetics General, Anger, Apologetics The Bible, Apologetics Jesus, Advance, Church General, Church Government, Church Growth, Church Purpose Of, Church Practices, Commend, Commitment To Christ, Church Body Of Christ, Church Discipline, Center, Boldness, Charismatic, Discipleship, Doctrine, Disciple Making, Discernment, Defense, Deliverance, Demons, Conversion, Contention, Confidence, Evangelism Urgency, Evangelism The Lost, Evangelism How To, Evangelism Planning, Evangelism Fear Of, Evangelism, Endurance, Essential, Elder, Encouragement, Election (view more) (view less)
Sermons in Series: 50
Scripture: Genesis 1:1, Genesis 1:2, Genesis 1:1, Genesis 1:1, Genesis 1:1, Genesis 1:2, Genesis 1:2, Genesis 1:3-5, Genesis 1:6-8, Genesis 1:9-13, Genesis 1:14-19, Genesis 1:20-25, Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 1:27-31, Genesis 2:1-3, Genesis 2:4-25, Genesis 2:18-25, Genesis 3:1-3, Genesis 3:3, Genesis 3:4-6, Genesis 3:7-14, Genesis 3:15, Genesis 3:20-24, Genesis 4:1, Genesis 4:1-24, Genesis 4:18-24, Genesis 4:25-26, Genesis 5:1-5, Genesis 6:1-7, Genesis 6:8-12, Genesis 7:6, Genesis 9:18-29, Genesis 11:24-28, Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 12:4-9, Genesis 13:5-18, Genesis 14:1-24, Genesis 15:1-21, Genesis 16:1-16, Genesis 17:1-27, Genesis 18:1-33, Genesis 19:1-38, Genesis 20:1-18, Genesis 21:1-34, Genesis 22:1-24 (view more) (view less)
Tags: Satisfaction, Saved, Satan, Self-Existent, Security, Separation, Sin, Sin Deceptive, Sin Exposed, Silence, Safety, Salvation, Sabbath, Sacrifice, Righteousness, Religion, Restoration, Rest, Pride, Principles, Promise, Rapture, Prophecy, Rebellion, Reality, Pleasure, Power, Pets, Peace, Words, Witness, Work, Wisdom, Weather, Wait, Victory, Trinity, Trust, Truth, Uncircumcised, Temptation, Theology, Time, The Word, Testimony, Space, Sovereignty, Sin General, Sin Fall Of Man, Supply, Crucifixion, Culture, Death, Death Row, Compassion, Compromise, Consequences, Conformity, Covenant, Cost, Creation, Disappointment, Difficulties, Disobedience, Earth, Dreams, Energy, Enjoyment, Encouragement, Faith, Fall, Family, Evil, Exceptional, Eve, Failure, Exposure, Exhortation, Existence, Change, Calvary, Cain, Choice, Allegory, Ambition, Age, Abraham, Abram, Action, Adam, Arrogance, Ark, Animals, Anxiety, Awesome, Backslide, Beauty, Basics Of Christianity, Beginning, Blessing, Blood Of Christ, Blood, Bible Truth, God, God Brings Hope, God Speaks, God The Father, God's Judgment, God's Love, God's Holiness, Gift, Generosity, Global Warming, Focus, Folly, Food, Fear Of God, Friendship, Foolishness, Hope, Holy Spirit, Home, Holy Spirit General, Help, Hagar, Growth In Christ, Growth, Gratitude, Grace, God's Omnipotence, God's Provision, Government, Gospel, Messiah, Messianic Prophecies, Meaning, Mankind, Loyalty, Love, Move, Nimrod, Noah, Obedience, Offense, Order, Judgment, Joy, Light, Life, Learning, Lamech, Knowledge, Landlord, Jesus Christ, Intimacy, Israel, Image, Ignorance (view more) (view less)
Sermons in Series: 8
Scripture: Luke 6:43-49, John 15:9-17, Hebrews 10:19-25, John 8:31-36, Ephesians 5:3-14, 1 Corinthians 5:1-11, 1 John 1:1-4, 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 (view more) (view less)
Tags: Press, Reborn, Proselytizing, Proverbs, Piercings, Philip, Politics, Political, Postings, Peanuts, Perfect, Perfectionism, Peter, Petition, Shame, Share, Shine, Sin, Shy, Shun, Sin Bondage To, Sin Exposed, Secret Service, Scripture, Saving, Saved, Sanctify, Salvation, Righteous, Repent, Repentance, Vine, Virus, Unfriend, Unwholesome, Unloving, Watchman, World, Witness, Worship, Wrath, Yeast, Truth, Truth Of Christ, Swear, Synagogue, Temple, Tolerate, Thanksgiving, Thankful, Sinless, Sin Hurtful To God, Slavery, Slave, Sinner, Social Network, Social, Spirit, Suicide, Spur, Joke, Jews, Immoral, Immorality, Infect, Ignore, Iran, Involved, Internet, Liar, Liberty, Light, Legalist, Leadership, Joy, Judah Bar Simon, Judaism, Love, Love One Another, Lucy, Meeting, Mean Spirited, Pagan, Overflow, Parable Prodigal Son, Offer, Music, Nicodemus, Newly Born, Nasty, Nathaniel, Network, Good, Good Deeds, Grateful, Gratitude, Guilt, Hope, Hateful, Holy, Holiness, Hidden, Hide, Glorify, Garbage, Forgiveness, Forgiveness For Others, Forgiveness In Jesus, Fruit, Fruit Of The Spirit, Friend, Free, Fellowship, Foolish, Follow, Branch, Born Again, Boldness, Block, Big, Bible, American, Andrew, Advocate, Advertising, Anonymous, Assembly, Ashamed, Assurance, Calvary, Charlie Brown, China, Color, Coarse, Clarke, Church Practices, Church Purpose Of, Comfort Zone, Comfortable, Church, Church Bell, Debauchery, Damnation, Cussing, Curse, Confidence, Confirm, Computer, Course, Divorce & Remarriage, Disciplines, Disconnect, Facebook, Expose, Evangelism The Lost, Excommunication, Evil, Empty, Encourage, Encyclopedia, Evangelism How To, Evangelism Fear Of, Elder, Ebay, Drunk, Dough (view more) (view less)