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In Sermon Illustrations: "Sun Of Righteousness"

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  • Pete Peterson Was The First U.s. Ambassador To ...

    Contributed by Charles Wilkerson on Nov 10, 2009

    Pete Peterson was the first U.S. ambassador to Vietnam after the war. But it wasn’t his first time in Hanoi. Peterson was a POW from 1966 to 1972 at the prison camp named "Hanoi Hilton". When asked how he could return to the land where he’d endured years of starvation, brutality and torture, he more

  • Salt Water And Self

    Contributed by Johnny A. Palmer Jr. on Dec 8, 2011

    SALT WATER AND SELF I watched a movie once, where several men were left drifting aimlessly on the ocean, in a small lifeboat, after a terrible shipwreck. The sun was hot and their rations were low--soon they ran out of fresh water. One night while the others were sleeping, one man drank from more

  • Some Time Ago, There Was A Comic Strip In ...  PRO

    Contributed by Bob Joyce on Aug 31, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    Some time ago, there was a comic strip in Peanuts that showed Lucy in her psychiatrist booth. She is trying to analyze Charlie Brown. She says, "Charlie Brown, life is like a deck chair." "Like what?" "Charlie, have you ever been on a ship when the passengers try to open up one of those chairs so more

  • An English Preacher Named Watkinson Was Out On A ...  PRO

    Contributed by Bob Joyce on Aug 31, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    An English preacher named Watkinson was out on a beach with his little grandson. An elderly man came along. They spoke and the elderly man began to lash out at the preacher ... using terrible language. It frightened the little boy. Another man came along behind the disgruntled older man and said, more

  • The Distance Between Us And The Moon Is 250,000 ...

    Contributed by Michael West on Mar 17, 2008

    The distance between us and the moon is 250,000 miles, but from here to the sun, it’s a whopping 93 million miles. To make it easier, they start talking light years and that’s where I get lost real fast. For instance let’s take 10 million light years. How far is that in laymen terms? Multiply 5 more

  • An Englishman By The Name Of Ebenezer Wooten Had ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 9, 2005

    An Englishman by the name of Ebenezer Wooten had just concluded a preaching service in the village square. The crowd had dispersed, and he was busily engaged in loading the equipment. A young man approached him and asked, “Mr. Wooten, what must I do to be saved?” Sensing that the fellow was more

  • I Want To Close With This Poem By Lois Reynolds ...

    Contributed by Bill Butsko on Oct 30, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    I want to close with this poem by Lois Reynolds Carpenter, entitled “Second Birth”. I never loved the pleasant earth So much as since my second birth. The shy forget-me-not’s soft blue Seems bits of Heaven shining through. The golden buttercup’s bright face Proclaims the glory of His grace. His more

  • Ah, What An Easy Job Is His  PRO

    Contributed by Mack Armstrong on Feb 18, 2007
    based on 2 ratings

    Ah, what an easy job is his, The man who’s in the preaching biz! He has but little work to do, For all he does the whole week through Is just to call upon the flock As regularly as the clock; To cheer the sick who groan in bed, To preach a sermon for the dead; To teach the sinner righteousness, more

  • Singer Sheryl Crow Said Recently, In A New York ...  PRO

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Mar 4, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    Singer Sheryl Crow said recently, in a New York Post interview: “I believe in God. I believe in Jesus and Buddha and Mohammed and all those that were enlightened. I wouldn’t say necessarily that I’m a strict Christian. I’m not sure I believe in heaven.” Sheryl Crow is where many people are more

  • The Focal Point  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    When Whistler was at the height of his artistic career, a wealthy patron purchased one of his pictures on the condition that the artist would accompany him home and help select a spot to hang the picture. Once at his mansion, the man held up the picture first here and then there, each time asking, more

  • And Jesus Loved Them All

    Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Mar 4, 2008

    And Jesus Loved Them All------ I saw a sea of faces in a dream I had one day and millions stood before a throne whose sins were washed away from every tribe and every land they all had heard the call the rich, the poor, the black, the white and Jesus loved them all. He loved them with their many more

  • Not Of Works

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Nov 3, 2008

    Not of Works Grace, triumphant in the throne, Scorns a rival, reigns alone; Come and bow beneath her sway! Cast your idol works away! Works of man, when made his plea, Never shall accepted be; Fruits of pride (vain-glorious worm!) Are the best he can perform. Self, the god his soul more

  • Joy To All Nations  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 5, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    To again quote Charles Spurgeon: "It is joy to all nations that Christ is born, the Prince of Peace, the King who rules in righteousness...Beloved, the greatest joy is to those who know Christ as a Saviour...The further you submit yourself to Christ the Lord, the more completely you know Him, the more

  • Because He Loved Them

    Contributed by Loyd C. Taylor on Mar 14, 2023

    Because He Loved Them They tried to shame Him. They tried to destroy Him. They tried to ruin Him. He died for them! They despised Him. They mocked Him. They humiliated Him. He died for them! They stripped Him. They spat in His face. They beat Him. He died for them! They made Him bear the more

  • A Paradigm For Giving.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Dec 24, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    A PARADIGM FOR GIVING. 2 Corinthians 8:9. This is the key verse in my sermon on 'The Grace of Giving' (2 Corinthians 8:7-15). The Apostle reminds the Corinthians of what they already know: “the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.” How that He was “rich” but made Himself “poor” that we more

  • The Throne Of Christmas

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Dec 18, 2010

    THE THRONE OF CHRISTMAS In the very centre of Christmas cheer, amidst the silver bells, coloured baubles and lights, enormous sparkling chandeliers, banners and wreathes and beside a gigantic Christmas tree, there in the middle of everything stands a huge throne that dominates the centre of the more

  • A Comfortable Emptiness!

    Contributed by Mark Brunner on Jun 2, 2005

    A Comfortable Emptiness! On a faded scroll framed in mahogany and hung in the hallway of an old farmhouse I chanced many years ago to read what then, in my youth, seemed important but now many years later is ingrained in my heart as one of the most profound and impacting statements I have ever more

  • Iii. Reference The 60 Minutes Program And The ...

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Nov 1, 2006

    iii. Reference the 60 minutes program and the book Tempting Faith by David Kuo. David was convicted of using the name of the Lord for political and personal gain! His experience with a severe brain tumor and near death experience caused him and his wife to repent of their ways. 1. He makes this more

  • Over The Past Few Years The Bbc Have Run A ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007

    Over the past few years the BBC have run a number of series called the 101 things before you die. 101 places to visit before you die, 101 things to do before you die and 101 things to eat before you die. What they do is get people to write in and suggest their favourite and then they put them more

  • Queen Victoria Was Much Loved. She Made ...  PRO

    Contributed by Ted Sutherland on Mar 26, 2001
    based on 128 ratings

    Queen Victoria was much loved. She made unexpected calls on the farm folks who lived in cottages. Any day might be a royal day, and the Scots had a chair prepared for her visit. Their houses were kept spotless. They were a clean and wholesome people, but her announced visits added to the joy of more

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