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In Sermon Illustrations: "Love Your Enemy"

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  • What Are Your Goals?

    Contributed by Isaac Butterworth on Nov 19, 2010

    WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS? Not long after I got out of seminary, I decided I needed more training. So, I applied for a pastoral residency position at one of the largest churches in our denomination. It was a church in Prairie Village, Kansas, just outside of Kansas City, Missouri. As it turns out, the more

  • Is There Grass On Your Path?  PRO

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 22, 2010
    based on 2 ratings

    IS THERE GRASS ON YOUR PATH? In one region of Africa, the first converts to Christianity were very diligent about praying. In fact, the believers each had their own special place outside the village where they went to pray in solitude. The villagers reached these "prayer rooms" by using their own more

  • Which Church Is Yours?

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 27, 2010

    WHICH CHURCH IS YOURS? There's a cartoon with a picture of two men rowing boats. One was wearing a dog collar and in his hands was a punting pole. Also in the boat were rows and rows of people cheering him on. In the other boat, the man rowing, also wearing a dog collar, had in his hands a more

  • Wag Your Tail!

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 30, 2010

    WAG YOUR TAIL! When missionaries in the northern part of Alaska, where the Eskimos live, they were trying to get the Bible translated, and they had some difficulty. When you go to translate the Bible in any culture, there’s a difficulty in translating some words, because cultures and languages more

  • Arranging Your Departure

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Dec 2, 2010

    ARRANGING YOUR DEPARTURE A young man works as a photographer for a magazine. In 1981 he was flown into an Alaskan wilderness to photograph the natural beauty and some rare flowers. He had everything prepared - photo equipment, 500 rolls of film, and several days of provisions. He kept a diary more

  • Insuring Your Voice

    Contributed by John Perry on Dec 13, 2010

    INSURING YOUR VOICE Friends of George Burns have always kidded him about his singing. Burns, a master of self-deprecating humour, decided to take advantage of this and insure his voice for a million dollars. He thought it would be a wonderful publicity stunt. "I was so excited," said Burns, "I more

  • Knots In Your Life

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Feb 21, 2011

    KNOTS IN YOUR LIFE The Baxter boys, Paul and John, liked to play in the woods near their home. They like the woods because they always found something they had never seen before. That's the way it was when they discoverd the tree with the knot tied in it. The knot was about halfway up the tree. more

  • What Is Your Purpose?

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Apr 13, 2011

    WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE? Many years before Abraham Lincoln was elected president, he was a store-keeper in Salem, Illinois. Abe had a rifle displayed in his store that was one of the most beautiful rifles ever made. The barrel was made from the finest steel, the stock from the best walnut wood; and a more

  • Wash Your Hands

    Contributed by Sermon Central on May 5, 2011

    WASH YOUR HANDS In 1818, Ignaz Phillip Semmelweis was born into a world of dying women. The finest hospitals lost one out of six young mothers to the scourge of "childbed fever." A doctor's daily routine began in the dissecting room where he performed autopsies. From there he made his way to the more

  • The Circumference Of Your World

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on May 15, 2011

    THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF YOUR WORLD The Scottish novelist, poet, essayist and travel writer Robert Louis Stevenson had not enjoyed a single day of good health in 14 years. One day, when he had been forced to set aside his writing because of violent coughing and wracking, his wife said to him, "I more

  • Where's Your Security  PRO

    Contributed by Ronnie Miller on Aug 11, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    WHERE'S YOUR SECURITY (NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Investors lost $1 trillion in the in the stock market Monday as the debt crisis in Europe, lackluster economic news and a downgrade to the U.S. credit rating spark fears of a double-dip recession. Investors placed their wealth in the hands of a man more

  • Praying For Your Prosperity

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Aug 18, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    PRAYING FOR YOUR PROSPERITY One day a man was walking with this pastor. He knew this pastor was living in horrible poverty in Ethiopia, and he made the mistake of showing a little bit of what he thought would be gracious sympathy. He told the Ethiopian pastor, brother, we pray for you in your more

  • The Window To Your Life

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Feb 13, 2012

    THE WINDOW TO YOUR LIFE If your life were a window with the world on one side and Jesus on the other then how clearly would those who know you be able to know Him? Is the window too dirty to see thru? Are the shades down most of the time? Do you only open them when you go to church? God calls more

  • Fulfilling Your Purpose

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Apr 24, 2012

    FULFILLING YOUR PURPOSE When we lived in Wiesbaden, some missionary friends bought a German toaster. When they got home, they plugged it in, placed some bread in it, and then waited for the toast to pop up a few minutes later. Well, the toast never did pop up from it because...well, it didn’t more

  • Singing Your Resolution

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Aug 27, 2012

    A while back I got discouraged, I got frustrated. Things were not going the way that I had planned. I was tired. I was tired of solving problems and dealing with people. You ever get like that? I didn’t know what to do. I still remember walking up down the road to my house, tears streaming down more

  • Master Your Emotions

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Dec 26, 2012
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    Master Your Emotions John Maxwell relates the story of Bobby Jones, a legendary golfer who won a major tournament at twenty-one. By age twenty-eight, he had already won the grand slam and retired. Jones had an uncle who said that by the time he was fourteen, Bobby was probably already the best more

  • Make Your Reservation

    Contributed by Thomas Cash on Jan 29, 2013

    MAKE YOUR RESERVATION Is your name written in the book of life? Ruthanna Metzgar, a professional singer, tells a story that illustrates the importance of having our names written in the book of life. Several years ago, she was asked to sing at the wedding of a very wealthy man. According to the more

  • Where Is Your Faith?

    Contributed by Glynda Lomax on Dec 25, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    “A weak faith is weakened by predicaments and catastrophes, whereas a strong faith is strengthened by them.” – Victor Frankl Rain poured down and thunder boomed one dark night in September in Western Oklahoma. It had been a quiet, pleasant evening at the nursing center, and nurses and residents more

  • Teach Your Kids!

    Contributed by Eduardo Quintana on Oct 4, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    God’s word instructs us to be teachers to our children. For the past 5000 plus years, children would help with the family business. If they were carpenters, the children would help doing work that was appropriate for them. As they helped, they would become masters at the skill that they were being more

  • It's In Your Hands

    Contributed by Dr. Larry Petton on Apr 18, 2017

    A young student in China decided to play a trick on his elderly teacher one day. He caught a small bird and cupped it in his hands behind his back. He then approached the sage with this plan in mind. He would ask the old man what he had in his hand. If he answered correctly, he would then ask more

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