Contributed by Richard Tow on Sep 21, 2005
During WWII the 101st Airborne Division spearheaded some major battles in Europe. They fought in places like Bastone where they were pounded with heavy artillery--then asked to advance toward Berlin against fierce opposition. Many lives were lost. Many who survived were highly decorated more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 27, 2006
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Pushover Parents: A recent study found that 24% of teens say their parents have given them alcohol, and 21% have been to a party where alcohol was supplied by the parents.
Focus on the Family’s Dr. Bill Maier attributes the problem to what he calls pushover parents. “Unfortunately, there are a more
Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 13, 2006
Walter Kaiser writes:
“What took place was a "strange sight" (v. 3) to Moses. Therefore, to explain what happened here as a temporary mirage of reflected sunlight on some red leaves or a campfire of some Bedouin … is to substitute our experience for Moses’ forty years in that area and his estimate more
And the affects of mess is that it can distract us from what is good
Some time ago I visited a garden full of beautiful flowers
But it was not a pleasant place to be
You see that garden was full of fertilizer
Cow manure, blood and bone and it stunk…
The smell distracted me from the beauty of the more
Contributed by Stephen Wright on Jan 13, 2007
A young girl’s aunt took her out for the day and they went to a great cathedral. It was the first time the girl had ever visited such a magnificent place and she sat gazing in wonder at the sunlit beauty of the large stained glass windows. “Auntie, who are those people in the windows?” she more
Contributed by Davon Huss on Jan 30, 2007
Song by Scott Krippayne- Sometimes He calms the storm with a whispered peace be still
He can settle any sea but it doesn’t mean He will
Sometimes He holds us close and lets the wind and waves go wild
Sometimes He calms the storm and other times He calms His child
He has a reason for each trial more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jun 4, 2007
According to Wikipedia:
Normative influence is a function of social impact theory (Lantane, 1981), which has three components. A group’s strength is how important the group is to you. Groups we value generally have more social influence. Immediacy is how close the group is to you in time and space more
Contributed by Timothy Smith on Jul 27, 2007
The AIS, the American Institute of Stress - Yeah, there’s actually such a place - which says a lot! - their research says that 75- 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress related problems. They agree with health officials who say that heart disease, strokes, gastritis, ulcers more
Christian Church
Contributed by Cameron Smith on Aug 4, 2007
based on 1 rating
I was watching a movie the other day called Blood Diamond, a film about the terrible loss and suffering caused by internal conflict in Sierra Leone. The main character turns to his friend and says “Sometimes I wonder if God will ever forgive us for what we’ve done to each other. Then I look around more
Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Aug 19, 2007
based on 2 ratings
Quote: J. C. Ryle’s observations on holy living still apply to all believers living in a world hostile to Christianity:
A holy man will follow after spiritual-mindedness. He will endeavor to set his affections entirely on things above, and to hold things on earth with a very loose hand. He will not more
Contributed by Damon Rambo on Apr 4, 2008
Well I want to talk to people about Christ, but I’m scared.
What kind of excuse is that? Imagine for a moment that you were the parent of a child that just got ran over. And you went to one of the people who were standing on the side of the street, watching, and you ask them “why didn’t you warn more
Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Apr 9, 2008
A U.S. Lutheran bishop tells of visiting a parish church in California and finding a stirring red and orange banner on the wall. “Come Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!” it declared in words printed under a picture of a fire burning. The bishop was also interested in the sign directly underneath the banner more
Self - I have an acrostic which I came up this week for SELF:
S = Serving
E = Ego
L = Living
F = Foolishly
EGO is:
E = Edging
G = God
O = Out
This is what self always does - it pushes God out of focus and places self as “uno” number one to be served and to be appeased. Servant leaders are more
"Skin bottles for carrying various fluids were made by killing the chosen animal, cutting off its head and feet, skinning the carcass, and sewing up the skin, fur side out, to seal off all orifices but one (usually the neck). The skin was tanned with special care to minimize disagreeable taste. In more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Dean O'bryan on Jul 21, 2008
Robert Clinton has studied and written a great deal about leadership. Clinton has come to the conclusion that over 70% of leaders don’t finish well. For Christian leaders, he offers six factors that contribute to leadership failure.
One is, leaders quit learning and growing. Contentment is more