Let’s look at two scenarios about the importance of actions, or lack of actions and how we impact a person searching for the truth.
T.S. - Let’s explore what the church should look like to people who are seeking a spiritual encounter with the Lord.
Scenario 1: “The visitor”
John and Amanda
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Contributed by Martin Kim on Oct 5, 2004
based on 10 ratings
Win Arn, a leading church consultant conducted a survey:
He surveyed members of nearly a thousand churches asking the question, “Why does the church exit?? The results? Of the church members surveyed, 89 percent said, “The church’s purpose is to take care of my family’s and my needs.? For many,
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Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 8, 2008
Win Arn, a leading church consultant conducted a survey:
He surveyed members of nearly a thousand churches asking the question, “Why does the church exit?? The results? Of the church members surveyed, 89 percent said, “The church’s purpose is to take care of my family’s and my needs.? For many, the
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Contributed by Gene Gregory on Jul 24, 2007
Win Arn, a leading church consultant conducted a survey:
He surveyed members of nearly a thousand churches asking the question, “Why does the church exist?? The results? Of the church members surveyed, 89 percent said, “The church’s purpose is to take care of my family’s and my needs." For many,
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Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 16, 2002
based on 69 ratings
The Church Has Never Been On Fire Before
By Dan Adkins
One Night At Almost Midnight, We Heard Tile Sirens Roar
Everybody In The Neighborhood Was Looking Out Their Door
Then In Bathrobes And Curlers, They Gathered Round To See
The Church Was Going Up In Flames, It Burned ’Til Way Past Three
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Contributed by Sermon Central on Oct 5, 2007
based on 7 ratings
One sunday the pastor was on his way to church when he happens to pass by a man fishing in the lake. He noticed that the man fishing was his church member. He asked why the member was fishing when he was supposed to be in church. The member replied, " its better for me to do fishing because my mind
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Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 10, 2006
based on 2 ratings
Church Loyalty: What keeps members and seekers attending their church on a regular basis? Currently 1 out of 7 adults changes churches each year while 1 out of 6 attends a handful of churches on a rotating basis. Ranked by importance, Barna Research says these are the 10 critical factors in
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Contributed by Ed Wood on Feb 7, 2003
based on 43 ratings
Church growth expert, George Barna found that prayer was the foundational ministry of rapidly growing churches in America. He wrote: “The call to prayer [in these churches] was the battle cry of the congregation: it rallied the troops. These people understood the power of prayer. They actively
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Contributed by Glenn Durham on May 27, 2008
Dr. Ed Stetzer directs church planting for the Southern Baptist Convention, one of the largest denominations in the country. He writes: "Harold stood up, paused for a moment, and began to speak softly, 'We don't want our church to die. We'll do what it takes.' That was when I first knew the church
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Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Jul 29, 2003
based on 6 ratings
“The church is like Noah’s ark: The stench inside would be unbearable if it weren’t for the storm outside. It’s true—sometimes we stink and the world is stormy. But as imperfect as we are on this side of heaven, the miracle is that God in fact chooses to
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Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 12, 2007
based on 3 ratings
"What is the church?The best way to kill a church is to squeeze it into a building. For without contact with people in need and publicly witnessing
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Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 27, 2006
based on 1 rating
95% of churches offer a Sunday school program. But just 5% of pastors consider it to be the church’s highest priority compared to 22% in ’02.
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Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 27, 2006
American Baptist Churches USA is expected to lose several hundred churches over homosexuality. It may become the biggest church exodus from any
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Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Dec 9, 2006
I passed a church yesterday in Owen Sound that has a signed posted near its parking lot. It says, “CHURCH PARKING ONLY. VIOLATERS WILL BE TICKETED AND
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Salvation Army
Contributed by Paul Green on Jul 13, 2009
Leonard Ravenhill ‘The church has many organisers, but few agonizers; many who pay, but few who pray; many resters, but few wrestlers; many who are enterprising, but few who are interceding… Tithes build a church, but tears will give it life. That is the difference between the modern church
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