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In Sermon Illustrations: "Shepherd"

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  • While The Liturgy Daily Builds Up Those Who Are ...

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Apr 3, 2010

    While the Liturgy daily builds up those who are within into a Holy Temple of the Lord, into a dwelling place for God in the Spirit, to the mature measure of the fullness of Christ, at the same time it marvelously strengthens [our] power to preach Christ, and thus shows forth the Church to those who more

  • The Lord Jesus Christ Whom We Exalt At Christmas ...  PRO

    Contributed by Darren Ethier on May 21, 2002
    based on 69 ratings

    The Lord Jesus Christ whom we exalt at Christmas is not just a baby in a manger. He is not a character in a children’s story. He is far more. The first time he came, he came veiled in the form of a child. The next time He comes, and we believe it will be soon, He will come unveiled, and it will be more

  • A Young Pastor Learns About Rural ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 8, 2010

    A Young Pastor Learns About Rural Ministry How I learned about the heartbeat of a good shepherd and how difficult it is to lead and herd sheep. This personal story is drawn from my ministry time in Grygla, Mn. It was my first pastorate – I had just recently graduated from North Central Bible more

  • Hope Of A Good Day

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 28, 2008

    Hope of a Good Day Max Lucado, preacher and writer, teaches that "every day deserves a chance." He feels so strongly about it, he wrote a book with the same title. Regardless of what is in our day, if we give it a chance, it can become a "good" day. Of course, coupled with this thought is the more

  • Bad Company

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 28, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    BAD COMPANY George Washington once wrote, "Associate yourself with men of good quality, if you esteem your reputation. For it’s better to be alone than in bad company." William Gladstone said, "Choose wisely your companions, for a young man’s companions, more than his food or clothes, his home or more

  • The Pond Of The Soul

    Contributed by Sermon Central on May 15, 2012

    THE POND OF THE SOUL Thomas Fuller (English preacher of 1600’s) wrote: "Almost 20 years ago I heard a profane jest and still I remember it. How many pious passages of a far later date have I utterly forgotten? It seems my soul is like a filthy pond where fish die soon more

  • Yesterday When I Was On The ...

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Jan 20, 2008

    ILLUSTRATION: Yesterday when I was on the snowhill sledding with my kids, they were playing a game called ‘war’ where they would try to knock each other off of their sleds before they reached the bottom of the hill. My youngest daughter Hannah wanted me to ride on the sled with her because if I more

  • Sheep Are Stubborn

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 12, 2008

    As Joel Preston says: -Sheep are stubborn. Sheep can get easily lost because they tend to go their own way. Like sheep, believers have a tendency to go their own direction rather than follow the divine Shepherd's plan. So Ps 119:176 says, "I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek thy servant; for more

  • Where Did Candy Canes Come From? Tradition Holds ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 8, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Where did candy canes come from? Tradition holds that in about 1670, the choirmaster at Cologne Cathedral was frustrated by fidgety kids at the Living Nativity. He had some white, sugar-candy sticks made to keep the youngsters quiet. The sticks were curved like shepherds’ staffs in honor of the more

  • Where Did Candy Canes Come From? Tradition Holds ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 8, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Where did candy canes come from? Tradition holds that in about 1670, the choirmaster at Cologne Cathedral was frustrated by fidgety kids at the living Nativity. He had some white, sugar-candy sticks made to keep the youngsters quiet. The sticks were curved like shepherds’ staffs in honor of the more

  • Where Did Candy Canes Come From? Tradition Holds ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 8, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Where did candy canes come from? Tradition holds that in about 1670, the choirmaster at Cologne Cathedral was frustrated by fidgety kids at the living Nativity. He had some white, sugar-candy sticks made to keep the youngsters quiet. The sticks were curved like shepherds’ staffs in honor of the more

  • The Runaway Sheep

    Contributed by David Rumley on Oct 28, 2009

    THE RUNAWAY SHEEP Have you heard the story of Shrek, the merino sheep that had evaded capture and shearing for six years? When he was finally discovered in his high mountain cave of New Zealand by musterer Ann Scanlan, he was almost unrecognizable as a sheep. The first thing his rescuer did was more

  • The Stress-Free Life Of The Bedouins

    Contributed by Sermon Central on May 4, 2011

    THE STRESS-FREE LIFE OF THE BEDOUINS The Bedouin shepherd lives in shabby box tents that dot the hillsides throughout Israel. When compared to our lives saturated with modern conveniences it seems as though they live a very difficult life. However, an interesting fact is that their average life more

  • Talking And Long Life: A Soviet Gerontologist ...

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Mar 29, 2005
    based on 2 ratings

    Talking and Long Life: A Soviet gerontologist published research statistics that could transform the old adage, "He kills me with his chatter" into "He’s killing himself with his chatter." Professor Gurianin says his statistics show that the lesser one talks, the longer one lives. Anyone in the more

  • There Are Others Who Know About This Miracle ...  PRO

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Jan 15, 2007
    based on 2 ratings

    There are others who know about this miracle birth The humblest of people catch a glimpse of their worth For it isn’t to the palace that the Christ child comes But to shepherds and street people, hookers and bums And the message is clear if you’ve got [you have] ears to hear That forgiveness is more

  • God's Pledge Of Allegiance: The Apostle's Creed ...  PRO

    Contributed by Eric Vertein on Oct 27, 2004
    based on 3 ratings

    GOD’S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Apostle’s Creed is not a pledge of allegiance, which we speak before God. We are remembering the gospel. We are remembering God’s pledge to us. The Creeds are nothing different from the 23rd Psalm. They simply explain how our Good Shepherd has ‘restored my soul,’ more

  • Now To A Jewish Person, Any Time The Word ...

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Jan 19, 2010

    Now to a Jewish person, any time the word “sacrifice” was used, they would’ve immediately thought about the lambs that were sacrificed at the temple. Those sheep were raised up, they were fed, taken care of and protected, for the sole purpose of the sacrifice on the alter of God. That’s what a more

  • Painting Pictures Of The Lost

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 28, 2010

    PAINTING PICTURES OF THE LOST A Bishop Tucker of Uganda was an artist, but how did he become a bishop? One day he was painting a picture of a poor woman, holding a baby, wandering homeless on a stormy night on the dark, deserted street. As the picture grew, the artist suddenly threw down his more

  • In A Movie Classic - National Lampoon's Vacation ...  PRO

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Apr 30, 2004
    based on 4 ratings

    In a movie classic - National Lampoon’s Vacation - Chevy Chase - otherwise known as Clark Griswold - leads his family across the country to their dream vacation at Wally World. Along the way, Clark gets lost several times. One time happened to be in St. Louis. After several wrong turns, the more

  • Charles Spurgeon Said "The Message Of Our Gospel ...  PRO

    Contributed by Michael Gibney on Aug 9, 2002
    based on 22 ratings

    Charles Spurgeon said “The message of our gospel is the gentle word, "come." Our Lord says, "Come unto me and I will give you rest." The law says, "Go and do." The law says, "Go and take heed to your path in which you walk. Break the commandments and perish; keep them and live." The law drives men more

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