Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 26, 2007
A story I recently read reminds of one other thing we can do with God’s Word. A missionary in Africa gave a Bible to a local tribesman. The man hugged it. He expressed great appreciation for the precious gift.
A few days later, the missionary saw the same man again. To his dismay, the Bible more
Contributed by Cameron Smith on Jun 3, 2006
based on 3 ratings
There was a story I read the other day, about 2 friends who were sitting in a pub watching the eleven-o’clock news at night. A report comes on about a man threatening to jump from the 20th floor of a downtown building One friend turns to the other and says, "I’ll bet you ten bucks the guy doesn’t more
Contributed by Clark Tanner on Sep 22, 2006
based on 2 ratings
In His book, “Jesus Among Other Gods”, Ravi Zacharias recounts a story told by author Ken Gire which goes as follows.
“A little girl who lived at the edge of a forest wandered off one day into the woods and thought she would explore all the dark secrets of the forest. The farther she wandered, more
I don’t know what the experiences of other parents are, but I do know that nothing truly prepared me in advance for the amazing changes that parenthood brings. I knew it would be different, but I failed to realise how profoundly and completely different things would be from then on. For me, it more
Contributed by Don Jones on Dec 19, 2006
One other Christmas my sister did something rather strange. Thankfully we didn’t have ham or sharp knives anymore. We had all finished opening presents, everybody had loaded them in their cars and we were all visiting in the living room with coffee or punch.
The Fryrear family got up to leave, more
Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jul 20, 2009
Two friends run into each other while walking their dogs. One suggests lunch. The other says, "They won’t let us in a restaurant with pets."
Undeterred, the first guy and his German shepherd head into the restaurant. The maître d’ stops them, saying, "Sir, you can’t bring your dog in here."
"But more
In other words, over the past half-century we have gained a lot of knowledge about human beings and human community, but the secular world has not listened to the Church’s words, to the Incarnate Word, and their actions have been like the madman who thinks he can make a slow watch run better by more
Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Apr 22, 2010
The other day I met a man with INOPERABLE BRAIN TUMORS. John (not his real name) made a commitment to Christ many years ago and has an ASSURANCE OF ETERNAL LIFE. We had a great conversation together. He is an amazing person. And I prayed for him.
When I read Matthew 10, I wonder about John. more
Contributed by Ed Sasnett on Jun 23, 2010
Two men were talking and one said to the other, “You’re having an anniversary soon, right?”
The other replied, “Yes, a big one. 20 years.”
“Wow,” said the other, “what are you going to get your wife for your anniversary?”
The other replied, “A trip to Australia.”
“Wow, Australia, that’s some more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007
based on 1 rating
If we want the respect of others, we must also give them the respect they deserve.
This is a lesson that Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa learned at a very young age.
When he was a child growing up in South Africa, Racism was still a big problem. If a black person and a white person met while more
Story: The other day I heard someone complaining about the church of today. She said the church should be the one taking care of the widows and the people in need!” She went on to say that the church does not give enough to help people out who are financially hurting or in crisis. She went on to more