[045] A Message From A Poem – Christianity In True Action
Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Mar 6, 2025 (message contributor)
The title of this is “CHRISTIANITY IN TRUE ACTION” for it demonstrates the Christian ethic or precept, something lacking today in practical Christianity. This poem tells a story.
God bless all those who minister to the poor and are found in the streets and slums giving out help and presenting the gospel. It is a difficult ministry and is a definite calling by God for that work. Go out into the streets and by-ways and deprived areas carrying the gospel with you.
Heaven only knows how many men and women have been converted by obedience to go out into the world with the gospel - {{Matthew 28:18-19 and Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,”}}
Some churches have “soup kitchens” where the destitute can come in for a meal. When I was in England in some ministry at Boston, I saw in action – I think it was “ground hog” or something – where people went out at night to do a similar ministry. I salute such people.
The story in this poem is not an actual one known to me, but a synthesis of how this gospel outreach works among some who are derelict and outcasts of society. I hope you like it and it means something to you.
{{Galatians 2:10 “They only asked us to REMEMBER THE POOR - the very thing I also was eager to do.”}}
{{2 Corinthians 9:9 as it is written, “He scattered abroad. HE GAVE TO THE POOR. His righteousness abides forever.”}}
Ron Ferguson
Poor and destitute with no helping hand;
Left abandoned with none to understand.
Darkness would settle on that scene so grim,
Neglected, with no one to care for him.
Shabbily clothed in discarded old rags,
Lying alone on a few smelly bags –
That was his plight, the lowest of the low -
Nothing he achieved now; nothing to show.
Failure of business was a falling too far;
Shunned by friends and clubs; no longer a star.
Downward he fell to be covered in shame,
Ev’ry thing gone – not a cent to his name;
Prospects were nil, and the future was doomed,
Shadowed in chaos where dark shadows loomed.
That’s his sad case to the gutter consigned,
And to his fate, he mournfully resigned.
His poverty compatriots were few,
A motley bunch – an untrustworthy crew.
Your raggedly blanket they sure would steal,
For there, nothing was safe; nothing was real.
What wife would abandon a man in pain?
His did, not wanting to see him again.
The fabric of the marriage vow was lost.
“In sickness and health” – overboard was tossed.
These heartless women to men are attached:
When fortune is vacant, they are unlatched.
Day after day lent nothing in hope.
He continued his slow slide down that slope.
Laughed at by kids whenever they passed by,
Silent ears to his distress, and to his cry.
One day a young lady and man drew near.
They showed no disdain; no rejecting fear.
Their attention was focussed on some stairs
Where one destitute man kept his affairs.
They spoke for a time then moved to our case,
And did what others would never embrace –
They offered him a prepared simple meal,
And their demeanour displayed they were real.
These two were street workers seeking those hurt,
Helping out those found in the slums and dirt.
Gratefully Thomas took their food with glee,
And before they left, they expressed a plea.
Would he accept a small tract also.
He did, as there would be nothing to owe.
That kindly couple left their mark that day;
Their mission completed, went on their way.
Those who minister to the needy ones
Are blessed; many of them are God’s true sons.
They distribute gospel tracts near and far,
Motivated by the Spirit they are.
God’s kingdom has been blessed by their outreach,
Simple souls, who through kindness, not words, preach.
Thomas kept that tract and would look at it,
But he never studied it bit by bit,
Until one dull day he felt a desire
Thinking his lot, perhaps it might inspire.
As he read he felt strangely displaced,
Confronting the issues that now he faced.
A very strange mixture of hope and sin;
Of evil pervading his life within;
Of the hopelessness of his own sad plight;
Of the claim that all in God would be right.
Praise God, the Holy Spirit used that tract
To show him the way he needed to act.
What he had to do he knew very well –
His destiny would be heaven or hell.
Right there, destitute, in sin being lost,
Racked by conscience, but now counting the cost,
He surrendered his life to the Saviour,
And guess what became of his behaviour?
In Christ, he become a new creation –
He had joined a new affiliation.
Needless to say the life of that man changed.
All his priorities were rearranged.
The bible term for that is “born again,”
For Christ removes sin and every stain.
Reader, you too can enter salvation.
You too, can become a new creation.
Repent of sin. Give your life to God now;
Recognise His Lordship – before Him bow.
Your life will change for eternal blessing.
The nature of Christ, you’ll be possessing.
R E Ferguson 5 April 2024 10 throughout AABB etc
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