Conditional Promise
Contributed by John Bright on Mar 4, 2025 (message contributor)
This is the beginning of that story where God tells them what they needed to do:
1 – Kill the Passover lamb
2 – Collect the blood in a bowl
3 – Put the blood on the two sides and top of the door
The result would be what God promised to do – pass over their houses with the final plague of the death of all firstborn in Egypt. These firstborn were dedicated to the Egyptian gods. This was a conditional promise: if you do this, then God will do that. Put another way, if you don’t - He won’t.
Repeat after me: “If I don’t – God won’t.” This is true even if you have several excellent excuses. What about the Hebrews? What if they had collected the blood and not applied it? Then, their firstborn would have died – no excuses or yeah-buts.
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