Sermon Illustrations

Be careful what you pray for. We all know the feeling of trying to wake up to a blaring alarm clock.

I had been really tired from working late and had overslept several times in the past week. I was traveling at the time, not at home. It wasn’t an emergency since I work from wherever I am, but I love being up really early, like 5 a.m., because there are no demands on me, I don't have to walk the dogs until daylight, and I can get so much more done in those early hours.

So I asked the Lord if He would wake me up early the next morning.

“Lord, I really need to be up early so I can read the Word, pray and talk to you and make notes on that new sermon series. Please help me to get up at least by 6 a.m.”

Just in case, I also set an alarm for 6 a.m.

The next morning I awoke to my alarm going off. I slapped it quiet and rolled over to go back to sleep.

Minutes later a scent no dog owner wants to detect in a hotel room invaded my sleep.

Okay, I’m up, Lord!! Thanks for the wake-up!”

Be careful what you pray for, God WILL answer and He does have a sense of humor.

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