Sermon Illustrations

One lady sent in a letter to a religious question and answer forum.

"Dear Sirs, Our preacher said on Easter, that Jesus just swooned on the cross and that the disciples nursed Him back to health because he just fainted on Good Friday. He didn't really die and he wasn't really raised from the dead. Can you help me? What do you think? Sincerely, Bewildered in Chicago.

Dear Bewildered in Boston, Here's how you can get an answer to your question. Beat your preacher 39 times across his back with a cat-of-nine-tails containing pieces of sharp, nail him to a cross with nails through his hands and feet, hang him alone in the sun for 6 hours without food or water; run a spear through his side, place a crown of sharp thorned roses on top of his head.....then put him in a hot, airless tomb for 36 hours and see what happens to him." Sincerely, Charles in Chicago.

My friend, Jesus didn't faint or swoon on the cross. He died for my sins and for yours. He was beaten to death for the sins of every person in history when we should have received that punishment from a holy, righteous God for our iniquities. Three days later, our Lord and Savior came roaring like a lion out of the grave and back to life again. The Cross shows he was a man. The empty tomb shows that he was God.

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