Halloween? | Fall Harvest Festival?
Shared on: Oct 23, 2023
Handpicked resources for a sermon unpacking Halloween, including topics of spiritual warfare, the nature of evil, the potential for evangelism, sorcery, witchcraft, paganism, and others.
Related Sermons
Halloween, Not The Day, But The Way.
Contributed by Joe Bedy on Oct 25, 2001
Oct. 31st is not inherently evil, but it can be used to serve God or serve the Devil.
Halloween: Problem Or Potential
Contributed by Christopher Roberts on Sep 20, 2002
Halloween is a major-moneymaking holiday that captures our lives this time of the year. Every store is filled with Halloween candy, costumes, and decorations. Halloween is rooted deep into our culture. What should we do?
Halloween: A Christian Perspective
Contributed by Andrew Chan on Oct 24, 2002
What’s a good Christian way to view this day of "horror"?
The Unmasking Of Halloween
Contributed by Bruce Howell on Oct 18, 2005
An attempt to remind believers concerning the true nature of Halloween and some alternatives to celbrating this time of year.
Taking The Fear Out Of Halloween
Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Oct 26, 2005
The truth of God’s Word will take the fear out of Halloween.
Bones, Bodies, And A Big Breath - [halloween]
Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Oct 26, 2005
’Dem Bones-Imagine the scene Ezekiel saw as the scattered dry bones on this old battlefield surf the desert in search of each other. New life in Christ and the future restoration of Israel. Link included to text file, handout, and PowerPoint.
The Pumpkin Patch Gospel
Contributed by Scott Kircher on Oct 31, 2010
Based on the Pumpkin Patch Parable. This sermon is great for Halloween or Harvest time or when the kids are in service.
Burying The Dead Series
Contributed by Jeff Strite on Oct 31, 2010
One preacher decided not to baptize one young girl on October 31st because he didn’t want her to associate her baptism with Halloween - a season of death. Was he right?
Jesus Versus The Occult
Contributed by Major Gerardo Balmori on Apr 2, 2011
In Deuteronomy 18:9-12 Moses addresses the people just before they cross the Jordan River to enter the Promised Land and drive out the pagan nations.
Why A Christian Should Not Celebrate Halloween
Contributed by Ronnie Thrower on Oct 25, 2001
Halloween is an annual celebration, but just what is it actually a celebration of? And how did this peculiar custom originate? Is it, as some claim, a kind of demon worship? Or is it just a harmless vestige of some ancient pagan ritual?
Related Sermon Illustrations
Richard Foster On Halloween
Contributed by Sermon Central on Oct 20, 2002
In his book Celebration of the Disciplines, Richard Foster says, "Why allow Halloween to be a pagan holiday in commemoration of the powers of darkness? Fill the house or church with light; sing and celebrate the victory ...read more
James Dobson On Halloween PRO
Contributed by Sermon Central on Oct 21, 2002
JAMES DOBSON ON HALLOWEEN Mr. Dobson’s reply to the question: "What about Halloween?" "Halloween is a rather different story. Whereas it can be argued that Christmas is a Christian holiday with Christian origins that has suffered the effects of growing secularism, Halloween can be traced to ...read more
Keeping Satan's Church Alive And Well PRO
Contributed by Sermon Central on Oct 21, 2002
KEEPING SATAN’S CHURCH ALIVE AND WELL Anton LaVey, who founded the Church of Satan, died Oct. 29 of heart failure at age 67. His daughter, Karla, and girlfriend Blanche Barton kept LaVey’s death a secret for a week so as not to disturb followers during the church’s most important holiday, ...read more
A Real Magic Wand PRO
Contributed by Sermon Central on Oct 21, 2002
A REAL MAGIC WAND Laurie Beth Jones tells in her book, Grow Something Besides Old. She talks about one Halloween night when she had underestimated the number of children who would come to the door to trick or treat, and she ran out of candy. In desperation, she began giving out quarters, ...read more
How Much Will You Spend? PRO
Contributed by Sermon Central on Oct 21, 2002
HOW MUCH WILL YOU SPEND? With questions about the economy and the threat of war still looming, there is uncertainty in just about everything. But it hasn’t seemed to deter Americans from celebrating Halloween. According to the latest National Retail Federation Halloween survey, consumers ...read more
A Man Stood On The Side Of The Road Hitch Hiking ... PRO
Contributed by Andrew Chan on Oct 24, 2002
A man stood on the side of the road hitch hiking on a very dark night in the middle of a storm. The night was rolling and no cars passed. The storm was so strong, he could hardly see a few feet ahead of him. Suddenly he saw a car come towards him and stop. The guy, without thinking about it, got ...read more
Sarah Winchester, Widow Of Oliver Winchester, Who ...
Contributed by Bruce Howell on Oct 18, 2005
Sarah Winchester, widow of Oliver Winchester, who invented the famed Winchester Rifle that won the West worried about the departed soul of her husband because of all the Indians that his rifle was responsible for sending on to the next life. She also feared for her own soul and the souls of the ...read more
The Sanctity Of Human Life PRO
Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Jan 24, 2006
World Magazine reported last October: Just in time for scary Halloween masks, Princeton professor Peter Singer—notorious for his approval of euthanasia and some kinds of infanticide, bestiality, and necrophilia—is at it again. He predicts in the Sept.-Oct. issue of Foreign Policy that by 2040 ...read more
Working Late In The Cemetery PRO
Contributed by Dean Courtier on Oct 29, 2009
WORKING LATE IN THE CEMETERY Late one dark night, two men were walking home after a party. They were tired and desperate to get home, so they decided to take a shortcut through a cemetery. They got to about the middle of the graveyard, and they were startled and stopped moving. There was a ...read more
The Boy And D. L. Moody
Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 4, 2012
THE BOY AND D. L. MOODY Many years ago, D. L. Moody was going to speak at a church. A nine year old boy heard about the engagement and went to hear Moody. He got there early and went in the Church. A man escorted him immediately out. "This is for adults. Besides, you are not properly dressed ...read more
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