Preaching Articles

Apologies for a quiet couple of weeks on here . . . have been enjoying our new little girl and the sleepy first weeks with a little one in the house.

Our culture seems to be an effective generator of meaningless chatter. I am not referring to relaxed conversation.  I am think more specifically of the excessive use of clichés and standard phrases that mean very little.

Listen in to folks chatting with each other and you will often hear a back and forth of relative nothingness.  One person will express an opinion. The other will counter with “we’ll just have to agree to disagree,” which stirs a swift, “you’re entitled to your opinion,” countered with a, “fair enough, free country,” or a reference to “freedom of speech,” a reference to “a bit of give and take,” and so on.  Before you know it, such free speech has moved a conversation nowhere over the course of many minutes.

Turn on the TV and listen to a footballer being interviewed and typically you can play cliché bingo with a line completed every 30 seconds.  A game of two halves, play until the whistle, a striker’s finish, he’s got a great engine, a game of cat and mouse, a bit cagey, etc.  (This list would be different in the USA, for instance, but probably similar in effect.) Every phrase is actually saying something, but it can all feel very predictable and slightly like rote behavior.  To someone not used to listening to British footballers it can seem like another language.

What about your preaching?  Do you have any stock phrases that come out too easily?  Do you preach in Christianese so that visitors don’t actually know what you are talking about?

Here are some categories of phrases that could very well be true, and yet still be classified by some as potentially meaningless chatter.  Since I am slightly sleep deprived, I won’t list the dozens of examples, but by all means feel free to list ones that come to mind in a comment!

1. Churchy language – gathering under the sound of the gospel, where two or three are gathered, the church is not the building, Sunday morning is like a mountaintop, let’s approach the throne of mercy, bring our prayers to a close, etc.

2. Preacher language – turn with me to . . . , by way of application, finally (this one is often confusing when 15 more minutes of sermon follows it!), as we all know (dangerous and pointless phrase, unless we like to alienate people), etc.

Remember, some of these phrases are profoundly true, but still might require some explanation so that they don’t sound like a pastor being interviewed on TV about the service and his message.

3. Theology language – its all about Jesus, Jesus is the answer, let go and let God, our problem is that we just don’t believe enough, its not about us, etc.

I am sure you could add to these lists.  By all means do.  And let’s prayerfully consider whether our language each Sunday actually communicates.  Maybe some of us will dare to ask some newer people in our churches to write a list from their perspective!

Peter Mead is involved in the leadership team of a church plant in the UK. He serves as director of Cor Deo—an innovative mentored ministry training program—and has a wider ministry preaching and training preachers. He also blogs often at and recently authored Pleased to Dwell: A Biblical Introduction to the Incarnation (Christian Focus, 2014). Follow him on Twitter

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Wayne Skeen

commented on Dec 22, 2015

Agreed! Asking not only newcomers, but oldcomers to make a list could also be helpful. You've made a very good point, sleep deprived or not! Congratulations, and blessing on the new baby.

Lawrence Webb

commented on Dec 22, 2015

That was an awe-inspiring reminder. It stirred my heart. I will carry the challenge into the week ahead. The Lord bless you real good! We will never be quite the same again after the inspiration of this hour together. God go with you. Go with God. It was good that we could share this time in the Lord. Thank God for platitudes!

Adolf Washington

commented on Dec 23, 2015

Inclusive language: how about 'god created the human person for a purpose' instead of 'god created man for a purpose'. brothers and sisters instead of just 'brethren', i think the redundant use of the word 'man' smacks of male chauvinism and makes the so-called 'weaker sex' feel weaker.

Howard Gunter

commented on Feb 21, 2020

December 18, 2017, Article in Outreach Magazine: Hugh Halter: The Power of Incarnational Ministry "Jesus was a man of the people because he would rather bring healing to the sick than go to church on Sunday." I offer no argument with that statement other than to reiterate what I have been saying for a very long time: Church is people not a building. In that light, Jesus held “church” everywhere He went. True valid ministry is church any day of the week and anywhere on the face of the earth. The question then becomes: “Is the ministry genuine; is it sincere; is it serving God and God’s purpose?”

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