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Misconceptions of God can be costly, because they can be very defeating. For example, it’s agonizing to me how many people think “Cleanliness is next to godliness” comes from the pages of Scripture. If this is indeed a word from God, then homemakers have every right to feel guilty that their house is not always tidy. In fact, depending on how far you carry it, people soon become more concerned about their furniture than they do their family. And what about “God helps those who help themselves”? I’ve seen this used as a basis for many people thinking they can work their way to heaven. They therefore miss the Biblical teaching that eternal life is free (Romans 6:23).

Here are five other misconceptions of God’s Word you’d be wise to spend a Sunday addressing. In fact, I think you’d be wiser to give one Sunday to each of these. I assure you, they are so rampant that you could easily spend a 30-minute message discussing each one. Most unfortunately of all, every single one of them in some way adversely affects our outreach to non-Christians.

1. If you don’t know the date you were saved, then you are not saved.

Unfortunately, evangelists have been the worst at propagating this first misconception. The fact is, there is a split-second when a person goes from darkness into light. After recognizing you’re a sinner and that Christ died for you and rose again, you place your trust in Him alone as your only way to heaven.

However, just because you don’t know when that particular split-second was doesn’t mean you aren’t saved. When Scripture gives assurance of salvation, it doesn’t go back to a date or a moment; it goes back to a fact. Who are you trusting right now? If you’re trusting Christ alone as your only way to heaven, you are saved, regardless of when you crossed the line. After all, John 3:16 does not say, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, and whoever believes in Him and knows the date should not perish but have everlasting life.”

This idea is critical, because if a person buys into this misconception, it’s a tremendous hindrance to their outreach for Christ. How can I talk to someone else about their salvation if I’m not entirely certain of my own?

True, some people come to Christ from a very sudden and dramatic experience, like the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:26-39; he could have easily given you the date. And there’s no doubt the same thing was true of Paul the Apostle in Acts 9:1-22, 26-28; I’m sure he not only could have given the date, but he could have testified of the specific hour he trusted the Savior. But there are those whose conversion is not as dramatic. They may have been raised in a Christian environment, where Christ was spoken about frequently. Certainly at some point of time they came to clearly understand their sinful condition and trust Christ, but they may not know exactly when the moment occurred.

Minister deeply to your people and free them by telling them that as long as they’re trusting Christ alone, they are saved, regardless of when they crossed the line.

2. If you want to be saved, just invite Jesus into your heart.

Well-meaning people often use the phrase “invite Jesus into your heart.” They often base this on Revelation 3:20 where we’re told, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” With the phrase “stand at the door and knock” in mind, many picture the heart as a door where Jesus stands begging us to let Him in. Therefore, the lost are exhorted to “invite Jesus into their heart.”

However, that verse is addressed to Christians, not non-Christians. Verse 19 reads, “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten.” Chasten means “to discipline” and is used of believers, not unbelievers (Hebrews 12:5-6). The passage addresses the church of Laodicea, one of the seven churches of Asia Minor in Revelation 2 and 3. Their wealth at the time had lulled the church into spiritual sleep; Jesus Christ described this distasteful condition as “lukewarm” and invites them to repent of their condition and make Him the center of their love and worship.

Additionally, in Revelation 3:20, the Greek translation of in to means “toward.” In a figurative language, Jesus is saying to Christians He will enter the Church and come “toward” the believer for fellowship. The word dine referred to the main meal of the day to which you invite an honored guest. It was a meal given to hospitality and conversation. Again, the issue is fellowship, not salvation.

Why is this phrase so dangerous to use in evangelism? There are those who “invited Jesus into their heart” and sincerely meant they were trusting Him as their personal Savior, and they are forever His. However, there are some people who think that by simply saying a prayer in which they “invite Jesus into their heart,” they’re saved. In this case, their trust is in a prayer, not in a Savior who died on a cross.

Ninety-eight times in the Gospel of John, the one book whose purpose was to tell us how to receive eternal life (John 20:31), we’re told to believe. It means “to trust in Christ alone as our only way to heaven.” There’s nothing wrong with someone praying to tell God they’re trusting Christ alone, but he/she must be aware that saying a prayer doesn’t save; it’s trusting Christ that saves.

Teach your people to use the right terminology. They should ask lost people to do what the New Testament asks them to do—believe—and this means to trust in Christ alone to save them.

3. When you miss an opportunity to share Christ with someone, it’s your fault if that person goes to hell.

Many believers don’t enjoy evangelism. When they do practice it, they often do it out of guilt, not grace. One reason people feel guilty is because they’ve been told that if they’re given an opportunity to share Christ but they don’t take it, they are forever responsible if that person goes to hell.
This false teaching is often based on the misuse of Ezekiel 3:18-19. There we read, “When I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. Yet, if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul.”

This passage has nothing to say about evangelism. God appointed Ezekiel a watchman (Ezekiel 3:17). His job was to warn of impending danger. The nation was doomed, and only through heeding their watchman could they survive. Chapters 4-24 of Ezekiel contain his cry of alarm, which gave those outside the walls opportunity to seek protection. It also gave the people time to secure the gates and man the defenses. The death spoken of in Ezekiel 3:18-19 is physical, not spiritual. The context is the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem that Ezekiel predicted.

A person refusing to heed God’s warning from Ezekiel could expect physical death. Ezekiel was to warn the righteous, not just the wicked. If Ezekiel refused to speak God’s message to people who came to his house, he’d be guilty of murder. This is the meaning of “…but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.” By giving a warning, Ezekiel delivered himself from the responsibility of the coming judgment. Those who ignored his warning could only blame themselves. One can see the danger when this idea is applied to evangelism; all of a sudden, we become responsible for someone’s eternal destiny.

But bringing people to Christ is a God-sized job. It’s our job to bring Christ to the lost; only God can bring the lost to Christ. John 6:44 reminds us, “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him.” Evangelism now becomes exciting. I do it recognizing that God is not holding me responsible for the results.

4. If you come to Me, I want either all of your life or none of it.

This one is said in different ways, but the meaning is the same. There are those who exhort, “You can’t meet God halfway. If you want to come to Christ, you must completely surrender to Him. God will only do business with you if you mean business with Him. He’s going to get all of your life, or He doesn’t want any of it.” What’s the problem here?

Look at the language in John 3:15, 3:16, 3:18, 3:36, 5:25, 6:47, 11:25-26, and 20:31. All of them make it clear that salvation is based on one thing: believing and trusting in Christ alone as our only way to heaven. The moment we trust Him this way, we are as certain of heaven as though we’re already there.

This misconception is, again, often based on a wrong handling of Scripture. To support it, verses are cited that speak of discipleship, not salvation. Every Christian should be a disciple, but unfortunately, not every Christian is. In fact, Christ warned people about the cost of discipleship before encouraging them to sign up (Luke 14: 26-27). Salvation is free, but discipleship involves a cost.

Here’s where the misconception becomes so defeating: Who of us at any given moment would say every single aspect of our life belongs to Christ? All of us have those aspects we hold back, and even if we do give them to Him, there are moments we take them back. If indeed He has to have control of my entire life, how can I speak to someone else about their salvation? This misconception presents new Christians with conditions that, as unsaved people, they’re not even remotely prepared to meet.

Encourage your congregation, when they speak to the lost about Christ, to explain that salvation is instantaneous, but discipleship is a process. Once they decide to trust and believe in Christ for salvation, wholehearted surrender and Christ-likeness become a goal to achieve with the help of the Holy Spirit and the fellowship of believers.

5. If you’re not willing to confess Christ publicly, you cannot be saved.

This misconception comes in different colors, and there are those who carry it to different extremes. Some are simply talking about admitting personally and publicly that you’re a Christian. Some go so far as to say one must walk forward in a church through what is commonly called the “altar call.” Either way, the understanding is given that if you don’t, you can’t be saved.

When addressing this misconception in a message, approach it positively, not negatively. Stress the importance of unashamedly telling people that you are a Christian. After all, if He was not ashamed of you, why be ashamed of Him? Such a confession plays a part in receiving eternal reward. A good passage to support this is Matthew 10:32-33, where Christ declares, “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.” The context clearly explains that the issue is not eternal life; the issue is discipleship.

Then show your people that confession is not an issue of salvation by pointing out three things. The first is John 12:37-43. The miracles of Christ were designed to wave a flag before the Jewish people proclaiming Christ as God. Many refused to believe. John tells us, “…but although He had done so many signs before them they did not believe in Him.” Some, though, did believe. John 12: 42-43 says, “Nevertheless even among the rulers many believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.” In the book of John, the words believe in are used consistently for saving faith. Jewish rulers had trusted in Christ the Messiah, who could save them from their sins. But confessing Him in public would have resulted in their excommunication.

You can also show them the many verses that condition salvation upon faith alone, apart from any public confession. For example, John 1:12 says, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” Romans 4:5 says, “But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness.”
You might also point your audience to the thief on the cross. The thieves on the cross were divided in their view of Christ. One extended the condition, “…if you are the Christ, save yourself and us” (Luke 23:39). The other placed his faith in Christ, asking, “Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom” (vs. 42). Christ’s response was the best news a dying man can hear. “Surely I say unto you, today you’ll be with me in paradise” (vs. 43). There was no way this dying thief could have told others of his salvation. He was saved by recognizing Christ as who He said He was—the only One who could save him from his sin.

Romans 10:9-10 is many times used to support the misconception that if you don’t confess Christ publicly, you can’t be saved. We read “…that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Above all else, it’s worth noting that the word righteousness in Romans 10:10 is a noun form of the verb translated “justify.” Romans 5:1 reads, “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Justified here means “to be declared righteous.” Therefore, the meaning of the first part of Romans 10:10 is, “…with the heart man believes and is justified before God.” But confession in Romans 10:9-10 is a part of what’s necessary to live a victorious Christian life. The context is arguing that one has to be willing to confess Him publicly in order to triumph over sin. For further explanation of this passage, I would direct you to my book, Free and Clear, which has a chapter entitled, “If I Don’t Confess Him, Do I Possess Him?”

Regardless, the passage itself clearly says that believing is what justifies a person before God. A public confession of Christ is very important, but the importance is not related to our eternal salvation. Upon trusting Christ, we receive His gift of eternal life. By confessing Christ consistently and unashamedly, we experience victory over sin and gain eternal reward when we see the Savior face-to-face.


Misconceptions can be damaging and defeating. The above five can be a particular hindrance in our outreach to non-Christians. The result is a confusion of the message, the questioning of our own salvation, and even a lack of boldness in speaking to others about the Lord. Consider giving a series of messages addressing the above five things God never said. You may free people up to evangelize—and encourage them to do it out of grace, not guilt.

Dr. R. Larry Moyer is a veteran evangelist and a frequent speaker in evangelistic outreaches, training seminars, churches, and universities around the world. Born with an inherited speech defect, Larry vowed to God as a teenager that if He would allow him to gain control of his speech he would always use his voice to declare the gospel. In 1973, Larry founded EvanTell, where he now serves as President and CEO. He has written several books on evangelism and frequently contributes articles to ministry publications.

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Gary Welling

commented on Mar 8, 2010

What do you do with people who say "I have always been a Christian", when the Bible says we were dead in "trespasses and sin." If a person has no assurance that's on them not on me. Maybe they need to get saved and settle it. Shouldn't we have a recollection of trusting Christ even if we don't have the time written down?

E L Zacharias

commented on Feb 9, 2018

Gary, do you remember when you told your parents you trusted them? If you don't remember the event then maybe you never trusted your parents!

Joe Mckeever

commented on Mar 8, 2010

I appreciate the grace in this brother's words. I wouldn't slice Revelation 3:20 as finely as he has, but appreciate his point. Good message.

Robert Olla

commented on Mar 8, 2010

What did Jesus say to the Rich Young ruler? We are called in the great commission to Make Disciples. How can you seek the free gift of salvation with out agreeing to make him your LORD and Savior? Deciding to become like your master freely willing to be molded by Him to be like Him is discipleship. Larry many will say Lord Lord…. and He will say depart from me, I NEVER KNEW YOU! Narrow and difficult is the way. He freely gave ALL. We should not seek Heaven, but rather to be like Jesus. I do not need heaven, I need Jesus. The lost do not need Heaven they need Jesus.

E L Zacharias

commented on Feb 9, 2018

Robert, your logic is twisted. You say that you have to DO SOMETHING to accept the FREE gift. That is the problem with STEPPER evangelists who follow the METHOD of salvation. You asked what Jesus said to the rich man who wanted to follow Jesus. Well, here it is. Jesus said, "Go sell all that you have and follow me." Robert, did you sell all that you had and follow Jesus? By your logic, you must not have been saved. Jesus is the gift, Robert. He seeks the sheep. The sheep don't have to seek the Shepherd.

Rev Michael Wilhite

commented on Mar 8, 2010

I appreciate the spirit of what has been said in this article, however this is one major flaw. To be a Christian is to be a disciple of Christ. You can't separate those terms. When Jesus spoke of being His disciple, He was telling people the Gospel. Luke 9:23 and passages like it are very exacting and He spoke it to the lost as well as the disciples according to Mark 8's version. If you won't submit your whole life to Jesus Christ as your Lord, you have no right to claim Him as your Savior! In fact three times at the end of Luke 9 people tried to get out of commitment to Christ with all their heart and Jesus turned them away. If we deny Christ, He will deny us. We will spend eternity in hell because we have come on our own terms instead of Christ's terms. And Christ will say, "depart from Me, I never knew you." It always amazes me how people want to minimize what saving faith actually looks like in the life of a true believer.

E L Zacharias

commented on Feb 9, 2018

Rev, saving faith is the faith that is believed. You quote Jesus, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." Submission is believing in Jesus. Believing is submitting to Jesus. That is the ONLY WORK Jesus affirms ( John 6:29). Deny yourself the false hope of carrying your own cross, because Jesus calls you to look to HIS CROSS, which he carried perfectly, so that your sins are forgiven. Deny your self-aggrandizing and call people to see Jesus' cross and to see the faith that saves.

Kent Gerhart

commented on Feb 10, 2018

Agreed, Michael. Unfortunately in many Christian circles saving faith has been reduced to a "belief" which is some sort of cerebral, internal, highly personal thing that need not be evidenced in one's life to be real. Even Satan can claim that type of faith.

David Heflin

commented on Mar 8, 2010

In a lot of ways this article is just repackaging generic evangelical theology. It is a strength not a weakness of evangelical theology that conversion is treated as the instantaneous private moment. After such a moment a person is saved, got their meal-ticked to heaven and never have to give another thought. Then discipleship is presented as an optional add-on aspect of Christianity. The Bible knows nothing of this dichotomy between salvation and discipleship. It also knows nothing of the private/public dichotomy this article endorses. A Christian is both a public and private Christian and the idea that you are saved by a merely private faith is the product of American individualism not biblical faith.

E L Zacharias

commented on Feb 9, 2018

The author is correcting the errors of legalists who misunderstand the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is ONE moment of salvation and that is Jesus dying for you on the CROSS. Many Protestants fail to trust that Jesus saves them and so rely either on their date of believing or on the signs that they are a Christian. Salvation is a WORK of GOD's GRACE, by FAITH, NOT of WORKS, LEST ANYONE SHOULD BOAST. God's Spirit is at work to bring faith, through the WORD and BAPTISM. Anything more or anything less is a false Gospel / false hope.

Mark Jones

commented on Mar 8, 2010

thank you, thank you sir for speaking the truth. All of these points are relevant and have been used for a generation to manipulate people from the pulpit. Many of them will die hard because they've been preached so strong. I had to come to the realization one day that I give myself FAR too much credit if I believe that God himself, full of grace and mercy would allow someone to go to hell because of ME. It's the old man-centered Gospel. I can get people to repeat a prayer, I can call them to repentance. Folks if I fail to tell someone that I am supposed to-God will send someone else.

E L Zacharias

commented on Feb 9, 2018


Steve Mack

commented on Mar 8, 2010

In my experience folks who propagate these kinds of statements, especially church leaders, are involved in ministries rarely seeing new believers added to their numbers. It is no accident that no two conversion experiences in the New Testament is alike (see Acts 8:36, 10:44, 16:30-34). God's amazing gift of salvation is far greater and more gracious than many of us tend to give it credit.

E L Zacharias

commented on Feb 9, 2018

Building on your praise for God's salvation: Those who follow Jesus do so because God's Holy Spirit had called them by the Gospel, enlightened them with his gifts, sanctified and kept them in Jesus Christ. Jesus was not interested in building great numbers of followers, for many of them could not bear to hear him say, "Eat of me." They could not see him as the Bread of Life. It hurt their pride, for it wasn't about them finding Jesus. It was about believing in the Jesus who had the "words of eternal life."

Grant Van Boeschoten

commented on Mar 8, 2010

The Bible uses the word disciple over 260 times and the word Christan less then 5. The word Christian is also used much later in the Bible than disciple. To be a Christian is to be a disciple of Jesus, he's the one that said, "Follow Me."

E L Zacharias

commented on Feb 9, 2018

Christian is an accurate term for all believers in Christ. Jesus was the "anointed one." All who believe and are baptized take on the gift of salvation that is there in Christ. They die with Christ and are raised up with Christ in this anointing (Romans 6:4, Colossians 2: 20-3: 4). Discipleship = following, as you said. Following is believing in the One you follow. Good works and sacrificial living follow, like a good tree bearing good fruit. Believe: bear good fruit. Bear good fruit: BELIEVE!

Dwight Hunt

commented on Mar 8, 2010

Great reminders. It's amazing how preachers and teachers of God's Word have not been clear on these issues. As a student of the Gospel of John, I have come to believe just how simple the Gospel is, yet we have muddied these practical theological waters.

Charlie Brent

commented on Mar 8, 2010

In response to Grant van Boeschoten and Rev. Wilhite: It is true that all Christians are followers of Jesus, we are His students just as the Apostles were. However, the Bible also applies the term disciple to a group that appears not to have been believers (John 6:66). Thus it is also possible to be a disciple but not a Christian. I think the point Moyer is making is that the way the terms “disciple” and “discipleship” are used in many Christian communities have a usage that connotes the sanctification of the believer and that we should not confuse that specific usage with salvation. If I say, “to be a believer means one must be totally surrendered to the Lordship of Christ” then I have set a standard that is higher than what Jesus set. Who among us is “totally surrendered”? Should I be calling people to a standard that I do not meet? My problem here is with the superlative language and with the fact that we are so deeply broken by sin that even if we think we are totally surrendered it is certain that we are self deceived on that point. Jesus called people to follow Him it is true. He called specific individuals to choose Him above those things (idols) that they would put first (wealth, family, etc.) but His consistent call to all was “Believe in me.”

E L Zacharias

commented on Feb 9, 2018

Excellent! Jesus condemned the Pharisees for the same things. "They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them (Matthew 23:4). WOE to anyone who would do such things. Pious Pharisees will ask you to carry the heavy burden; a loving Shepherd will carry your burdens and give you a cross that is NOT HEAVY at all! Why? Because faith is the only burden Jesus gives his sheep, and faith is not heavy at all.

E L Zacharias

commented on Feb 9, 2018

Excellent! Jesus condemned the Pharisees for the same things. "They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them (Matthew 23:4). WOE to anyone who would do such things. Pious Pharisees will ask you to carry the heavy burden; a loving Shepherd will carry your burdens and give you a cross that is NOT HEAVY at all! Why? Because faith is the only burden Jesus gives his sheep, and faith is not heavy at all.

Martin Joplin

commented on Mar 8, 2010

While I agree with some the exegesis of this message, I think it serves up a big slice of "what people really want to hear." I'm leery of messages and people who deliver them that let conversion have so little effect. Born -again should eventually bear fruit. If not I pray for that person and share with them as if they are lost. It's always tough to tell whether the person who bears no fruit was simply abandoned at (new) birth and never discipled or if she/he was miscarried by weak conversion messages. God will be the judge. Until then we need to be very careful not to "lower the bar" to make people feel good about their fruitless faith.

E L Zacharias

commented on Feb 10, 2018

Martin, look where you place the glory: On the "born-againers" and not on God. But look who does the saving. It is God who gives faith which makes them "born of water and the SPIRIT" (John 3:5). Without God you are dead in your trespasses and sins. Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. He did it by calling them to himself. He did not call them to trust in their own works. He condemned those who trusted their own work of salvation more than they trusted God (Matthew 23). PHARISEES proudly "set the bar" for excellence; Jesus tore it down. Take heed, for you are on shaky ground. Return to Christ who alone is Savior.

Allen Morningstar

commented on Mar 8, 2010

If You Want To Be Saved... Why don't we go to the bible and see what Peter, an apostle, said when he was asked. Simple and to the point. The Response to Peter’s Address Acts 2:37 Now when they heard this, they were acutely distressed and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “What should we do, brothers?” 2:38 Peter said to them, “Repent, and each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 2:39 For the promise is for you and your children, and for all who are far away, as many as the Lord our God will call to himself.” 2:40 With many other words he testified and exhorted them saying, “Save yourselves from this perverse generation!” 2:41 So those who accepted his message were baptized, and that day about three thousand people were added.

E L Zacharias

commented on Feb 10, 2018

Allen, I'm glad you pointed out that the Holy Spirit is active in salvation, saving them through Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection. The Spirit worked through the Word to save them, bringing them to repentance and to receive the baptism that gave the "forgiveness of sins." Glory to God, for by believing the message they were saved by faith, through their baptism into Christ. The Gospel is so crystal clear. God wants to save all, but a perverse generation want to make it about doing pious works. Proclaim God's grace, that salvation is available to all who receives the gift of the Holy Spirit: salvation that saves you, your children, and those who are far off. God is good. Those who deny God's work proclaims a different gospel and is accursed (Gal 1:8).

Fred Miller

commented on Mar 8, 2010

"Just pray the prayer, and ask for it!..." For sure salvation is a Free Gift through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, generously given to to those who seek it. However, in our efforts to simplify and make the way of Salvation desirable we tend to avoid seriously explaining the issue of Repentance. In reality we are born rebels, enemies of God, defiantly raising ourselves to his level, cursing Him, questioning Him, contradicting Him, and accusing Him of all sorts of heinous actions. Until we realize our rebellion marks us for death, the penalty of a traitor, and at the same time deprives us of the meaningful life He planned, and the benefits He wants to give us, we are lost and destined for Hell. Until we realize our desperate situation, throw up our metaphorical hands, wave the white flag and surrender, admitting our rebellion, and yielding to His Lordship, the gift of salvation is not freely given! Where ever, how ever, and in what manner we surrender is of little importance. It is the realization of what we are, and that we want to stop being what we are, so we can become, by God's Grace, what he promises to make us, that opens the door. The content of the sinners prayer has to be more than just the right words. The prayer for salvation has to be the expressive desire of the will. When we surrender, we are making the choice to change sides, and giving our loyal allegiance to Him, throwing our selves onto the mercy and grace of Jesus, our kinsman redeemer. Instantly we become recipients of His Holy Righteousness! The act of submission to Christ results in a new life, a new beginning, that will take us in exactly the opposite direction we have been going. The date, and the time are immaterial. Who we tell is also of little consequence. The change that happens in the sinners life soon becomes self evident, if for no other reason than their life moves in the opposite direction. Salvation is just the beginning of an incredible journey that results from daily living as close to our Saviour, and discovering all we can about Him. Discipleship, service to the Saviour, should be a normal result of our new life. Followers of Christ make a clean break. We cannot be "Christian Rebels," partially saved gangsters in the family of God! Followers of Christ step out to serve, obey, and trust. Sometimes we are better at it than others, and sin, not accidentally but willfully! But..."if we confess our sin He is faithful and Jut to forgive us..." So a Christian keeps short accounts, we strive to be His faithful servant. Lukewarmness is not the hallmark of a Christian. Christians are not "conservative," they are avid followers of Jesus Christ! "BornAgainers" are into "OneAnothering!" Christians are obvious!

E L Zacharias

commented on Feb 10, 2018

Fred, you are royally confused. The Apostle Paul says that until Christ changed us, we were "dead in trespasses and sins" (Ephesians 2:1-5). How can dead men come to God? God comes to us. That is the Gospel. How can rebels make themselves God's friend? How can rebels just "change sides"? No, rather, GOD has reconciled us through Jesus Christ, cancelling the power of sin. Notice how you make the Gospel a Law: YOU MUST DO MORE THAN just pray the right prayer.... Proclaim the Gospel, clearly: Those who believe in him are saved. They will NOT perish but HAVE eternal life. They have crossed over, from death to life. It's about believing, NOT following steps.

Jeff Strite

commented on Mar 8, 2010

I appreciate Mr. Moyer's examination of the Revelation 3:20 passage. Many well meaning people have misused this to teach the prayer of salvation (which also is something God never said) and as a result people do fall into the trap of wanting to "feel" saved rather than depending upon God's faithful promise that if we believe, repent, confess Jesus as Lord and are baptized into Christ we will be saved.

Ron Satterwhite

commented on Mar 8, 2010

Thanks for the clear message, for years man has been complicating the clear message of salvation. It is all an issue of grace vs. works. We allow Satan to win the victory when we muddy up the message !

Abiodun Adeniyi

commented on Mar 9, 2010

The Bible is like a wet clay in the hands of most preachers but if the they preach to win souls for Christ through the misinterpreted verses what shall we say to that?. The problem is when they preached to win to themelves gains or committs fundamental errors capable of sending people to hell and deny the existence or the power of Christ.

E L Zacharias

commented on Feb 10, 2018


Jim Kilson

commented on Mar 9, 2010

Though I have always appreciated Larry Moyer's articles, finding them to be very insightful, I have to raise a point of disagreement concerning his view that Ezekiel 3:18-19 doesn’t have anything to do with evangelism. Moyer is right in the fact that we aren’t personally responsible for anyone’s final destination in eternity save for our own. Everyone is personally responsible for either accepting or rejecting the salvation that Christ offers. That being said, Christians do have a responsibility to share Christ with the world, it’s an obligation, not an option, and it is an obligation we’ll be held accountable for. When we stand in judgment before God we’ll all give an account of everything we’ve done and everything we’ve failed to do. Those charged with declaring God’s word have a weighty responsibility to be faithful, and if we’re not faithful to that task, we will be held accountable, facing whatever the consequences may be. Moyer is right in the fact that the context of Ezekiel 3:18-19 does indeed speak about physical death, but there parallels to the spiritual that can be drawn. Consider Paul’s words to the Jew’s at Corinth “Your blood be upon your own heads, I am clean.” With these words Paul made it clear that he had fulfilled his responsibility to preach the Gospel, and they had to opportunity to accept it which they did not. It’s as if he’s saying “If you people are lost in Hell, and likely you will be, the guilt for your destruction is your own.” Perhaps Paul had the Ezekiel passage in mind when he speaks as he does to these rebellious people. Ezekiel 3:18-19 does indeed have an evangelistic role to play, but as with anything people can take it to an unbiblical extreme, which I think is the crux of the matter.

E L Zacharias

commented on Feb 9, 2018

God's message through Ezekiel is that we pastors bear the responsibility of speaking to those who err and who otherwise are heading to eternal condemnation. By speaking, we have become the means by which the Holy Spirit can work. The person may hear and believe, thereby repenting of their way and finding forgiveness. When we speak God's Word faithfully, we have let the Word out to do its work.

Juanita Gilbo Ricard

commented on Mar 9, 2010

This article is interesting. My situation was different. I was born to and raised by two Godly parents. I was raised in Church. We had a great life. My parents witnessed by their life and their conversation. I love talking about Jesus. I realize there are some very shy folks that are wonderful Christians and I do pray for them. Talking about Jesus is as natural as my own breathing, but this gift only comes from God. There is nothing I can do on my own. I do believe, however, as stated in Ezekiel 33 that if I do not warn someone of their sin (when God prompts me to) then I am most definitely held responsible for that person.That in no way subtracts from the joy that I have in knowing Jesus. We should live every day as if He were returning today.Tell everyone we can about His Love, whether it be in person or over the phone, email,or cards and letters. I do not want to waste a single opportunity of telling someone about Jesus. I know I have not always been obedient and am determined not to fail. I know some Christians who know the date when they came to the Lord, but most don't. So what? It is the experience that counts. Once you get truly saved and sanctified you can't help but tell others about Jesus. Just remember they will be watching your actions more than listening to your words. "Preach the Gospel. If necessary, use words." (Get the picture?) And especially win children to Jesus. Statistics say that out of five, two will go to hell. Do you want this to happen? I doubt it. What if Jesus were to return today? Would you not want Him to find you about His business? You do the witnessing. Leave the rest to Him.

E L Zacharias

commented on Feb 10, 2018

Amen. It IS God who saves. Therefore, baptize the children and raise them in the Lord, who anoints them in the Savior Jesus, whose death and resurrection saves us. Why do Protestants wait to convince their children to believe in Jesus and make a confession. They deny the Savior who said, LET the children come to me. NOTE that the PARENTS were bringing the children to Jesus. LET them be baptized in my baptism. LET the Spirit of God cleanse them of sin and make them a temple for the Holy Spirit.

Ray Mckendry

commented on Mar 19, 2010

I think it is right to say the Bible teaches salvation by faith alone. That seems pretty clear. But does it say discipleship by faith without absolute surrender? I don't think so because many of Jesus' words regarding discipleship are unswerving. Let your righteousness be greater than that of the Pharisees (Matt 5:20) when you put your hand to the plough do not look back. (Luke 9:62) "Follow me," surely means follow me and no other, always and forever or it has no real meaning as a call to discipleship. Yes, He is forgiving but surely His standard is perfection (Matt 5:48), knowing that while we cannot reach it in this world, we have to have holiness as the standard or there is no other measure by which we can know whether we are following Christ as we ought to or not. It's like saying: "Follow me." The question being: "What rule is there for knowing if we are following you Lord?" and the Lord says: "How long is a piece of string? Do as well as you are able and I will accept that." That is not how I read Jesus' words, sorry.

E L Zacharias

commented on Feb 10, 2018

Awesome. Amen.

John E Miller

commented on Mar 1, 2012

Your Comments

John E Miller

commented on Mar 1, 2012

I must agree with Jim Kilson regarding Ezekiel. We ignore the typology of the Old Testament to our loss, as it applies to the teaching of the New Testament. As far as Revelation 3:20 is concerned we must note the exact words of scripture. The Lord is standing outside a church which professes His name. He is knocking to attract the attention, not of the church, but of an individual (or individuals) who are prepared to invite Him in. Note the continuation, "I will come in and dine with him and he with Me." the next two verses continue on the same line. We live in a day when the church of God publicly is in a state of division, breakdown and ruin. The true church, indwelt by the Spirit of God, guided by the word of God and waiting for the return of its Living Head is there. The old saying, 'All that glitters is not gold' applies to the church today. particularly in the effete western civilisations. What Christ is searching for, I believe, is the pure gold of individual faith and commitment to Him. To that He offers His own fellowship and communion. Only in a gathering of such individuals will the Holy Spirit be free to take of the things of Christ and show them to the people of God. The promise is to the individual first. The questions I must ask is have I heard the Lord knocking and have I opened the door to Him? When such individuals meet in fellowship for the worship of God or for witness to the saving grace of Christ in this dark world, there and there alone do we find the preservation of the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Eph.4:3)

E L Zacharias

commented on Feb 10, 2018

John, you contradicted the clear word of God. You said that Christ was standing outside the church, saying I stand at the door and knock, which is correct; then you say it is for the individual. Jesus implores his church not to let Christ be an outsider, for Christ is not to be an outsider to his own church. Even if this were directed to individuals, the context shows that it would be to those who are already believers. To be sure, simply believe in the Lord Jesus. He has opened the door for you. Believe. Rejoice.

Sandra Leightner

commented on Jul 23, 2012

I agree that not everyone knows the time they were saved -- the classic comparision is that not all people know the moment they fell in love with their future spouse , they just suddenly realized that it had happened and they were in love. There are people rasied in faith households who can't point to an exact moment, but they know that it happened and they are tursting Jesus as savior.

Rev. Phyllis Pottorff-Albrecht, United Brethren Communi

commented on Feb 9, 2018

The best way to address Point 5 - 5. If you’re not willing to confess Christ publicly, you cannot be saved - is to deal with "the rest of the story." Every single living person who was physically present when Jesus said that are the SAME Disciples who scattered and went not hiding after Jesus was arrested. Simon Peter even went so far as to deny knowing Jesus THREE times before the next morning. YET - in spite of the fact that ALL of His closest friends deserted Him when the authorities pounced on Him - Jesus STILL sent word to them AFTEER He had risen - and walked through CLOSED doors to meet with them. When the angels told the women at the tomb to tell the disciples that Jesus had risen from the dead - they said - But go your way, tell His disciples and Peter that He goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see Him, as He said unto you. - Mark 1i6:7. The Heavenly Father wanted to be sure that PETER realized that he was still one of the Disciples, even though Peter had denied knowing Jesus three times before Jesus was crucified. Another issue which you need to clarify for folks is the theory that you MUST forgive others in order for the Lord to "able to forgive you." Again, the thief on the cross is an example. Before He was crucified, Jesus forgave those who were crucifying Him, because they didn't know what they were doing. Yet - when the repenting thief on the cross turned to Jesus and acknowledged Jesus as his Lord and King - Jesus did NOT say - well - first - you have to follow my example and forgive these soldiers who just beat up on you - and are now putting you to death! While it is obvious that the thief on the cross could not hop down from the cross and rush off to the Jordan River to be baptized, could not go tell others about his salvation experience, donate tithes and offerings to the local church, make restitution to those he had wronged, or participate in any other good works - it WOULD have been possible for Jesus to tell the thief on the cross that he DID need to forgive everyone responsible for bringing him to to this end to his life - IF that was an important step toward his salvation. Instead - what the thief DID was to admit that he was a sinner - and acknowledge Jesus as his King and Lord - and - in that instance, Jesus ALSO became his Savior!

E L Zacharias

commented on Feb 10, 2018

In summary, there is nothing we must do to be saved--except BELIEVE. Forgiveness is there for the dying thug on the cross. Forgiveness is there for unbelieving Peter. IF YOU BELIEVE THIS, then please DROP the "public confession, because this is not a step of salvation. Confession is the result of God's saving work. God had let the man come to faith by way of Jesus' words. Jesus affirmed that he was forgiven. Confessing is only giving back what God has already given. Those who believe are justified; those who confess are saved. It's a package deal. To say anything else is anathema.

E L Zacharias

commented on Feb 10, 2018

For Pete's sake, guys. If you all are into this "submission" thing, why don't you all just leave Jesus and become a Muslim? That is the meaning of Islam. They love their prayers, their alms, their recitation of Scripture, and the pilgrimage to Mecca. Steps to salvation, they are told. And they love everything about Jesus, accept that he died on the cross in payment for our sins and rose for our justification. But those who cling to the Law will die by the Law. I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness [come] by the law, then Christ is dead in vain (Galatians 2:21).

Troy Shifflett

commented on Feb 15, 2018

Mr. Zacharias, I really believe you are the one that is confused. I will not argue the fact that before salvation we are dead in sin and that Jesus comes to us. However, when He comes to us, we are not automatically saved. He awakens but His Spirit thru conviction. But still we are dead in our sin. We do not leave the deadness of our sin and pass into life until we are converted (saved) by the grace of God. The Holy Ghost came to Felix the governor and aroused him, but still Felix was lost and we read nowhere of his conversion. Same thing with king Agrippa. The fact is when Jesus comes to us while we are yet dead in sin and awakens us with Holy Ghost conviction, in our deadness we still have to believe. You DO NOT pass into life and then start believing, but you pass into life because you already believed. So believing is a choice we make we Christ comes to us. Further more, the church Christ spoke to in Revelation 3:20. was a backslidden church. It was a church in name only. If they did not repent (which was something they had to do), look at the consequence that they would face. Jesus said I will spue thee out of my mouth. Look at it however you want to, but simply that means I will reject you. I will part ways with you. Do they sound like believers to you?

Neil Keahi

commented on Dec 18, 2019

I remember awhile ago Billy Graham received backlash over Rev.3:20, but if you step back and ponder, not everyone in the church are believers. The parable of the wheat and the tares. How the enemy planted the tares with the wheat, and the man said should we pull the tares. And he replied no! You will harm the wheat. Wait till the harvest. We will burn the tares then. Jesus likens it to the end time harvest how He and the angels will separate those of the kingdom and those who are not. Until then the same God who wishes everyone to be saved. Is knocking the door (heart of the unbelievers). for them to let them in.

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commented on Mar 17, 2022

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Willard Gwyn

commented on Aug 16, 2023

The problem with this position on Rev. 3:20 is that it is a philosophical argument (based on Platonian logic) from apologetics rather than scripturally based. I've seen this before in churches. So, if Jesus doesn't come into your heart, how does he get there? He is there, or did you not know it? Paul says in Ephesians 3:14-17 I pray on my knees before the Father that the Ephesian Christians "would be strengthened with power through Spirit in the inner man, so that CHRIST MAY DWELL IN YOUR HEARTS THROUGH FAITH;..." Their Calvinist/Reformed argument is for control of this subject so that you will have to follow their philosophical agenda. I do agree with some of the interpretation of Rev. 3:20. Christ's dwelling in the believer's heart is another matter.

Rachel Autar

commented on Aug 22, 2023

Aw how I've loved reading all the above. I firmly believe that as a 'WALKING EPISTLE, SEEN AND READ BY MAN..." is on its own, just as powerful and effective as evangelism. The bottom line, people see you before they hear you, therefore, moving as an epistle or a reflection of the Word, followed by sharing with a heart full of love and compassion for the lost, my faith tells me that God will save whoever and whomever that you are sharing with. God bless you all.

Tita Ebcas

commented on Jan 14, 2025

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Tita Ebcas

commented on Jan 14, 2025

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Tita Ebcas

commented on Jan 14, 2025

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