The Resurrection
Contributed by Phillip Smith on Jan 22, 2025 (message contributor)
1. Resurrection?
Contributed on Jan 22, 2025
People all through the ages either believe in a resurrection to a life eternal in the heavens or they do not believe in life after this physical life. There are people who believe in God Almighty and do not believe in a resurrection. They have been deceived by Satan and his angels
People all through the ages either believe in a resurrection to a life eternal in the heavens or they do not believe in life after this physical life. There are people who believe in God Almighty and do not believe in a resurrection. They have been deceived by Satan and his angels, his beasts and ...read more
2. The Gates Of Hell Shall Not Prevail
Contributed on Jan 9, 2025
Have you ever pondered what Jesus meant by ‘the gates of hell’ shall not prevail against the church?
In Mt. 16:18, Jesus replies to Peter saying, ‘…thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Have you ever pondered what Jesus meant by ‘the gates of hell’ shall not prevail against the church? This morning I want to examine these ...read more
3. The Resurrection: When Shall It Come?
Contributed on Jan 28, 2025
We have determined there will be a resurrection of the saints. The next logical question is, “When shall the Resurrection come?” The coming Resurrection some call a Rapture. We will define this term in our lesson today.
In our study of the Resurrection and what scripture tells us, we read the introduction of the topic of a resurrection by our Lord, Jesus Christ. (The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail) Last week we studied the resurrection as spoken by Jesus and his Apostles. (Resurrection?) We have determined there ...read more
4. Are You Ready To Meet The Angel Of Death?
Contributed on Feb 10, 2025
When the Angel of Death comes down after you, can you smile and say that you have been true. Can you truthfully say with your dying breath, that you're ready to meet the Angel of Death.
Several decades ago a music artist sang a song titled, ‘Angel Of Death’. It is about being ready when your time comes to die. Jesus told his disciples “Be ye therefore ready also;” Let us notice the words of this song. "Angel Of Death" In the great book of John You're warned of the ...read more