Sermon Illustrations

Genesis 10 – 11:9….

Look again at verses 10:5, 20, 31…. and 11:1….

What do you think is the explanation for this? – v32 gives the answer; all came from Noah (with his language, but the 3 sons went to all different areas of the world)

The second half of Genesis 11 speaks of Abraham, from the line of Shem (Noah’s son); Jacob who became Israel came from Abraham’s line (Luke 3:23-38).

But in Genesis 10, there was no mention of Abraham or Israel; why do you think this was? – the focus of Genesis 10 was the population of the earth with many people, not just Israel; Genesis 11 starts the focus on God’s Chosen People Israel.

There are many studies of the Names from Genesis 10. As one studies Biblical Prophecies of End Times, many of these nations will be mentioned. For our study, let us just take note of significant things in Genesis 10 (we will look at Genesis 11 in more detail later). Although we can note things in general about nations and future, we will not do a detailed study of each tribe and nation (it could be a fun study but will take much time and effort). And so, let us focus on a few questions and applications.

What’s significant about verse 1? – every person ever born in the world after the flood came from Noah and his family, including the various people of 8 billion today!

What can we note from v5? – most of the people from Japheth’s clan traveled to many areas of the world by boat!

What truths are there from v8-10? – Descendants of Cush were mighty warriors who established empires like the Babylonians!

v9? – at first, Cush and immediate descendants were godly people?

Nimrod? – started godly for the Lord but later rebelled (Tower of Babel?)

What can we say from v11-12? – great nations were built but later Scriptures note ungodly nations

The Philistines are noted in v14; what do we know about them? – went against Israel

What stands out in v19? – the land of Canaan, for God’s chosen People the Israelites, was great!

What do you think are reasons for God putting this chapter in the Bible? – the Bible speaks truth and explains why people are who are today and we must be careful of allowing evil rule in us!

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