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  • Influence Of Prayer In Your Ministry Series

    Contributed by Benjamin Suulola on Dec 23, 2024

    You are one of the army of special breed prayer force that the Holy Spirit wants to train, transform and unleash for the Unstoppable manifestation of God's Power in such a time as this.

    Prayer is the most powerful form of energy we can generate! The energy of Prayer is where every other energy flows and derive their strength. In the last days, the Prophetic return of our Lord Jesus Christ will be preceded by greater reawakening of prayer movement. Just as it has been in the more

  • Empowerment For Deliverance Series

    Contributed by Benjamin Suulola on Jul 13, 2024

    Deliverance from any form of bondage, oppression and assault of the devil is enforced when you become empowered by the Holy Spirit. This is how to handle the devil and beat him at his game hands down.

    A mentor said when you want to eliminate those that are not serious, increase the height a little. Deliverance begins with going to a new height in the Spirit where you can eliminate the forces contending against you. There are heights of the Spirit you must climb to fully render the power of more

  • Live A Delivered Life: Arise And Embrace Your Destiny Series

    Contributed by Benjamin Suulola on Jul 13, 2024

    God is interested in your deliverance. God has paid the price in Christ for our deliverance. It is time to walk in absolute deliverance from every oppression of the devil in your life and Ministry.

    Nothing is good about bondage. Everything is glorious about deliverance. If your life is Confined in any way, it becomes difficult to fulfill the Purpose for which God created you. It becomes almost impossible to be a blessing to others. You can't express your destiny correctly in limitations more

  • Are You Able To Dare For God? Series

    Contributed by Benjamin Suulola on May 13, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Daring greatly for God means you will take a stand for Him and you will trust Him to help you bear the consequence. Many never amount to much in the Hand of God because they kept avoiding taking a stand for God's will and standard.

    I have realized that truly, God wants to use everyone. But not everyone will be used. The determining factor is what we are able to dare for God. That's the dividing line between those who God wants to use and the ones He will eventually use. Daring greatly for God is carrying out risky, more

  • Pursue Something Bigger

    Contributed by Benjamin Suulola on Mar 21, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Change will always require stretching, but that’s where power to Breakfree from status quo is generated. No change that is positive and profitable comes by trying to hold steady when God is saying you should stir things up.

    It is time to break status quo! I don’t know what it means to you. But this is the Word so strong in my spirit for someone this season! You have dwelt so much in the arena of status quo. You have overstayed your welcome in the valley of coping and indecision. We never grow during status quo! It’s more

  • Praying With Spiritual Intelligence

    Contributed by Benjamin Suulola on Oct 28, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    So many prayers remain unanswered because believers employed natural intelligence in praying rather than praying with spiritual intelligence.

    I want to speak to you about praying with spiritual intelligence. This is one of the prayer manners we must understand as we develop in the school of prayer. Spiritual intelligence is superior to Natural intelligence So many prayers remain unanswered because believers employed natural more

  • Praying With Anointing

    Contributed by Benjamin Suulola on Oct 27, 2023

    The power that drives men and women of prayer into powerful encounters with the Powerful God comes from the Holy Spirit.

    Nothing motivates like answered prayer. At the same time, nothing frustrates like unanswered prayer. The Four Common Reasons of Unanswered Prayer There are four common hindrances to answered prayers. The first barrier is inappropriate request, the second obstacle is wrong timing and the third is more

  • Mountain Removing Prayers

    Contributed by Benjamin Suulola on Oct 27, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Enemies don’t give up without a fight. You have to rise up in the strength of the Lord to demand for the victory already given to you in Christ over Satan. Don’t be weary! Stand in Prayer. Keep standing after you have prayed.

    Be a mountain remover. Prayer is operating in God’s energy through faith to dispossess your enemies of their inheritance. Spiritual warfare is not for quitters. It is for those who will stand in faith to resist the devil steadfastly until he flees. It is time to face your mountain I don’t know more

  • How To Keep Your Vision Alive

    Contributed by Benjamin Suulola on Mar 13, 2023

    It takes a God-like vision to make positive difference, bring transformation and to impact our generation for the Lord. But having a God-given vision is not important as being able to keep the vision alive.

    Vision is simply the ability to see what God is doing and the role apportioned to you in bringing it to reality. Your God-given vision is one of the most important reasons for your living. When there is no vision of God to be accomplished with one's life, the purpose of living becomes more

  • Character And Spiritual Power

    Contributed by Benjamin Suulola on Feb 22, 2023

    The Power we need to fulfil the Purpose of God for our lives in our generation rests solely on having, maintaining and retaining the Character of God in our lives.

    God's strategy to defeat the enemies and fulfill His plan through man is character. The character of a man is God's strategy. That's why the matter of character is so important to God. When you check the method of God from the Garden of Eden, the only thing He tied the fulfilment of more

  • The Danger Of Modern Marriage Series

    Contributed by Benjamin Suulola on Feb 22, 2023

    Many people today don't know the reason for marriage. We are in a generation where the intention of God concerning marriage has been buried in the graveyard of modernity.

    Many people today don't know the reason for marriage. We are in a generation where the intention of God concerning marriage has been buried in the graveyard of modernity. The truth that has been given to us in the Scriptures about marriage does not change with time! We must not be passive more

  • Is Jesus In Your Marriage? Series

    Contributed by Benjamin Suulola on Feb 22, 2023

    The Lord taught me that marriage is beyond my idea and if I will not repeat the mistakes of my parents, there must be a perfect agreement between me and my wife to be (then) on who will take the lead in our marital journey.

    Marriage is not man's idea. It works only for those who understand this truth. Marriage is God's idea and it takes His Wisdom and Power to make it work as He designed it to be. JESUS is both Wisdom and Power of GOD. I have seen how people struggle to attain God's best in marriage and more

  • The Flaming Fire Minister

    Contributed by Benjamin Suulola on Feb 22, 2023

    It is the desire of God that His ministers manifest as flaming fire in their generation. The reason is because fire is the identity of God and He has made His ministers to be flaming fire

    It is the desire of God that His ministers manifest as flaming fire in their generation. The reason is because fire is the identity of God and He has made His ministers to be flaming fire (Psalm 104:4). However, there is a need to understand that we don’t just become a flaming fire minister. It more

  • Responding To Crisis Creatively: Lessons For Leaders

    Contributed by Benjamin Suulola on Nov 24, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Whenever things change, change oriented leaders become creative by responding rather than reacting to change.

    This message is going to make a difference to some of us who must respond to the changing seasons in the world. I have been trusting God to help me communicate the practical steps we can take to ensure we don’t become victims of the present shift that is taking place all over the world now. No more

  • Power Of Private Prayer Life

    Contributed by Benjamin Suulola on Nov 23, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    God is calling us to a life in the secret place because glorious things are meant for the secret place.

    The Word VEX means to Torment and Afflict. When the Devil sees that the Church does nothing about his activities, he finds a Comfort Zone. This means that when the Church is cold, Prayerless and without Fire, the church becomes a breeding place for the activities of the devil. The first targets more