
Summary: The Power we need to fulfil the Purpose of God for our lives in our generation rests solely on having, maintaining and retaining the Character of God in our lives.

God's strategy to defeat the enemies and fulfill His plan through man is character.

The character of a man is God's strategy. That's why the matter of character is so important to God.

When you check the method of God from the Garden of Eden, the only thing He tied the fulfilment of man's purpose to was his character.

In the Garden, it was character failure that brought the first man down and disqualified him and everyone born of him.

Sin is a Character problem!

As we have considered the life of Joseph and saw that God tested his character before approving him to bear the fulfilment of His purpose in his own generation.

Joseph passed character test when he said to Potiphar's wife, "How could I violate his trust and sin against God?" (Genesis 39:9 MSG).

What Joseph was dealing with here is the issue of Character. Joseph knew what many of us don't know about sin today.

Joseph knew that sin is simply VIOLATING a Trust.

This was the point where Adam lost his POWER with God. He violated the TRUST GOD had in him.

How many times have we been violating God's trust in us. This is the reason many have lost the power with God.

The Power we need to fulfil the Purpose of God for our lives in our generation rests solely on having, maintaining and retaining the Character of God in our lives.

This is what Christ came to restore and has made possible for us in the Holy Spirit. He came to give us the lost character of God that was betrayed into the hand of Satan.

Character is Power.

When Joseph passed the character test, he got the Power of God to fulfill his destiny.

Do you need the Power of God to fulfill God's purpose for your life?

Stop compromising in Character!

Stop violating people's trust and God's trust in you!

Let go of your garment, the garment may mean your job, relationship, benefits, titles, or whatever serves your need if it is making you violate God's trust and causing you to sin against him.

That's how to make spiritual progress as a good minister of Jesus.

Let us pray that the Lord will deal with Character problem in our lives. Please deal with it to the root, Lord!

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