The State Of The Union
Contributed by Jay Robison on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The president gives an annual state of the union address. Marriage is the foundation of our society. What is the state of that Union?
May 15, 2005 Jay Davis Robison GENESIS 2:20-25
Every January the President gives very important address called the state of the Union, gives account of Unique challenges facing the nation.
What are agendas and solutions from President
But there is an even more important union for us today
Family Matters what is the State of the Union: marriage?
Is it easier successful marriage today than it was 15 yrs ago or 50 yrs ago? Now people talk about how long they’ve been together Marriage is mocked in the media, don’t see positive examples.
Marriage is hard today man told me this week, fought everyday. For 5 years not worth it, shouldn’t stay together for kids. Marriage seen as easily disposable, and a battleground. Friend going through divorce, his wife’s friends at work telling her to get shark lawyer take him for all he’s got
Is it an out of date idea, no longer functional?
MARRIAGE Is God’s foundation for society
Creation story Gen 2 God brings all known animals to Adam to find a companion but none of them will do.
Finally God made Eve not from head to rule over Adam
Nor from the foot so he trample her, put from the rib
Under arm so he protect her, & near his heart so cherish her
Now hear me clearly Trinity family has always & will continue to minister, love and support all types of families; Single parents, divorced, single never married, living together.
But Biblically Marriage is God’s foundation for society
God instituted marriage before Government or the church
Shows just how important family matters are to God
Vast majority of us will marry at one time or another in life. Most of us say one of top goals in life to have happy marriage.
Let’s say in group of cars headed to Disney World told half Will not survive how careful would you be ½ marriages end. Anything not used for it’s purpose From pencil to a jet plane, Will be damaged, destroyed & weakened Marriage purpose
Marriage is part of the original creative activity of God. We have basic need for companionship Listen to what Adam says looking at Eve Vs 23 NKJV “This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.”
No Question about Adam’s delight, can hear him say WOW!
Underline bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh They have been one as one flesh, no hint of man’s or woman’s inferiority to the other
Ea partner BRINGS SOMETHING other DOES NOT HAVE that means there will be differences between you and spouse it’s supposed to be that way, why you were attracted to each other. The question is how do you deal with the differences.
Share the deepest LEVELS OF COMMUNICATION CLICHÉS, how ya doin? Fine how are you. FACTS, the electric bill is due Tuesday. OPINIONS, I really like this TV show CONVICTIONS, I have always believed FEELINGS, I was so hurt and embarrassed when NEEDS, I need . . this is vulnerable dependent These are elements of any growing relationship
Some of you have been through divorce know pain
When 2 parts no longer 1 whole
Can pull on my right arm right now, pull it hard enough it comes off, how would I feel? Off the ceiling
After divorce people say my heart ripped right out
Bible especially KJV gives us a picture of the 2 as 1 Marriage Vs 24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, & shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
Ideal of this r-ship does not come easy Sophie & Shirley, 2 elderly widows in Fla adult community, curious about latest arrival in their building a quiet, nice looking gentleman who keeps to himself. Shirley says, "Sophie, you know I’m shy Why don’t you go over to him at pool & find out little about him. He looks so lonely." Sophie agrees, so later that day at pool, she walks up to him says, "Excuse me, mister. I hope I’m not prying, but my friend and I were wondering why you looked so lonely." "Of course I’m lonely, he says, "I’ve spent the past 20 yrs in prison." "You’re kidding! What for?" "For killing my 3rd wife. I strangled her." "What happened to your 2nd wife?" "I shot her." "And, if I may ask, your 1st wife?" "We had a fight & she fell off a bridge." "Oh my," says Sophie. Returning to her friend on other side of pool, she yells, "you’re never going to believe this, Shirley. He’s single."