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  • Can We Depend On God

    Contributed by Jay Robison on Nov 6, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    In uncertain times can we depend on God? God is present with us, God knows all about us; including our strengths and weaknesses, God continues to call us forward

    CAN WE DEPEND ON GOD? September 2, 2012 Jay Robison GEN 28:10-17 PS 91:1-11 Though he’s remembered as hero, Jacob was surely a scoundrel He was not kind of person you’d want to go in business with Or the kind of man you’d want to marry your sister Jacob=heal grabber one who more

  • Come Together

    Contributed by Jay Robison on Nov 6, 2012

    As the family of God our church is called to come together in relationship with one another. We support and encourage one another. We are better together

    COME TOGETHER Sept 16, 2012 Jay Davis Robison ISA 64:4-8 GAL 3:1-8, 26-29 There are so many things that divide us our nation unsettling division Even at VBC if we were to choose many things can divide us Raise hand if right handed, left? Male, female, understand other sex How many of you are more

  • So What's Your Excuse

    Contributed by Jay Robison on Nov 6, 2012

    Moses had excuses for why he could not serve God. So do we. But if we give ourselves weaknesses and all to God, God can and will use us.

    Found list of excuses for accident on ins forms I thought my window was down, but found it was not when I put my hand through it As I approached intersection a stop sign suddenly appeared where no stop sign ever before and I was unable to stop in time to avoid accident I was sure the old more

  • Giving God Our Weaknesses

    Contributed by Jay Robison on Nov 6, 2012

    As we give God even our weaknesses we find a new depth to God's love for us and we also discover that God can use those weaknesses for God's glory

    What is your Achilles’ Heel? Achilles warrior in ancient mythology Believed to be invincible in battle Except for one weakness in his heel, touch it Achilles helpless What are your weaknesses? What is your Achilles’ heel? Weaknesses or vulnerabilities that hold us back May be a more

  • What Do People Find When They Come To Viewmont?

    Contributed by Jay Robison on Nov 6, 2012

    What do people find when they come to our church? They should find a connection with God, an understanding of the significance of life, and Community with others.

    WHAT DO PEOPLE FIND WHEN THEY COME TO VBC October 28, 2012 Jay Robison PS 16:1-11 HEB 10:19-25 If the department of transportation is to be believed and They ought to know, each week over 150K pass by VBC Knowing that must ask ourselves few Qs who are they? What are needs? How are we more

  • 5 Things That Make God Smile

    Contributed by Jay Robison on Nov 6, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The 5 things that make God smile are 1-When Satan falls like Lightening, 2-When the power of God flows through us, 3-When people receive salvation 4-As we live out Child Like Faith, 5-When we join with God in changing the world

    What are 5 things that make you smile? Few years ago SF Chronicle Asked what 5 things make you smile most among answers Choral music performed well, Awesome hugs, A massage A good tip, Dance that amazingly clicks, children laughing Realizing I love my job, Things that are meaty, fatty, & more

  • Becoming God's Sign

    Contributed by Jay Robison on Sep 28, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    Mother Teresa said become God's sign in your community. We must point others to Christ

    BECOMING GOD’S SIGN Aug 14 2011 J Robison JN 1:43-51 PS 139:1-6 13-18 2 COR 5:16-21 Title for today’s message comes from quote Mother Theresa Make it a special point to become God’s sign in your community Becoming a sign for God in US has become increasingly difficult Yr ago more

  • Let's Be A Church That Takes The Roof Off

    Contributed by Jay Robison on Sep 28, 2011

    A group of friends took the roof off to bring someone in need to Jesus. Lets be a church that takes the roof off to bring others to Christ.

    LET’S BE A CHURCH THAT TAKES THE ROOF OFF July 24, 2011 Jay Davis Robison MARK 2:1-12 ISAIAH 43:18-25 What is the greatest danger our church faces today? Heresy? No Financial collapse? Sure times are tough but no Conflict? We are full of human beings but not that either Greatest threat more

  • The Journey Begins

    Contributed by Jay Robison on Sep 28, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon was preached as I began a new ministry. We must leave some things behind to move ahead, but we must also move ahead.

    As you might imagine I have been thinking a lot about journeys lately Trips to Hickory and Lexington Came back from CBF in Tampa and Journey here Bible seems to have someone always on a journey Noah in an Ark, Abram going to land he knew not of Ruth to land of Naomi, Jonah to Ninevah, Paul on more

  • The Journey Begins

    Contributed by Jay Robison on Sep 1, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The sermon marked the beginning of a new field of ministry for me. The children of Israel were on a journey as all churches are. There are principles we can learn from them about getting to our Promised Land.

    THE JOURNEY BEGINS July 10, 2011 Jay Robison EXODUS 12:31-40 As you might imagine I have been thinking a lot about journeys lately Trips to Hickory and Lexington Came back from CBF in Tampa and Journey here Bible seems to have someone always on a journey Noah in an Ark, more

  • One Way To Know God Better Series

    Contributed by Jay Robison on Jan 11, 2011

    Fasting is one way we can grow to know God better. Fasting involves agreement, alignment, and then God’s assignment. The three A’s are from Stovall Weems

    Pursing Jesus: TO KNOW GOD BETTER January 9, 2011 Jay Davis Robison Joel 2:12-32 So let me ask you, Have you broken it yet? New Year’s resolution To go on a diet, or be on time, save $$ or improve a relationship Talked to a guy to resolved to quit smoking asked how’s it going? Great more

  • What Do You Have To Eat

    Contributed by Jay Robison on May 13, 2010

    The disciples were struck by the fact that Jesus was not hungry. He reminded them that his focus in life was serving his heavenly father. We must have the same focus.

    What Do You Have to Eat? Jay Robison JOHN 4:31-38 Do you like to Eat? Of course we all do I’ve had Some memorable meals.. Vol Nat'l Pk Hawaii lodge dessert Hilo berries only grow there at Jenny's Diner Lou. Greasy spoon, get Sweet Daddy platter 1.25 lbs of Hamburger, with fries, more

  • Living The Resurrected Life

    Contributed by Jay Robison on May 13, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    What does it mean to live after the resurrection of Jesus? As Christians we must Open our Heart, Use our head, and Lend a hand

    Sources for the Sermon Include sermoncentral, Broadman Bible Commentary, and Paul's Letters from Prison by Houlden Includes outline for congregation at the end LIVING THE RESURRECTED LIFE Jay Robison COLOSSIANS 3:1-4 Last week I read a list of things a pastor should not say at more

  • A Good Word For The Mother-In-Law

    Contributed by Jay Robison on May 13, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Naomi was a powerful influence on the life of her daughter-in-law Ruth. This sermon examines their relationship. I also encourage positive family relationships.

    Sources for this sermon include 1994 Minister's Manual and the Broadman Bible Commentary. Outline included at the end. A GOOD WORD FOR THE MOTHER-IN-LAW Mother’s Day 2010 RUTH 1:6-18 Baby asked God They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being more

  • The Way Of The Cross

    Contributed by Jay Robison on Feb 24, 2009

    This sermon looks at Jesus’ agony on the cross and what it accomplishes in our lives.

    THE WAY OF THE CROSS They’re hurting him. Make them stop," cried 4-year-old Caitlin as she watched the Easter cantata. She stared w\wide eyes as Jesus was beaten, mocked, & crucified. Earlier she had danced and sang as Christ healed the brokenhearted, forgave sins, and more